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We will try to help students who are bullied.

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Presentation on theme: "We will try to help students who are bullied."— Presentation transcript:

1 We will try to help students who are bullied.
Teachers….click on the link below and have this video playing while students are entering Advisory period. When the bell rings go to slide 2 on this PowerPoint.

2 The Role of the Bystander

3 What is a bystander? A bystander is someone who sees or knows about bullying but does nothing to help the person being bullied. During a bullying situation you can either be part of the problem by being a bystander or part of the solution.

4 Watch this video clip about bysanders.

5 Activity 1. Get help from an adult 2. Talk to the person in private
In this activity I (the teacher) will read some bullying scenarios to you. Then you decide what you would do in that situation. There are 4 different responses to the bullying situations which are posted around the classroom. 1. Get help from an adult 2. Talk to the person in private 3. Ignore or walk away 4. Try to stop it myself

6 (move to one of the 4 possible responses in the room)
Scenario #1  A few of the baskettball players are standing in a hallways joking when they spot a smaller classmate struggling to carry his school books. One of the boys stick his foot out and deliberately trips the smaller boy and they all laugh and call the boy names, like “clumsy” and “dork.” What would you do? (move to one of the 4 possible responses in the room) Once all students are at one of the response locations teachers lead a discussion with the students asking them to explain their choices.

7 Scenario #2 What would you do?
During lunch period a girl is making her way through the lunch line when a classmate approaches to ask her if they can cut in front of her place in line. The girl replies no, reasoning that it isn’t fair to the people behind her. Annoyed, her classmate steps in front of her and takes her place in the line. What would you do? (move to one of the 4 possible responses in the room) Discuss choices. If it is 8:15 or close to it skip the next scenario and go to the slide titled, You have a choice!

8 Scenario #3 A girl new to AMS is quite shy. She moved here a few months ago and has not yet made many friends. She carefully balances her food tray as she exits the lunch line. As she tries to find her way to a seat, she realizes that most of the tables in the cafeteria are full. She shyly asks a group of girls if she can sit at their table, at which point one girl puts her leg on the only spare seat at the table and replies that there isn’t any room left. What would you do? Discuss Choices

9 You have a choice! The Bystander or The Upstander
When you witness or know about bullying you have the choice to be….. The Bystander or The Upstander

10 Which role will you play ?
Bystanders- stand by and watch or encourage the bullying. Upstanders- stand up and do something that helps the person being bullied.

11 Research shows that Upstanders can effectively stop bullying within 10 seconds of an intervention — so, what are you waiting for? On a post it note write down...I will STAND UP !

12 Put the post it note on your agenda to remind yourself and others that we can make a difference!
I will STAND UP! I will STAND UP!

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