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ENCM K Interrupts Theory and Practice

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1 ENCM515 -- 21K Interrupts Theory and Practice
* 07/16/96 This presentation will probably involve audience discussion, which will create action items. Use PowerPoint to keep track of these action items during your presentation In Slide Show, click on the right mouse button Select “Meeting Minder” Select the “Action Items” tab Type in action items as they come up Click OK to dismiss this box This will automatically create an Action Item slide at the end of your presentation with your points entered. ENCM K Interrupts Theory and Practice M. R. Smith, Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada 12/1/2018 *

2 To be tackled today Review Subroutines and Interrupts
Architectural Issues regarding 21K interrupts Programming issues regarding 21K interrupts 12/1/2018 ENCM K interrupts -- theory and practice Copyright

3 Subroutines and Interrupts
Very similar in concept Very different in implementation Subroutines occur as part of your normal program flow. You tackle a certain task, written as a subroutine, at a certain location in your code. Time of starting plays no part in the design of a subroutine. 12/1/2018 ENCM K interrupts -- theory and practice Copyright

4 Subroutines are not interrupts!
Subroutines occur when the programmer wants them to occur Specific location in program code where called Specific location in code program where will return to Can prepare for when they will occur so can pass parameters to them Rules are -- save non-volatile registers 12/1/2018 ENCM K interrupts -- theory and practice Copyright

5 Interrupts are not subroutines
Interrupts occur when the interrupt wants to occur NO Specific location in program code where called NO Specific location in program code where will return to Can’t prepare for when they will occur so can’t pass normal parameters to them -- need to use semaphores and messages instead Interrupts may not want to stop Interrupts may want to use volatile registers but subroutines already using them! 12/1/2018 ENCM K interrupts -- theory and practice Copyright

6 From Manual -- 3.6 Interrupts
Interrupts from internal and external conditions -- priority level An interrupt forces a subroutine (sic) call to a predefined address -- the interrupt vector -- unique Normal sequencing occurs after RTI 3 external interrupts (IRQ2,1,0) level or edge triggered Internal -- arithmetic errors etc 12/1/2018 ENCM K interrupts -- theory and practice Copyright

7 Interrupt request is valid if
Not masked Interrupts globally enable (bit 12 in MODE1 register) Higher priority request is not pending. Also can’t interrupt itself -- different from 68k Valid requests invoke a IS sequence that branches to reserved address Reserved addresses spaced at 8 (sic) instruction intervals 12/1/2018 ENCM K interrupts -- theory and practice Copyright

8 Interrupt response must be fast
68K interrupt -- not too fast to get into Finish current instruction (8 cycles) Save next instruction address (12 cycles) Save status register (4 cycles at least) Look in “Vector Table” to find the starting address of the ISR routine (8 cycles to fetch) Fetch the first instruction in ISR Save registers Just as slow to get off! Reverse of above 12/1/2018 ENCM K interrupts -- theory and practice Copyright

9 21K processes the interrupt as follows
Output the interrupt vector address (to pm address bus?) Push current PC (return address) on to PC stack NOT I6/I7 and the “C” stack -- special hardware stack If external interrupt, timer interrupt or VIRTPT multiprocessor interrupt push ASTAT and MODE1 register onto the status stack? Set bit in latch register IRPTL Set interrupt mask pointer (IMASKP) to reflect interrupt nesting level. The nesting node (NESTM) bit in the MODE1 register determines whether interrupt nesting is permitted. 12/1/2018 ENCM K interrupts -- theory and practice Copyright

10 RTI instruction causes
Return to address at the top of PC stack (hardware) Pop value off of the PC stack -- hardware Recover ASTAT and MODE1 if necessary Clear IRPTL and IMASKP Don’t do RTI at the end of the RESET vector, do direct jump -- Special case when starting up the processor 12/1/2018 ENCM K interrupts -- theory and practice Copyright

11 Interrupt latency -- pipeline issues
Stage 1 -- synchronization and latching (1 cycle) Stage 2 -- recognition (1 cycle) Stage 3 -- branching (2 cycles) 12/1/2018 ENCM K interrupts -- theory and practice Copyright

12 Interrupt, Single Cycle Instruction
EXECUTE DECODE FETCH n-1 nop nop v v+1 n-1 IRPTL ->nop ->nop v v+1 v+2 n n+1 v v+1 v+2 occurs recognized n pushed onto stack 12/1/2018 ENCM K interrupts -- theory and practice Copyright

13 Branches can’t be interrupts
nop nop EXECUTE DECODE FETCH n-1 BRA n n+1 nop nop v n n+1 j j+1 v v+1 Occurs and is ignored n+2 pushed on the stack j pushed onto stack 12/1/2018 ENCM K interrupts -- theory and practice Copyright

14 Other things can’t be interrupted
Branch First of two cycles needed to perform a program memory and instruction fetch third to last iteration of a loop wait states for external memory etc 12/1/2018 ENCM K interrupts -- theory and practice Copyright

15 12/1/2018 ENCM K interrupts -- theory and practice Copyright

16 Clearing the Current Interrupt
* 07/16/96 Ignores any interrupt that is already occurring When interrupt initially occurs IRPTL bit is set When interrupt is occurring -- IRPTL bit held clear -- solves a big problem and saves external logic to do equivalent HOWEVER -- you are losing interrupts and “don’t know” (or is there an OVERRUN bit?) Except when by using JUMP (CI) instruction as part of the ISR routine code 12/1/2018 ENCM K interrupts -- theory and practice Copyright *

17 For more information 3.6 -- Interrupts 3.6.1 -- Latency
Interrupt Vector Table Interrupt Latch Register Interrupt Priority Interrupt Masking and Control Nesting Status Stack Save Software Interrupts -- any, specific 12/1/2018 ENCM K interrupts -- theory and practice Copyright

18 Programing a “21K” interrupt
“Pretend it’s a 68K processor” Need to set up interrupt service routine Save non-volatile and volatile registers code recover registers Need to tell processor that “this” interrupt hardware operation is connected to (must cause) “that” ISR Turn “on” the interrupts 12/1/2018 ENCM K interrupts -- theory and practice Copyright

19 What does “21K” interrupt code REALLY look like -- (NOT ‘C’ based)
Example from a program that “just runs” DFT function on startup and nothing else We need to control interrupts whilst running “C” code in Lab. 4 Example from program (my test version of Lab. 4) that is running various interrupts (SPORT, IRQ etc) 12/1/2018 ENCM K interrupts -- theory and practice Copyright

20 21K Processor interrupts -- fast
/* Interrupt Vector table */ .SEGMENT/PM isr_tabl; .EXTERN fftrad2; /* The loader begins with the interrupts up to and including the low */ NOP;NOP;NOP;NOP; /* Reserved interrupt */ ___lib_RSTI: NOP; jump fftrad2 (db); /* Begin loader */ r0=0x21ad6b59; DM(WAIT)=r0; /* Vector for status stack/loop stack overflow or PC stack full: */ ___lib_SOVFI: RTI;RTI;RTI;RTI; /* Vector for high priority timer interrupt: */ ___lib_TMZHI: rti;rti;rti;rti; /* Vectors for external interrupts: */ ___lib_VIRPTI: RTI;RTI;RTI;RTI; ___lib_IRQ2I: RTI;RTI;RTI;RTI; \ Need to change for Lab. 4? 12/1/2018 ENCM K interrupts -- theory and practice Copyright

21 “C model” interrupts -- like this
“C” interrupt handler Jumps somewhere and appears to never return! 12/1/2018 ENCM K interrupts -- theory and practice Copyright

22 BIG Problem The “C” linker pulls in some very special code to make the interrupts happen in the way it wants to. The “C” interrupt model must be doing something very similar to what we want to do, so “go with the flow” We COULD modify the “C” linker code to jump directly to our routines -- see next slide 12/1/2018 ENCM K interrupts -- theory and practice Copyright

23 Modifying “C” interrupt behaviour
12/1/2018 ENCM K interrupts -- theory and practice Copyright

24 But is the effect worth while “at the moment” (I. e Lab
But is the effect worth while “at the moment” (I.e Lab. 4) How many hours spent to save “how many cycles” at 40 MHz? Do we need the extra performance? 12/1/2018

25 Start reading the manuals
There are classes of “C” interrupts built into the “C” model interrupt( int which, function pointer) Overhead cycles at least -- saves most registers interruptf( int which, function pointer) Overhead cycles -- saves some registers interrupts( int which, function pointer) Overhead cycles -- saves very few registers These functions must be allowing the code to behave in the same way we want to make it work -- so go with the flow 12/1/2018 ENCM K interrupts -- theory and practice Copyright

26 12/1/2018 ENCM K interrupts -- theory and practice Copyright

27 Part of interrupt() handler “Saves all registers?
12/1/2018 ENCM K interrupts -- theory and practice Copyright

28 Part of interruptf() handler “Saves volatile registers only?”
12/1/2018 ENCM K interrupts -- theory and practice Copyright

29 End of interruptf() handler Recover registers and then RTI
12/1/2018 ENCM K interrupts -- theory and practice Copyright

30 Start of interrupts() handler ????
12/1/2018 ENCM K interrupts -- theory and practice Copyright

31 “C” model Worked out with Matt and Luigi
There is a “dirty great big structure” being used Each “C” interrupt is controlled by 6 elements -- (r0 = 6 in code on slide 14) starting address of the interrupt stored Info on the register saving model to be used Info on the register recovery model to be used is the interrupt active or is this interrupt spurious ? 12/1/2018 ENCM K interrupts -- theory and practice Copyright

32 “C model” interrupts -- like this
GLOBAL INTERRUPTS LOOK UP TABLE ENTRY 12/1/2018 ENCM K interrupts -- theory and practice Copyright

33 In Lab 4 -- Lets just use “interruptf() “ and “pretend”
What does “pretend” mean -- compromise Write “interrupt” in assembler Save any non-volatile/volatile registers used (as if “C” was not handling the interrupts for us) 68K -- on stack 21K -- switch to (some) alternate DAG registers (i0, i1, i2, i3, i9, i10) -- save others to the stack 21K -- switch to alternate R registers Compensate -- make complicated -- two ISRs -- destroy each others registers if not handled correctly 12/1/2018 ENCM K interrupts -- theory and practice Copyright

34 Interrupts on 21K -- designed to be fast
Finish current instruction (1 cycle) (but what about pipeline issues?) Save next instruction address (hardware) Save status register???? Alternate set of registers available (sometimes) Starting address of the ISR routine at fixed location (0 cycles) 12/1/2018 ENCM K interrupts -- theory and practice Copyright

35 Tackled today Review Subroutines and Interrupts
Architectural Issues regarding 21K interrupts Programming issues regarding 21K interrupts 12/1/2018 ENCM K interrupts -- theory and practice Copyright

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