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Science - Year 3/4A Autumn 1

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Presentation on theme: "Science - Year 3/4A Autumn 1"— Presentation transcript:

1 Science - Year 3/4A Autumn 1
Forces and Magnets Magnetic Fun and Games Session 2 Task PowerPoint © Original resource copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. We refer you to our warning, at the foot of the block overview, about links to other websites.

2 Thank you for the outstanding research you did for us on how vehicles move on different surfaces. Your findings will be extremely useful as we develop our new range of vehicle toys and games.

3 The next slide shows an example
Today we have a new task for you We want you to find out more about the sorts of forces that are at work in different toys and games. The next slide shows an example

4 This is a game of table skittles
This is a game of table skittles. You play by swinging the ball on its string to try and knock the skittles over. Players compete to knock down all the skittles in as few swings as possible. So what forces are at work in this game? Almost all forces are either Pushes or Pulls Pushes Pulls Make a list of all the pushes and pulls that are happening in this game Here are some you might have thought of You pull the ball towards you as you get ready to swing To swing the ball you push it away from you As the swing of the ball slows down, the force of gravity pulls it back in the other direction eventually it will come to a stop The ball pushes the skittles over if it hits them You push each skittle gently back into its place How many did you get? You may have thought of some of your own! You use a pull to pick up the skittles ready for the next player

5 Here are some reminders to help you with your task
You pull towards you and you push away A roll could be a push or a pull A hit is a push A push or a squeeze can change the shape of something Gravity is a pulling force that makes objects fall or roll back down to the ground A throw is a push and a catch is a pull

6 A twist on a steering wheel is also a push in one direction and a pull in the other
To steer on a scooter, you need to push away from you with one hand and pull towards you with the other

7 Your teacher has laid out a variety of different toys
Your teacher has laid out a variety of different toys. We would like you to help us list all the forces that are at work when a toy is used. It’s time to get started!

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