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Free Response Warm Up #39 Copyright © “Ziaphra” (

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1 Free Response Warm Up #39 Copyright © “Ziaphra” (

2 Agenda Digital Photography
Photoshop Discovery Activity Some of you have used Photoshop a lot and some of you hardly at all. This assignment allows you to work at your own pace, but you need to MAKE SURE YOU PUSH YOURSELF TO DISCOVER/LEARN NEW THINGS! Open your favorite photographs (that you’ve taken) in Photoshop and work with them in order to see what you can make Photoshop do (be careful not to save over your originals, though—see step 3). Save at least 5 of your files in a new folder in YOUR HOME directory called “Photoshop Studio Assignments” (keep them ORGANIZED!). Save them as Disco 1-5… BE SURE TO USE SAVE AS! Not Save… otherwise your original will be lost!

3 Same Rules as always: Classroom Rules & Expectations : Be on time and on task for the duration of the class period. No cell phones or electronic devices (bell-to-bell- NO CELL). No headphones. No food or drink of any kind in the classroom. And for today… NO “helping” other students with PhotoShop… that’s the point of a Disco Day!

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