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Vocabulary Players! Philosophy Sparta & Athens 1pt 1 pt 1 pt 1pt 1 pt

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1 Vocabulary Players! Philosophy Sparta & Athens 1pt 1 pt 1 pt 1pt 1 pt
Heavy Hitters 1pt 1 pt 1 pt 1pt 1 pt 2 pt 2 pt 2pt 2pt 2 pt 3 pt 3 pt 3 pt 3 pt 3 pt 4 pt 4 pt 4pt 4 pt 4pt 5pt 5 pt 5 pt 5 pt 5 pt

2 A group of soldiers who stood in a square to fight

3 What is a “phalanx”?

4 A unit of soldiers who ride horses

5 What is a “cavalry”?

6 An agreement to work together

7 What is an “alliance”?

8 The spread of Greek-like or ___________ culture brought Greek customs to new parts of the world.

9 What is “Hellenistic”?

10 Aristotle preached ordered, or clear thinking also called __________

11 What is “reason”?

12 Cyrus the Great defeated the _______ and won independence for Persia.

13 Who are the Medes?

14 True or false … People despised Cyrus the Great, the founder of the Persian Empire, because he was intolerant of conquered peoples’ customs and religions.

15 What is “false”?

16 _____ ruled the Persian Empire successfully by restoring political order, improving upon roads, and building a new capital called Persepolis.

17 Who is Darius?

18 Greek philosopher who strongly believed in the use of reason, moderation, and balance. He was perhaps Greece’s greatest thinker!

19 Who is “Aristotle”?

20 He wanted to figure out what caused diseases so he could treat them
He wanted to figure out what caused diseases so he could treat them. Today, physicians recite an oath to pledge ethical behavior in medical treatment, in his name.

21 Who is Hippocrates?

22 Three great Greek philosophers studied and resided in ___________________.

23 What is “Athens”?

24 He was arrested and sentenced to death because he encouraged people to ask questions and reason.

25 Who is Socrates?

26 Greek philosopher and student of Socrates famous for his writings and building the “Academy” to teach young Athenians.

27 Who is Plato?

28 Famous student of Aristotle.

29 Who is Alexander the Great?

30 The written works of this Greek philosopher when compiled are considered the first “political science” book ever written. Name the author & book.

31 Who is Plato and The Republic?

32 The Greeks won this first battle of the Persian War.

33 What is The Battle of Marathon?

34 The _________ believed that studying the arts made them better ________.

35 Who are the Athenians and “citizens”?

36 Women in ______ had more rights than other Greek city-states.

37 What is Sparta?

38 Who “won” the Peloponnesian War?

39 Who are the Spartans?

40 At what age were Spartan boys trained in military ways
At what age were Spartan boys trained in military ways? When did Spartan’s men conclude their military service?

41 What are 7 and 60 years of age?

42 He is considered the “Father of Geometry.”

43 Who is Euclid?

44 The most famous structure of Ancient Greece
The most famous structure of Ancient Greece. It was created at Pericles’s request in Athens during the 400 BCs.

45 What is the Parthenon?

46 Alexander the Great died at the age of thirty-three in this city.

47 What is Babylon?

48 Spartan forces were finally overtaken in this mountain pass during the Persian War because of the work of a traitor.

49 What is Thermopylae?

50 Famous Greek engineer

51 Who is Archimedes?

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