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Political Parties and Interest Groups

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1 Political Parties and Interest Groups

2 Development of American Political Parties
Two Party System Political party- association of voters with common interest in the role of government America considered to have two party system (Democrat and Republicans) Constitution says nothing about political parties Came into existence after Washington left office (dispute over strong vs. weak national government)

3 Development of American Political Parties
Democratic Party- came into existence 1828 under Andrew Jackson Republican Party formed to oppose slavery, Lincoln first Republican president (1860) Third Parties- challenges main parties, rarely win major elections Two most influential in late 1800’s and early 1900’s Progressives, Populist parties

4 Development of American Political Parties
Third Parties Single issue parties- promote social, economic, moral issues (not to win elections), fade away after issue is no longer important Ideological parties- focus on major changes in society (Communist, Libertarian, Green Parties) Independent Candidates- form around well known individuals Third parties rarely win elections problems with raising money, getting on ballot

5 Development of American Political Parties
Two party system rare Most other countries have multi-party system One party rarely wins control of government, several parties often work together One party system, party and government are the same thing (Communist China) One party systems are not democratic

6 Development of American Political Parties
Political parties link between citizens and elected officials, help make elections meaningful Democrats believe federal government should be more involved in regulating economy, education, etc. Republicans favor less government regulation Both try to appeal to as many voters as possible, avoid taking extreme positions How do parties differ? Platform- series of statements explaining positions, principle and beliefs on election issues Plank- each individual part of platform

7 Organization of American Political Parties
National Party Organization National Conventions Each party has national committee Representatives from every state, raise funds for elections, organize party’s national convention Leader of committee national party chairperson Committees create television, radio, internet ads, manage candidates’ websites Main job of national committee, national convention every 4 years Delegates from all states nominate candidates for president and vice president, Delegates chosen through caucuses Delegate’s first job write the party’s platform, second job nominate party’s presidential candidate Democrat and Republican parties have House and Senate committees made up of members of Congress; to help elect and reelect party members

8 Organization of American Political Parties
State and Local Organization Both parties, have 50 state committees Job is to focus on electing party candidates to state offices Local party organizations consist of city and county committees Each city or county is divided into precincts (specific area where people vote) Each precinct has a precinct captain to organize party volunteers and encourage voters to vote Several neighboring precincts make up a ward (members represent the ward at the county committee)

9 Organization of American Political Parties
Political Machines Local party organizations that have become so powerful they win elections year after year Most famous late 1800’s in NYC Tammany Hall, most famous leader “Boss” Tweed Helped immigrants when they first came to America with social services in return for votes When political party is in power too long they become less responsive to citizens

10 Role of Political Parties Today
Primary Elections Political parties select and offer candidates for public office; done through nomination Major parties nominate candidates through direct primaries (preliminary election determines who will represent the party in the main election) Most states hold closed primary (only members of the party can vote) A few states hold open primary (voters do not have to declare their party preference)

11 Role of Political Parties Today
Primary Elections Closed primary keeps people from crossing party lines promote the weaker candidate Does not permit a truly secret ballot because voters declare party preference Most states award party’s nomination to the candidate who receives a plurality, (most votes among those running); other states require that the winner must have a majority No majority, state holds a runoff between the two top vote getters Candidates not affiliated with a political party can get on the ballot by petition

12 Role of Political Parties Today
Other Party Roles Campaigning for Candidates Raise money for campaigns, help candidates get across their ideas and views on public issues to voters “Get out the vote” drives Informing Citizens Inform citizens through pamphlets, speeches, and ads

13 Role of Political Parties Today
Other Party Roles Help Manage Government Parties help the elected official hand out jobs to supporters Linking the Different Levels of Government Parties help link local, state, and federal party officials Act as a Watchdog The party that loses watches the actions of the party that won so that they can use their mistakes against them in the next election

14 Influencing Government
Chapter 11 Influencing Government

15 Public Opinion Public Opinion- ideas, attitudes about elected officials, candidates, government, political issues Shapes decisions government makes Opinion not uniform- Why? Personal background- age, gender, race, income, religion, etc. all play roles on the public’s opinion Mass Media- radio, TV, advertising. Provides powerful images that influence opinion Public Officials- influence public opinion through press conferences, speeches, TV appearances, and articles Interest Groups- people who share a point of view about an issue; hope to change public opinion through ads and actions

16 Public Opinion Components of Public Opinion
Direction- where people stand on issue Intensity- strength of opinion on an issue Stability- how firmly people hold their position on an issue; most people will not change their minds on issues but will change their minds on a candidate

17 Public Opinion Measuring Public Opinion
Measured by election results and public opinion polls Public opinion poll accurate measure of opinion, closely monitored by politicians Random Samples- modern polling is a science, use cross section of society to take a sample Good polling can get an accurate picture of public opinion Process can be manipulated by changing wording of questions

18 Public Opinion Polls and Democracy
People who support polling- supports democracy by allowing officeholders to keep in touch with citizens’ changing opinions Critics of polling- elected officials more concerned with following the public rather than exercising political leadership, elected official may hesitate to make a decision for fear of upsetting the public

19 The Mass Media Plays role in influencing politics and government
Link between elected officials and public Two types- print and electronic They are businesses for profit, decide to run what attracts most people, bring best advertisers Most people rely on TV for information, newspapers read by older demographic, internet usage higher among younger groups

20 The Mass Media The Media’s Impact on Politics and Government
Setting the Public Agenda- media brings an issue to the forefront of American attention Promote Candidates- makes possible rise of unlikely politicians; can promote style over substance Elected Officials- need media to promote ideas and actions; may leak info to press to test public reaction (trial balloon), press uses inside info to enhance their careers

21 The Mass Media The Media’s Impact on Politics and Government
Watchdog Role- Journalist eager to expose government corruption, look into politicians private lives (need to feed 24 hour news cycle) Media and National Security- tension between need to protect secrets vs. public’s right to know

22 The Mass Media Protecting the Media
Government plays role in ability of mass media to operate freely Press has First Amendment Rights Supreme Court ruled press has protection from prior restraint, gives reporters and editors freedom to decide what they will say Press cannot commit libel Monitored through Federal Communication Commission (FCC), can’t censor press but can punish violations

23 Interest Groups Interest groups- people who share a point of view and unite to promote viewpoint, by nature they are biased Types of interest groups Economic interest groups- largest and most powerful, influence government decisions on taxes, safety regulations, winning government business Trade groups- to promote products Labor Unions- promote interests of workers; wages, working conditions

24 Interest Groups Types of Interest Groups
Other Interest Groups- organized to promote ethnic group, age group or gender (NAACP, AARP, NOW) Environmental groups Public Interest Groups- support causes that affect the lives of all Americans; Common Cause works to control pollution, reform election campaign practices, and to protect consumers

25 Financing a Campaign Methods to finance campaigns established by Congressional legislation Recently efforts to reform how candidates raise money Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA) 1971- Congress passed FECA put controls on campaign financing Required public disclosure of each candidate’s spending records Limited the amount of hard money that individuals or groups could donate to a candidate or political party 1974- Federal Election Commission created, job is to administer all federal election laws, monitor campaign spending

26 Financing a Campaign Supreme Court ruled in Buckley v. Valeo, government had the right to set limits on campaign contributions to keep corruption out of elections Also declared that there was not a limit to how much of their own money candidates could spend

27 Financing a Campaign Soft Money and Political Action Committees (PACS)
Most money for campaigns comes from private sources (citizens, corporations, labor unions, interest groups, and PACS) PACS- organizations set up by interest groups to collect money to support favored candidates To get around FECA restrictions on campaign income, candidates seek soft money donations (given to a political party and not designated for any particular candidate’s campaign) Was supposed to be used only for general party building purposes but candidates are constantly dipping out of the fund

28 Interest Groups Primary goal is to influence public policy, focus efforts on elections, courts and lawmakers Form PACs to collect money used to support candidates Use influence in the legal system, suing those who break the law Use lobbyists to influence lawmakers Lobbyists represent interest groups by making direct contact with lawmakers to influence policymaking Lobbyists are usually paid and have good understanding of the workings of government

29 Interest Groups Techniques of Interest Groups
Want to increase influence by recruiting more members, get opinions across through variety of media Use propaganda techniques to promote ideas Endorsements Stacked Cards: where only one side of the issue is presented Name-Calling Glittering Generality: sounds good but is meaningless Symbols Just Plain Folks: showing that a candidate is a hardworking common citizen like most people The Bandwagon: saying that everyone agrees with this interest group or candidate and you should too

30 Interest Groups Regulation of Interest Groups
Federal Election Campaign Act 1971 regulates the monetary influence of special interest groups Federal Regulation of Lobbying Act means lobbyists have to disclose who hires and pays them Laws call for a waiting period for ex- government officials so they can’t use inside knowledge and friendship with politicians Critics say money and lobbyists buy too much influence

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