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Introduction to Research at CPH

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1 Introduction to Research at CPH
Student Orientation Margaret McGladrey December 1, 2018

2 Human Subjects Protections Training
Step 1: Human Subjects Protections Training a. Go to: b. Create a CITI account following the instructions on this page c. Complete Initial HSP Training Module: Group 2 Social/Behavioral Investigators and Key Personnel d. Save your completion report for your records Any time you engage in research, your protocol must be reviewed and approved by the IRB at UK. This approval is the prerequisite for all publications related to your research and funding of your research projects. Without IRB approval, you cannot receive funding for or publish about your project. Also, the IRB is your friend; they are there to assist the researcher and keep them out of trouble.

3 Get to Know CPH Faculty Members
Step 2: Get to Know CPH Faculty Members Be an active participant in your CPH classes Use the CPH website to learn about your instructors’ research Visit office hours to ask intelligent questions about instructors’ research agenda and how it intersects with your interests Consider performance in class to be “audition” for role in your instructors’ research projects If you’re anything like me, then you have trouble delegating your most critical tasks and responsibilities to others. Faculty feel the same way about their research projects, especially with grant funding and publications on the line. Demonstrate your interest, build trust in your reliability, and don’t push your agenda. Timing is everything.

4 Get to Know Resources and Faculty Outside of CPH
Step 3: Get to Know Resources and Faculty Outside of CPH As your coursework allows, take elective classes outside of CPH with faculty who share your interests Familiarize yourself with ongoing research projects across campus related to your interests, regardless of discipline Explore Center for Clinical and Translational Sciences (CCTS) training resources: Certificate programs in translational science Research 101 modules: Structured mentoring and training programs We regularly partner with faculty in A&S, Nursing, Health Sciences, COM, Communication, Business, the Martin School Markey Cancer Center, Sanders-Brown, CDAR, CCTS

5 Step 4: Take Grant-Writing for Public Health
(CPH 778 Section 1) This Fall or Next Learn about the extramural sponsors of public health research and services programs (NIH, CDC, HRSA, foundations, etc.) Write key sections of your own grant proposal with feedback from the instructor and peers Benefit from the insights of grant-writing professionals and successful research faculty Understand the grant-writing process before entering the “real world” of practice and academia as a professional

6 I’m Here to Help! Margaret McGladrey, MA
Assistant Dean for Research, College of Public Health 111 Washington Avenue Suite 104B

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