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Observation vs. Inference

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Presentation on theme: "Observation vs. Inference"— Presentation transcript:

1 Observation vs. Inference
The Ultimate Showdown

2 Review - Observation What is an observation?
Using your five senses to take note of and observe your surroundings Let’s go over our examples!

3 Inference An inference is when you make an assumption or prediction about something that you observe After you make an observation, you usually make an inference about what is going on

4 Let’s practice making inferences!
The next three slides show some fossil imprints that were found during a archeological dig. We’re going to record some observations and then make some inferences about what may have happened millions of years ago….




8 What do you think happened?
In your Journal, please write a short story (around ½ page – be DETAILED please) describing what you think happened to the creatures in our fossil evidence. Using your observations write your inference of what happened.

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