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Short Stories English 9A.

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Presentation on theme: "Short Stories English 9A."— Presentation transcript:

1 Short Stories English 9A

2 What is a short story? A condensed form of literature
Usually contains: only 1 major plot Fewer characters Fewer settings (many have only 1) a short period of time

3 Protagonist: main character
Types of characters : Protagonist: main character Antagonist: character who is pitted against the protagonist

4 Types of characters: Flat character: character who does not change during the story Round character: character who does change during the story Stock character: character who is found again and again in different literary works. Ex. mad scientist

5 Characterization The method writers use to create a character.
Direct characterization: author tells us about the character Indirect characterization: author shows us about the character (ex. describes how they dress, what they think)

6 Conflict Struggle between two forces in a literary work Man v. Man
Man v. Nature Man v. Self Man v. Society Man v. Fate

7 Plot Series of events related to the conflict Conflict Rising Action
Falling Action Conclusion Exposition

8 Other literary terms found in short stories
Foreshadowing: clues and hints the author gives about what is to come later Flashback: an interruption in the plot to go back to an earlier time Irony: when the audience expects something to happen and the opposite occurs

9 Setting: the time and place the story takes place.
Setting, Tone, Theme Setting: the time and place the story takes place. Tone: the attitudes toward the subject and toward the audience Theme: central idea in a literary work

10 Narration and point of view
Narrator: the person telling the story 1st person: a character in the story is the narrator and tells what happened from his/her point of view. Words like “I,” “me” and “we” will be used. Limited: story is told from the point of view of a single character but no “I” or “me” is used. “He did this” Omniscient: “Godlike” point of view where narrator can tell readers the thoughts, feelings and actions of all characters

11 Short Story Components
STATION 1 Short Story Components

12 STATION 2 Types of Characters

13 STATION 3 Conflict & Plot

14 STATION 4 Misc. Literary Terms

15 STATION 5 Narration

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