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(but in reality…it’s still messed up today….)

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2 1960-1965 (but in reality…it’s still messed up today….)
The Congo Crisis (but in reality…it’s still messed up today….)

3 Background End of colonialism created a political & economic vacuum in Africa By 1960’s, many European colonies had been granted independence…without much guidance

4 Causes of the Congo Crisis
Belgium had not set up a smooth transition of power The Congo inherited Belgium’s debt/economic burdens Congolese political system was not strong/stable The Union Minière (UM) influence in Katanga Belgian Troops refused to leave The Cold War Failure of the UN

5 1950’s Congolese protest for independence

6 June 30th 1960, The Congo becomes independent with Patrice Lumumba as its Prime Minister and Joseph Kasavubu as the President Kasavubu, Lumumba and Belgian King, Baudouin.

7 Violence breaks out, Congolese army 9ANC) under white officers…leads to privates revolting and attacks on Belgians

8 CIA campaign to show Lumumba was a communist & turn support against him
Protest sign against Lumumba for being a communist

9 ANC (Congo Army) riots against white officers, attack them, Belgians and other Congolese. Belgian troops are flown back to the Congo.

10 Moise Tshombe declares Katanga’s separation from the Congo on July 11th Belgian troops move into Katanga to protect him

11 Lumumba asks the US for support in getting the Belgian troops to leave and Katanga reincorporated into the Congo. He’s told to go to the UN for help.

12 Lumumba asks the UN for help
Lumumba asks the UN for help. He’s told it’s an internal problem, they can only send peacekeeping troops. They won’t force the Belgians to leave. Lumumba meeting with UN leader Dag Hammarskjöld

13 With no one left to turn to, Lumumba asks the USSR for assistance
With no one left to turn to, Lumumba asks the USSR for assistance. They send food/medicine. August 5th 1960, USSR demands Belgium leaves Katanga.

14 September 16th 1960, General Joseph Mobutu forcibly takes control of the Congo. Kicks Soviets and PRC out of the Congo.

15 Lumumba is put under house arrest, protected by UN troops.

16 Lumumba is put under house arrest, protected by UN troops.
Lumumba escapes…but is captured by Mobutu’s troops in December 1960.

17 Lumumba is handed over to Tshombe
Lumumba is handed over to Tshombe. Lumumba, Maurice Mpolo and Joseph Okito are beaten repeatedly. With the help of Belgian forces, the three are taken to the woods and murdered. Three weeks later they claim Lumumba was killed by “enraged villagers.” This sparks international protests.


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