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Knox County Schools Social Studies Department

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1 Knox County Schools Social Studies Department

2 Objectives At the conclusion of this session, participants will:
have a greater understanding of the expectations and essential information aligned to the Knox County Schools Social Studies Department become familiar with the six essential social studies practices

3 Why Social Studies Matters
One of the longtime goals of public education is to produce young people capable of participating in the democratic process. Experts say that goal requires regular and high-quality social studies lessons, starting in kindergarten, to teach kids to be critical thinkers and communicators who know how to take meaningful action.

4 Department Staff 10th Floor, AJ Building 865.594.1730 (office)
Judy W. Newgent, Social Studies Supervisor, K-12 Katherine Petko, K-12 Instructional Coach Dean Burress, K-12 Instructional Coach Vickie Beckers, Administrative Assistant

5 Social Media Follow on Twitter @KCSocialStudies
Tweet Tweet!

6 Superintendent Thomas’ Three Overarching Goals
The Social Studies Department Provides Critical Support for Superintendent Thomas’ Three Goals: Increasing Student Achievement Creating a Positive Culture Eliminating Disparities in Education

7 Curriculum and Resources

8 Social Studies Department Website Social Studies Curriculum and other Resources TEACHER Pages on SchoolWires Log-in with Active Directory Credentials ~Go to ~ Click Departments ~ Scroll and click Social Studies ~ You may need to sign-in, again, using your Active Directory Credentials ~ On the About Social Studies page, and to the right side of page, see For Elementary Social Studies Teachers ~ Click on appropriate grade level: eg. Kindergarten Teacher ~ If prompted, re-enter user name and password ~ Access Curriculum and Resources

9 Tennessee Social Studies Standards for K-12
Local curricula (found on SchoolWires) are written to the social studies standards and provide guidance for instruction New K-12 standards implemented in SY Local Training (throughout the upcoming SY and summer 2019)

10 TN Social Studies Strands C- Culture E- Economics G- Geography H- History P- Political Science, Governance and Civics T- Tennessee Are noted at the end of each standards Think of these six separate strands as comprising the whole of the Social Studies curriculum framework.

11 Textbook Log-in Information Studies Weekly for Grades K, 1, 2, 3, and 4
Online access directions are located on SchoolWires on the About Social Studies page

12 Textbook Log-in Information Tennessee Through Time, 5th Grade
For Teachers: Go to  Click Add to Cart, which is in the red box (the one on top) and to the right of Tennessee Through Time:  The Later Years  $0.00.  After clicking Add to Cart, click Register. You will then be on the Site Registration. Complete that portion, using your KCS address and a password of each teacher's choice.  Confirm the password. Click the box beside the phrase Is Teacher. Complete first name and last name. Click Register. Click Complete Purchase (there is not an actual purchase with this set up, of course).   Tennessee Through Time:  The Later Years should be seen at the top of the page.  Click that title, and you should have access. For students: ALL students gain access to the site by using the following district-wide login information. Username: 5kc37917  Password: kcstttgrade5 

13 Resources/booklets for grades K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
TN History for Kids Resources/booklets for grades K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Resources/booklets for grades 8, 10, and 11 Website:

14 State Social Studies Assessments
Pause for grades 3-5 state (local module assessments available on SchoolWires) Operational for grades 6-8 (pencil/paper) Operational for grade 11 (online) Online blueprints are available Find all practice resources at Click: Education Click: Assessments Click: Social Studies

15 2018-2019 SY Textbook Adoption Curriculum Writing
In preparation for the new K-12 standards

16 Professional Development

17 …and speaking of best practices!
Six Social Studies Practices Grades K-2 Grades 3-5

18 Social Studies Practices
Examine foundational skills that guide inquiry and critical thinking in the social studies classroom Students will progress through the inquiry cycle by analyzing primary and secondary sources to construct and communicate their conceptual understanding of the content standards and to develop historical and geographic awareness. Social studies practices are specific skills that students should apply when learning social studies. Like the social studies standards, the social studies practices should increase in rigor as students get older. Students should apply these skills to create and address questions that will guide inquiry and critical thinking. These practices should be regularly applied throughout the year. Students will progress through the inquiry cycle by analyzing primary and secondary sources to construct and communicate their conceptual understanding of the content standards and to develop historical and geographic awareness

19 K-2 Social Studies Practices: look-fors in the social studies classroom
Gathering information from a variety of sources Critically examining a primary or secondary source Organizing data from a variety of sources Communicating ideas supported by evidence Developing historical awareness Developing geographic awareness

20 Grades 3-5 Social Studies Practices: look-fors in the social studies classroom
Gathering information from a variety of primary and secondary sources Critically examining a primary or secondary source Organizing data from a variety of sources Constructing and communicating arguments supported by evidence Developing historical awareness Developing geographic awareness

21 Questions

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