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Welcome to CTE Intro..

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to CTE Intro.."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to CTE Intro.

2 Your Teacher Mrs. Julie Thorngren

3 What we cover in this class -
Explore the following areas: Business area: Personal Finance Computer Basics Desktop Publishing **Economics **Agriculture Spreadsheets 10-Key & Cashiering Word Processing Checking **Information Tech Internet PowerPoint Computers **Healthcare **Marketing Human Resources Technology area: Communication, Construction, Transportation

4 Grading Most of your grade will be earned by completing work done during class. Grading scale A= A- = B+ =87-89 B= B- = C+ =77-79 C= C- = D+ =67-69 D= D- = F = 59 & below

5 Missed/Late Work and Extra Credit
All assignments will be completed during class time (if you do not finish in class, you may need to take it home). THERE IS SOME WORK THAT CANNOT BE MADE UP IF YOU ARE ABSENT! It is your responsibility to get work if you are absent. Check my blog! Work needs to be turned in on time and definitely before the final due date. Some extra credit may be given – but all other work must be completed first.

6 Warm-ups *Check stock daily
*Every two weeks, you will either get to add or subtract money from your check register – it all depends on your stocks and how they do

7 Citizenship Grades Citizenship grades will be determined by your attendance and behavior in class. Citizenship Grade Tardies AND Truancies Behavior Problems H – Honor 4.0 0 – 1 tardy None S – Satisfactory 3.0 2 – 3 tardies Minor N – Needs Improvement 1.0 4 – 5 tardies or 1 truancy Major U – Unsatisfactory 0.0 6+ tardies or 2+ truancies Significant

8 Citizenship Behavior that will lower your citizenship grade: CHEATING
Disrespectful toward teacher and/or other students. Inappropriate Language Damaging computers/equipment Food or drink around computers Using electronic devices (cell phones, MP3 players, CD players, etc.) Violating Weber School District AUP

9 Expectations Be Respectful: Be Responsible: Be Cooperative:
Of yourself Of others Of the building and property Be Responsible: For your learning For your behavior Be Cooperative: By obeying rules By following instructions promptly By helping others A positive attitude is the key to your success at Snowcrest Junior High School!!!

10 Just a few more things - Lifesavers - Hall Pass, Excuse a Tardy, or Extra Credit (3 per term) Better Choices Sheet, Apology Sheet, Number paper Seating Chart How to . . . Questions???

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