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ECOMM 2016 New ways to influence bike use

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1 ECOMM 2016 New ways to influence bike use
Lysanne de Gijt – The Netherlands Advisor at Rijkswaterstaat and Ministry of Infrastructure & Milieu

2 Beter Benutten Programma/ Optimising Use Program: less congestion in 2014, shorter journey times in 2017 Small country, great solutions • User focus approach • Asphalt not the only solution • Regions, businesses and government working together • Customised to the region • Mix of solutions • Connecting services, behaviour and technology In the 'Beter Benutten' ('Optimising Use') programme, the Dutch government, regions and businesses are working together to improve road, waterway and railway accessibility in the busiest regions. First aim has been to reduce congestion at the busiest points by 20 percent in 2014, using a package of around 300 practical and quantifiable measures. The aim of the follow-up programme,  from now up to 2017, is to achieve 10 percent shorter journey times from door to door in the busiest areas. For a fuller picture of the Optimising Use programme Smarter use Investing in new roads results in less congestion. That is crucial for economic development, but asphalt alone is not enough to solve the accessibility problem. Budgets and space are limited, and we also want to keep our cities liveable. That is why making better use of existing roads is at least as important. We are doing this by: Improving the existing roads Offering the traveller more choice and service Increasing the carriage of goods over water Working with businesses to facilitate ‘Work Smart, Travel Smart’. Customised to the region The government and businesses are working together to improve accessibility in the 12 busiest urban regions, using a package of concrete and quantifiable measures that focus on the needs and behaviour of travellers and transport providers. Each region has its own problem areas and travellers, which is why we have chosen customised solutions. After all, what works in the province of South Holland will not necessarily be successful in Groningen. The regions and businesses are also devising ideas and initiatives on their own, which are conditional on co-financing. Mix of measures Optimising Use is not about one single measure; it’s about a combination of measures. More bicycle shelters at stations, and better, readily-available travel information. Not only shorter waiting times at locks, but also reliable sailing times. Arrangements regarding the New World of Work, with discounted e-bikes for personnel. In total, there are more than 300 interrelated measures. Key role for businesses The regional programmes involve a special component: the ‘smart deals’. These are arrangements with businesses aimed at reducing employee travel during the rush hour, by means of tax measures, e-bike campaigns and options for flexible working. It is very important that businesses are committed to this. They participate out of a desire to be attractive, modern employers. And they can also save costs. If travellers adopt different ways of travelling on a long-term basis, we can truly make sustainable improvements to accessibility. Follow-up programme At the start of 2014, new arrangements were made between the government and the regions. They agreed to jointly invest EUR 600 million in the period up to 2017, so that additional measures can be taken to reduce rush hour congestion. The parties involved hope that this investment will result in a 10 percent reduction in door-to-door journey times in the busiest areas. In the follow-up programme, the emphasis is primarily on measures to enable the traveller to arrive at their destination quickly and smartly. Eventuele voettekst

3 Focusarea – Bike • Facilitate and give advise in the 12 regions
• Facilitate and stimulate knowledge exchange between the 12 regions • Make the lessons learned concrete to use in the 12 regions One of the products: Ebook ‘Change is cool’ One of the focusareas is the Bike. This Focus area has as goal to Facilitate and give advise in the 12 region Facilitate knowledge exchange between the 12 region Make the lessons learned concrete to use in the 12 region A product of the focusarea is the ebook ‘Change is Cool’. In this online book we have collected the gained insights of interventions done in the region which has as goal to stimulate bike use. I give a short summary of the results. (I have tot translate the image in English) There are three phases in a project Recruiting participants Stimulate the actual behavioral change Behavior preservation During these phases it is important to pay attention to some points that are need persee, are nice to have and who are socially bound I give some examples Eventuele voettekst

4 Other goals Promoting bike use interventions by Rijkswaterstaat:
Enhance direct exchange urban beltway - Slow traffic Wet infrastructure as support for attractive cycling routes There are other goals that are important for the dutch government. Health, air pollution, co2 reduction, noise, safety In a study conducted by Rijkswaterstaat (the executive arm of the Ministry of Infrastructure and milieu) they focused on health-promoting interventions which can be done by Rijkswaterstaat. Focus on air pollution, health and network. A still relatively unexplored area and thus much potential. In this study three mindsets considered: 1. Wet infrastructure and support for attractive cycling routes 2. Enhance direct exchange urban beltway - Slow traffic 3. Lifting barrier at crucial points All three directions stimulate health protective effects (decrease emissions and nuisance), however, most of the securities is in health promotion category (more exercise, reduce stress, more contact green). Lifting barriers at crucial points Eventuele voettekst

5 To discuss What more psychological principles should we remember as we develop encouraging bicycle use projects? And give some examples how you can do this. Behavior preservation, what do we need to do for users and stakeholders like employers and government? As Rijkswaterstaat (the executive arm of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Milieu) what are other possibilities to stimulate bike use?

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