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Differenze di genere nei BPSD nelle demenze

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Presentation on theme: "Differenze di genere nei BPSD nelle demenze"— Presentation transcript:

1 Differenze di genere nei BPSD nelle demenze
Simona Luzzi Clinica Neurologica Dipartimento di Medicina Sperimentale e Clinica Università Politecnica delle Marche Sostituire queste immagini di esempio con immagini personali. È semplice: Selezionare l'immagine di esempio ed eliminarla. Fare quindi clic sull'icona Inserisci immagine all'interno della cornice e cercare l'immagine desiderata.

2 Sex vs gender





7 hormonal genetic





12 ADHD Stuttering Dyslexia

13 Autism-spectrum disorders

14 Schizophrenia

15 Depression Anxiety Panic disorders







22 J Clin Psychiatry. 2012 Dec;73(12):1548-54. doi: 10.4088/JCP.11m07614.
Gender differences in clinical manifestations and outcomes among hospitalized patients with behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia. Kitamura T, Kitamura M, Hino S, Tanaka N, Kurata K. paranoid, delusional ideation (12% vs 41%, P < .001) hallucination (7% vs 29%, P < .001) affective disturbances (20% vs 40%, P < .001) anxieties and phobias (15% vs 44%, P < .001) aggressiveness (78% vs 52%, P < .001) diurnal rhythm disturbances (89% vs 79%, P < .05)

23 J Clin Psychiatry. 2012 Dec;73(12):1548-54. doi: 10.4088/JCP.11m07614.
Gender differences in clinical manifestations and outcomes among hospitalized patients with behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia. Kitamura T1, Kitamura M, Hino S, Tanaka N, Kurata K.  Incidence of favorable discharge lower in men (60% vs 77%, P = .0173)

24 Asian J Psychiatr. 2017 Apr;26:124-128. doi: 10. 1016/j. ajp. 2017. 01
Asian J Psychiatr Apr;26: doi: /j.ajp Epub 2017 Jan 24. Gender differences in behavioral and psychological symptoms of patients with Alzheimer's disease. Lee J, Lee KJ, Kim H 125 patients Mild vs moderate AD Domains examined: Memory ADL BPSD

25 Asian J Psychiatr. 2017 Apr;26:124-128. doi: 10. 1016/j. ajp. 2017. 01
Asian J Psychiatr Apr;26: doi: /j.ajp Epub 2017 Jan 24. Gender differences in behavioral and psychological symptoms of patients with Alzheimer's disease. Lee J, Lee KJ, Kim H Depression/Dysphoria symptoms (BPSD) in the mild dementia group (t=-2.344, p<0.05).



28  Antidepressants protective in men
associated significantly with lower 2-year mortality in men (HR, 0.61; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.40–0.92) Benzodiazepines increased mortality Antipsychotics (tyical/atypical): no difference



31 The Y chromosome is small and encodes few genes, whereas the X chromosome is large and gene-rich.


33 Considerate la vostra semenza: fatti non foste a viver come bruti,
ma per seguir virtute e canoscenza. Inferno Canto XXVI

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