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Daniel 7 – 12 Apocalyptic Prophecy

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1 Daniel 7 – 12 Apocalyptic Prophecy

2 Four Approaches to Apocalyptic Literature:
Preterist: Views all events as occurring in the past. Futurist: Views all events as occurring in the future. Historicist: Views all events as development of salvation history (history of Israel or church age) Idealist: Views all events as symbolic in nature, representing good vs. evil.

3 Setting: “First year of Belshazzar of Babylon” (553 BC)
Daniel’s vision comes during the Babylonian Captivity Major Biblical World History: Assyrian Empire (722 – 605 BC) 722 BC Assyrians take over Northern Kingdom (Israel) Babylonian Empire (605 – 539 BC) 587 BC Babylonians take over Southern Kingdom (Judah) Medo-Persian Empire (539 – 332 BC)

4 Major Biblical World History
Greek Empire (332 – 167 BC) 332 – 301 Alexander the Great 301 – 200 Ptolemies (Greeks in Egypt) rule 200 – 164 Seleucids (Greeks in Syria) rule 168-7 Antiochus IV defiles Temple Hasmonean Uprising/Rule (167 – 63 BC) 164 Restoration/Purification of Temple Roman Rule (63 BC – AD 70) AD 70 Temple destroyed

5 Daniel 7 What do we know about the man, Daniel?
What is the historical background? In other words, what is the setting of Daniel? What do the four beasts represent? What do the horns of the fourth beast represent?

6 Four Beasts “Great Sea” – Mediterranean Sea (Ezek 47:10, 15)
4 Beasts (similar to dream in Daniel 2) Some interpret these as 1) Babylonia; 2) Media; 3) Persia; 4) Greece First beast (vv. 4, 17): Babylonia (winged lion was motif for Babylonian art) Second beast (vv. 5, 17): Medo-Persia (bear) Third beast (vv. 6, 17): Greece (leopard: four heads = four generals who divided Alexander the Great’s empire upon his death)

7 Fourth Beast Fourth beast (vv. 7–8, 18–27): Rome “horns” = power
10 horns = 10 kings or provinces of Rome? 11th horn = Antichrist? (1 John 2:18; Matt 24:10 – 12; 2 Thess 2:3; Mark 13:14) Preterist: 10 horns are provinces of Rome and the little horn represents the Caesars. The 3 kings subdued represent the Triumvirate of Marc Antony, Lepidus, and Octavius. The downfall of the little horn is the triumph of the gospel in the church. Futurist: 10 horns are 10 different kings throughout time. Rome is symbolic of those authorities that oppose God. The little horn is the Anti-Christ at the end of time.

8 Fourth Beast “for a time and times and half a time” (v. 25)
See Beast from the Sea (Revelation 13:1–10; 17:9–13) Like a leopard, bear, lion 7 heads with 10 horns: In Daniel, there were four beasts and the third beast had four heads ( = 7). Rev 17:9 indicates that the 7 heads are 7 mountains (Rome, built on 7 hills?) and 7 kings. 10 horns identical to Daniel 7. Ten diadems = kings? Speaking arrogant words/blasphemies (Rev 13:5–6) “for a time and times and half a time” (v. 25) Generally taken to mean 3 ½ years but could be more symbolic in nature to mean that the time will be cut short (7 is a number for completion) “extension of life was granted to them for an appointed period of time” (v. 12) See also 42 months of Rev 13:5

9 Questions Who is the Ancient of Days and what do we learn about him (vv. 9 – 10)? Who is the Son of Man and what do we learn about him (vv. 13 – 14)?

10 Ancient of Days “thrones” – either reflective of throne for Ancient of Days and Son of Man or a plural form though one throne was intended since monotheistic “Ancient of Days” – Jewish idiom for eternality of God “white garments” – purity and splendor “hair like wool” – majesty, splendor, wisdom of old age “throne was ablaze” “wheels a burning fire” – judgment (Ezekiel 1) “thousands upon thousands” – countless number (Rev 5:11) “books opened” – judgment

11 Son of Man “Son of Man” – often a reference to a human being (Ezek 2:1–2). Here it seems to denote more. Came with the clouds (often used with theophanies – Ex 16:10; 19:9; Lev 16:2; Dt 1:33; 1 Ki 8:10; Isa 19:1) Given dominion and kingdom over all people. Everlasting dominion and kingdom Jesus frequently refers to Himself as “Son of Man” throughout the Gospels (Matt 16:26; 19:28; 26:64). One of the most powerful references is from Rev 1:12 – 20 and Rev 14:14.

12 Questions Why did Daniel keep the matter to himself (v. 28)?
What is the point of this passage? How do we apply it to our lives?

13 Purpose God’s people should be prepared for numerous world powers to replace one another (Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome). God’s people should be prepared that they will suffer at the hands of these world powers but only temporarily. Rome will be far more powerful than the first three powers and will treat God’s people worse than any other. Despite the oppression by these world powers, it will only be temporary because God is sovereign over it all. The Kingdom will not be taken by these world powers but will be given freely by God (Ancient of Days) to the Son of Man (Jesus Christ), who will rule forever and ever.

14 Application God is sovereign over all worldly events.
These worldly powers, specifically Rome, are symbolic of entities that are at war against God throughout time. The little horn is a picture of the Anti-Christ. Though there is suffering for those who follow Him, there will be a day of judgment. In the end, Jesus Christ will triumph and those who stand against Him will be judged and destroyed. The outcome of the war was decided in the death and resurrection of Jesus. We are still waiting for the battles to play out.

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