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Presentation on theme: "PLANNING, IMPLEMENTING, AND EVALUATING OUTREACH PROGRAMS"— Presentation transcript:

AMAT Conference | September 20th, 2017

2 Hi There! I AM TANISE LOVE Minority and Faith Based Program Manager
Donate Life North Carolina

3 Husband


5 Plan/refresh a program
objectives Plan/refresh a program Implement a program Continuously evaluate a program

6 You can do anything, but not everything. – David Allen


8 Brain DUMP Getting everything out of your brain and on to paper.
Writing a list of miscellaneous thoughts on a piece of paper.

9 Brain DUMP Prompts Anything you haven’t had the time to do?
Projects you’ve started but not completed? Projects that you need to begin? Any outstanding commitments? Do you owe communicatons to anyone (inside or outside your organization)?

10 Brain DUMP Prompts Any writing to need to complete (reports, proposals, plans)? Any materials to need to create? Any professional development issues (wants/needs/changes) that should be addressed? Any research that needs to be done?

11 WHYYYY? Helps trigger the brain to forgotten tasks
Shows you have things you need/want to do Redefine current program/start new Maybe you need an intern or college program? – Come see me and Amanda tomorrow!

12 I ain’t got time for that

13 LET’S BREAK IT DOWN CDCynergy Program Planning Model
Developed by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in 1990s Presents a general methodology for health communication program planning Literal step by step guide to address health issues: is the hesitation to donor registration a health issue? Absolutely!


15 CDCynergy Program Planning Phases
Phase 1: Problem definition and description Phase 2: Problem analysis Phase 3: Planning Phase 4: Implementation Phase 5: Evaluation Phase 6: Do it

16 Phase 1: Problem defiition and description
1.1 Write a problem statement. 1.2 Assess the problem's relevance to your program. 1.3 Explore who should be on the planning team and how team members will interact. 1.4 Examine and/or conduct necessary research to describe the problem.

17 Phase 1 Continued: Problem defiition and description
1.5 Determine and describe distinct subgroups affected by the problem. 1.6 Write a problem statement for each subgroup you plan to consider further. 1.7 Gather information necessary to describe each subproblem 1.8 Assess factors and variables that can affect the project's direction, including strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT).

18 You have 1 minute to check that text message and we’re moving on!

19 Phase 2: Analyze Problem
2.1 List direct and indirect causes of each problem that may require intervention. 2.2 Prioritize and select subproblems which need interventions(s). 2.3 Develop goals for each subproblem. That is, specify the impact you want to have on the problem. 2.4 Examine relevant best practices.

20 Phase 2: Analyze Problem cont.
2.5 Consider strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats (SWOT). 2.6 For each subproblem, select the intervention(s) will address the causal factors of the problem. 2.7 Explore additional resources and new partners. 2.8 Acquire funding and solidify partnerships. Develop plans for interaction with both staff and partners. (This a biggie).


22 Phase 3: Planning 3.1 For each subproblem, decide whether communication is needed at a administrative level or general organizational level. 3.2 Determine whether potential audiences contain any segments large enough and unique enough to justify a separate communication intervention. 3.3 Decide which audience segment(s) you intend to reach and influence with your communication efforts. 3.4 Write communication goals for each audience segment.

23 Phase 3: Planning cont. 3.5 Examine and decide on communication efforts to gain insight into: 1) ways to achieve your communication goals and 2) direction any prior research 3.6 Review literature and conduct necessary research to acquire information needed to help plan and achieve communication goals. 3.7 For each audience segment, include information on possible concepts/messages, settings, channel-specific activities, and support materials.

24 Phase 3: Planning cont. 3.8 Rewrite communication goals (from Step 3.4) as measurable communication objectives that explicitly state what you want each audience segment to know, feel, and do. 3.9 Write a creative brief to provide guidance in selecting appropriate concepts/messages, settings - activities, and materials. 3.10 Confirm plans with appropriate stakeholders, discuss the need for evaluation, and address requirements of time and resources.

25 Phase 4: Implementation
4.1 Work with partners to draft a timetable, budget, and plan for developing and testing concepts, messages, settings, activities, and materials. 4.2 Develop and test creative concepts with intended audiences. Concepts should be based on results of your formative research. 4.3 Develop and pretest messages with intended audiences. Messages should be based on theory and the results of your formative research, including concept testing. 4.4 Pretest and select settings, the places where you hope to expose your audience to messages. 4.5 Select, integrate, and test channel-specific communication activities.

26 Phase 4: Implementation cont.
4.6 Identify and/or develop, pretest, and select materials. 4.7 Decide on roles and responsibilities among staff and partners to execute the communication plan. 4.8 Produce materials for dissemination. 4.9 Finalize and briefly summarize the communication implementation plan. 4.10 Share and confirm communication plan with appropriate stakeholders.

27 Phase 5: Evaluation Plan
5.1 Identify and engage stakeholders. 5.2 Describe the program. 5.3 Determine what information stakeholders need and when they need it. 5.4 * Write intervention standards that correspond to the different evaluations that will be conducted. 5.5 * Decide which sources of information and methods will be used to gather data for answering stakeholder questions and comparing intervention outcomes with intervention standards.

28 Phase 5: Evaluation Plan cont.
5.6 Develop an evaluation design that illustrates how methods will be applied in collecting credible data from the sources of information determined in the previous step. 5.7 Develop a data analysis and reporting plan. 5.8 * Formalize agreements and develop an internal and external communication plan with staff and partners. 5.9 Develop an evaluation timetable and budget. 5.10 Summarize the evaluation implementation plan and share it with appropriate staff and stakeholders.

29 Phase 6: Get ‘er done! 6.1 Integrate the communication and evaluation plans. 6.2 Execute the communication and evaluation plans. 6.3 Manage the communication and evaluation activities included in the implementation plan. 6.4 Document feedback and lessons learned. 6.5 Modify program components based on evaluation feedback. 6.6 Disseminate lessons learned and evaluation findings.


31 NCDOT Professional Development Session – 1 year in the making, 6 different schools represented.

32 Small group from all staff lunch and learn at NC A&T
Small group from all staff lunch and learn at NC A&T. 60 faculty and admin across two sessions during ECHO. 6 solid connections and higher engagment with current volunteer.

33 Church, steeple, people…Donate Life Month event with volunteer and her local church community – multiple faith leads across NC for year long engagement.

34 Make it happen Choose one thing from your dump list, write how program planning can help make this a reality.

Thanks! me at


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