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Unit Nine Grade Eight.

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1 Unit Nine Grade Eight

2 1. apt (adj) suitable, fitting, likely; quick to learn
syn: appropriate, fit, proper, liable ant: inappropriate, unlikely, slow

3 2. awry (adj/adv) in a turned or twisted position or direction; wrong, out of the right or hoped-for course syn: (adj) crooked, askew, amiss ant: (adj) straight, symmetrical

4 3. bludgeon (n) a short club used as a weapon
(v) to strike with a heavy club; to use force or strong arguments to gain some point syn: (n) cudgel (v) clobber, clout

5 4. capitulate (v) to end resistance, give up, surrender, throw in the towel
ant: hold out, persist

6 5. chafe (v) to warm by rubbing; to wear sore by rubbing; to feel annoyance or dissatisfaction, annoy, irk; to strain or press against (n)a sore or injury caused by rubbing syn: (v) irritate, scrape, abrade ant: (v) soothe, mollify, please, elate

7 6. defile (v- trans.) to make unclean or dirty, destroy the purity of
(v-intrans.) to march in a single line or columns (n) a narrow passage; gorge, canyon syn: (v-trans.) pollute, contaminate, desecrate ant: (v-trans.) cleanse, purify

8 7. dire (adj) dreadful, causing fear or suffering; warning of trouble to come; demanding immediate action to avoid disaster syn: disastrous, ominous, sinister, urgent ant: favorable, auspicious, beneficial

9 8. disarming (adj) charming, tending to get rid of unfriendliness or suspicion
syn: endearing, winning ant: alarming, troubling, disquieting

10 9. disgruntled (adj-part.) in bad humor, discontented, annoyed
syn: displeased, grumpy, surly ant: pleased, satisfied, content

11 10. encroach (v) to advance beyond the usual or proper limits; trespass
syn: intrude, infringe

12 11. endow (v) to furnish, equip, provide with funds or some other desirable thing or quality
syn: grant, bestow, present, bequeath ant: take away, deprive

13 12. fend (v) to ward off, resist; to get along, manage
syn: stave off, cope

14 13. impunity (n) freedom from punishment
syn: exemption from penalty, immunity

15 14. mien (n) air, manner; appearance; expression
syn: look, bearing, demeanor

16 15. penal (adj) having to do with punishment
syn: correctional, disciplinary

17 16. pertinent (adj) related to the matter at hand, to the point
syn: relevant, germane, apropos ant: unrelated, irrelevant, immaterial

18 17. predominant (adj) the greatest in strength or power; most common
syn: chief, major, paramount, prevalent ant: secondary, minor, subsidiary, rare

19 18. prodigy (n) something wonderful or marvelous; something monstrous or abnormal; an unusual feat; a child or young person with extraordinary ability or talent syn: marvel, wonder, freak, genius ant: dumbbell, dunce, dullard

20 19. recluse (n) a person who leads a life shut up or withdrawn from the world
syn: loner, hermit

21 20. renown (n) fame, glory syn: reputation, celebrity, prestige ant: obscurity, infamy, notoriety

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