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Que . Accident is ____________

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Presentation on theme: "Que . Accident is ____________"— Presentation transcript:

1 Que . Accident is ____________
Unfortunate Mis-happening Sudden All the above All the above

2 Que . Which is not included in the cause of accident due to worker?
Lack of concentration Poor housekeeping Mischievous behaviour Overconfidence Poor housekeeping

3 Bad construction of plant Faulty equipment’s
Que . Which is not included in the cause of accident due to management? Bad habits of worker Untrained Workers Bad construction of plant Faulty equipment’s Bad habits of worker

4 Que . Who can be responsible for accident?
Worker Management Working conditions All the above All the above

5 Que. Who is responsible for “unguarded moving parts”?
Worker Management Government All the above Government

6 Irregular floor heights Quarrels of workers
Which is not included in the causes of accident due to “Unsafe working Conditions”. Chemical Leakages Suffocation at work Irregular floor heights Quarrels of workers Quarrels of workers

7 Which is not included in the causes of accident “due to nature”
Floods Gas Leakages Heavy Rains Temperature Strokes Gas Leakages

8 Who gets affected directly or indirectly due to accident.
Worker Industry Family of Worker All ALL

9 Which is not the “effect of accident on worker”
Injury to body Production Stoppage Loss of Job Financial Loss Production Stoppage

10 If affected worker is recovered within 10 hours, then which type of accident is it?
Minor Reportable Major Fatal Minor

11 Which is not included in the causes of accident “due to nature”
Floods Gas Leakages Heavy Rains Temperature Strokes Gas Leakages

12 What happens in fatal accident?
Hospitalization Fractures Disablement Death Death

13 Injury after accident disables the affected worker forever is _________ accident.?
Fatal Major Permanent None Permanent

14 Internal accident means
Accident in the company premises Injury without showing external signs a & b Both None Injury without showing external signs

15 Which preventive measure industry should take to avoid accident?
Safety provisions Training for Safe Working Safety devices All the above All the above

16 Industrial Acts are useful for ___
Guarantee of employee welfare Provision of Legal Platform Removes Extortion of Workers All the above All the above

17 Indian Factory Act is passed in
1935 1947 1948 1991 1948

18 Major amendments done in Factory act in
1948 1952 1976 1991 1976

19 Adolescent is a person of the age between
15 – 18 years 18 – 21 years 21 – 25 years 58 – 61 years 15 – 18 years

20 Day as per Factory Act is
6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Period of 12 hours period between 2 midnights None of the above period between 2 midnights

21 A Labour Welfare Officer is appointed in the factory as per Factory Acts when there are ____ minimum workers. 100 300 500 1000 500

22 As per Factory Act, one box of First Aid is provided for _________ workers.
100 200 150 500 150

23 Workman’s Compensation Acts is passed in _____
1924 1948 1950 1934 1924

24 Employer has to give compensation under which case.
Injury cased during employment Injury caused by accident Any disablement/death after accident All the above All the above

25 Minimum Wages Act was passed in
1924 1935 1948 1952 1948

26 Minimum Wages which are fixed are declared by Government through
Newspaper Magazine Official gazette All Official gazette

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