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Presentation – 3 parts: East Suffolk Profile Highlights

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation – 3 parts: East Suffolk Profile Highlights"— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation – 3 parts: East Suffolk Profile Highlights 2. Key points from impact report 2016/17 3. Going forward – major goals and new strategic business plan

2 East Suffolk Profile Highlights/key facts

3 Population

4 Employment in ES

5 Employment Pie

6 Births and deaths of enterprises

7 Health: Life expectancy
Life Expectancy at birth (years) - Males ( ) Life Expectancy at birth (years) - Females ( ) Suffolk Coastal 80.8 84.0 Waveney 79.5 83.0 Suffolk County 80.5 England 79.1

8 Crime and Anti-Social Behaviour

9 Housing

10 Environment CO2 Emissions
Per Capita CO2 Emissions (tonnes per person), (2014) Total CO2 Emissions (kilotonnes), (2014) Suffolk Coastal 5.8 726.7 Waveney 5.4 628.0 Selected Areas N/A Suffolk County 6.1 4519.6 East of England England Household Waste Percentage of Household Waste Sent for Re-use, Recycling or Composting (Financial Year 14-15) Suffolk Coastal 56.48 Waveney 51.79 Selected Areas N/A Suffolk County 53.07 East of England England

11 East Suffolk Profile: Summary
The total population stands at 241,234. The total working age population (those aged 16 to 64 years) is 136,541. 78% of the working age population in employment. Majority of businesses are small and medium enterprises (that is, with less than 250 employees). More births than deaths of enterprises Attainment at KS4 (pupils achieving 5 or more GCSEs at grades A* to C (including English and Mathematics) for the Academic Year was 50% In 2014, 51% of Year 13 school leavers went on to higher education. At the time of the 2011 Census, 1% of the population considered themselves as having very bad health. The total number of reported crimes in 2015 was 14,438, or 60 incidents per 1,000 population. Favourable residual waste figures compared with Suffolk

12 TRACK RECORD Impact report 26 July 2017

13 Some examples

14 Some examples 26 July 2017

15 Previous Business Plan
1. Building on economic prosperity and growth. 2. Ensuring people have the skills for employment. 3. Encouraging a growing, ageing population to be healthy and live well. 4. Reducing inequalities in health, housing and crime 5. Sustainable activities linked to the environment


17 Major Goals 2017-20 Our People – Healthy and Resilient Individuals
Help residents of East Suffolk to access relevant adult learning opportunities. Support people to raise their aspirations and access work, education or training. Increase community and business-led support for people (and their carers) with health challenges such as dementia, poor mental health and long term conditions. Encourage self-help and more physical and social activity to reduce social isolation and loneliness and promote healthy ageing. Support the most vulnerable individuals and their communities by identifying and responding to ‘hidden needs’ and tackling key threats and risks to community safety. Our Environment – Maximising Natural Capital Connect and support key organisation, individuals and communities to promote and initiate community action to support a greener economy whilst sustaining and improving the environment of East Suffolk. Encourage the growth of sustainable tourism which values and where possible improves the natural environment and supports a commercial all year round tourism package for East Suffolk. Promote the use of community assets including community buildings and open spaces to maximise opportunities to improve the environment and biodiversity while delivering local solutions to local needs. Build on the health and wellbeing benefits of exposure to the natural environment and maximise opportunities to increase access to natural assets. Our Places - Resilient Communities and Businesses Enable people to make positive differences for themselves, their families and their communities through effective, joined up support to frontline voluntary and community groups. Increase the social and economic benefit of volunteering by supporting a diverse range of volunteering opportunities and reducing barriers to volunteering. Capture and share learning from place-based work, including in our market towns, that brings partners from across sectors together to test new ways to achieve shared priorities and build strong, economically viable and distinctive places Support a vibrant business ecosystem by working with the independent place based organisations and groups whose purpose is to work for, support and provide services for the benefit of the business community.

18 Strategic Business Plan 2017-20 East Suffolk Partnership VISION:
Inspire our people to be healthy, our communities to be inclusive, our businesses to be productive and our environment to be cherished. Champion truly inclusive growth in East Suffolk that builds on the best of our people, our places and our environment. Make East Suffolk the best place to live, to do business and to cherish the environment Work together to make everyday life better for everyone who lives and works in East Suffolk. 26 JULY 2017

19 26 July 2017

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