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RPO, RTO & SLA: 3 Letter Words for When the SHT hits the FAN

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1 RPO, RTO & SLA: 3 Letter Words for When the SHT hits the FAN
Josh Smith RPO, RTO & SLA: 3 Letter Words for When the SHT hits the FAN

2 Who’s This Guy Then? Production DBA (5 Years) Spokane PASS Chapter Leader (2 years) Social media in order of formality… This developer loved NOLOCK.

3 But first: Thank you! Any questions feel free to let me know at any time…

4 What We Do: Protect the Data!
We think a lot about the things we hope we never have to do. Recover corrupt data Recover purged data Recover deleted data Recover dropped database Recover failed SQL Instance Recover failed server How can we lose data? Let’s recount the ways: User deletes data (in the application or via SSMS) Deletes updates without a where clause Application errors Disk corruption Some vendor drops their application database on accident SQL instance failure Hardware failure Bojack Horseman, Thoughts and Prayers 2017

5 What Do Our End Users Think About?
Unless they’ve been told otherwise your end users believe their data will be available 24x7 with no downtime and no data loss! A Service Level Agreement is a way to let them know this is not the case… Here enters the SLA: you don’t want to wait until a disaster to work out the details of your recoverability. Bojack Horseman, Let’s Find Out 2015 Our Databases and Tables: What’s Stored There? Do They Store things?? Let’s find out!

6 Recover Point Objective
How much data can the business afford to lose? Measured in time (minutes to days) This will determine your back frequency and strategy. Standard RPO I can lose no data I can lose x minutes of data I can lose x hours of data I can lose x days of data Daily full?, weekly full + diffs Logs Log shipping? AG? Bojack Horseman, Yesterdayland 2015

7 Recovery Time Objective
How long can the business afford for the application to be down. Measured in time (minutes-days) Time to recovery will define recovery plan. What are our recovery options? AGs Log Shipping Secondary site Bare metal restore Bojack Horseman, Brand New Couch 2015

8 An SLA is Negotiation An SLA informs everyone what the ultimate expectation is regarding the data. Other important information can be added: Do regulatory requirements regarding the data exist? Document them here, so everyone knows what the expectations are. Sumary slide: The SLA is the tool to have a discussion around what you have the resources to accomplish. AGs are expensive and difficult to maintain. If your org can’t afford the effort they won’t be able to avoid downtime in disaster. Once the SLA is initially filled out an honest conversation about the time and money to meet those requests can be had.  DON’T WAIT FOR A DISASTER TO WORK OUT THE DETAILS Additional important information can be added Are there regulatory requirements for handling data and backups? When are your maintenance windows? Etc. [“demo” Sample SLA] Bojack Horseman, Brand New Couch 2015

9 Samples Blank SLA Brent Ozar worksheet:
Your org may have SLA templates already (even if you have application SLAs you are off to a good start) I have a nice formal looking sla that can be adapted () Brent Ozar has a good worksheet in their First Responder kit (show sample) Bojack Horseman, Later 2014

10 Fin

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