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The Impact of our P.E & Sport Funding

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1 The Impact of our P.E & Sport Funding
St. Peter’s Catholic Academy Please feel free to investigate the different ways we have been getting Physically Active! WE NOW HAVE SILVER!!!

2 Progress in the health of our pupils (Bleep test scores)
Our pupils are getting healthier! Progress in the health of our pupils (Bleep test scores) Date of 1st Bleep Test: 05/06/2014 Date of 2st Bleep Test: 23/11/14 Date of 3rd Bleep Test: 11/07/ Date of 4th Bleep Test: 15/07/2016 Date of last Bleep Test: 11/07/2017 Current Y4 Current Y5 Current Y6 Class of 2017 % improved 16 12 17 10 55 64 maintained 5 4 8 27 31 regressed 1 22 23 19 86 95%!! 64% IMPROVED A CLASSIFICATION 31% MAINTAINED CLASSIFICATION 5% REGRESSED A CLASSIFICATION Of our KS2 pupils maintained or improved their level of fitness!!

3 Progress in ‘The delivery in P.E’
Every year our teachers evaluate our experiences of P.E. ‘Green’ statements show where our School is doing well, ‘Red’ shows where we are trying to get better! St Peters (09/2013) 9 30 10 St Peters (09/2014) 23 3 St Peters (09/2015) 33 15 1 St Peter's (09/2016) 32 14 St Peter’s (09/2017) 34 12 Our School is in the process of improving the following areas…. Red 1: Almost every pupil can swim at least 25 metres before the end of Year 6 and knows how to remain safe in and around water.’ Orange 1: Pathways from school to community sport and physical activity exist Orange 2: Teachers and coaches use assessment data to plan further challenges for more able pupils and provide additional support for less able pupils

4 Red 1: ‘Almost every pupil can swim at least 25 metres before the end of Year 6 and knows how to remain safe in and around water.’ Action Plan response: All classes now go swimming for a 10 week block instead of 6, which gives them a longer period of time to gain confidence in the water and maintain their swimming ability. The Venue for swimming sessions has also been changed to a much larger pool and with only their class in the water, this allows for more value swimming time per session split between three swimming instructors. An improvement in performance has already been made by the majority of pupils since this change has been implemented. This year a swimming slot for the City Gala swimmers has also been arranged and swimmers from Years 4, 5 & 6 who can now swim at least 25 metres will enter the Gala event for the first time in April. Orange 1: ‘Pathways from school to community sport and physical activity exist.’ Action Plan response: We have compiled a list of local extra-curricular clubs in our locality and provided this to our children. We hope that this will lead to an increase in children’s activity outside of School time. We are also attempting to strengthen links with these clubs to ensure the transition from learning new activities at St.Peter’s to engaging in this activity full-time is easier for children. Our pupils at St. Peter’s are extremely talented, we feel it is time the rest of Staffordshire to recognise this too!

5 Orange 2:‘Teachers and coaches use assessment data to plan further challenges for more able pupils and provide additional support for less able pupils.’ Action Plan response: New assessment system is now in place, staff awareness and knowledge of the new system has been developed through CPD with Craig Sigley. Craig Sigley will lead a Staff Meeting at the start of 2017/18 to ensure all Staff are comfortable with new Schemes of Work and Assessment systems. Higher ability and lower ability children have been identified in each year group (a task made significantly easier with new assessment system), based on compiled assessment data. This has enabled lessons to be differentiated effectively. Children will undergo a fourth bleep test so as to provide comparative data; can compare results to those of previous bleep test to identify progress made. Pupil Voice! Andre BM (Y4) – “I love playing new sports with my friends.. I’m a wizard at Basketball now!” Zohura (Y5) – “I like it when I can really feel my heart pumping!” Ricky (Y6) – “St. Peter’s helped me to join an Athletics club, now I’m winning every race!”

6 Amount of Extra-curricular events/competitions entered
We now enter more Sports Competitions! Amount of Extra-curricular events/competitions entered Pre-Funding 1st Year of Funding 2nd Year of Funding 3rd Year of Funding 4th Year of Funding 4 9 18 22 34!

7 We now get to be physically active in more Extra-curricular clubs!.....
‘Physical Activity’ Sports Clubs in 12/13 ‘Physical Activity’ Sports Clubs in 13/14 ‘Physical Activity’ Sports Clubs in 14/15 ‘Physical Activity’ Sports Clubs in 15/16 ‘Physical Activity’ Sports Clubs in 16/17 Not Recorded 8 15 19 23!

8 23! Clubs in 2016/17…. Autumn 1 – Football, Street Dance
Autumn 2 – Ball Sports, Street Dance, Physical Theatre, Power up! Spring 1 – Gymnastics, Ball Sports, Invasion Games, Physical Theatre, Street Dance Spring 2 – Ball Sports, Physical Theatre, Street Dance Summer 1 – Sports Club, Ball Games, Physical Theatre, Street Dance Summer 2 – Sports Club, Athletics, Cricket, Physical Theatre, Street Dance 23!

9 Look how many of us are attending Sports Clubs!
57.27% of pupils have attended a Sports Club. 59.67% of Boys have attended a Sports Club. 54.55% of Girls have attended a Sports Club. 60% of Pupil Premium registered pupils have attended a Sports Clubs We are hoping to improve each of these categories by at least 10% in 2017/18!

10 Our Olympians! These children achieved the top classification on our annual Bleep test! Excellent effort guys, Well Done! Amjed Guli Rick-Larweh Owusu Weronika Chudzik Mohammed Uddin Ricky-Atei Owusu Laiqah Nazam Raihan Hakimiy Imran Zakaria Moira Atieno Sufyaan Hansrot Mohammad Muneeb Ali-Haider Mohammad Deborah Adebeyi Abdul-Hadi Farooq Alyssa Cerillo Daniel Paszkowski Shayan Ali Joshua De Souza N'Guma

11 At St.Peter’s we make sure everybody is challenged to be their best!
‘Powered Up’ The ‘Powered Up’ club is full of children who are just starting to get active! They chose the name of the club and are enjoying getting fitter and stronger with Ms.Hilton! Power Up! ‘Sports Stars’ Our ‘Sports Stars’ are a group of pupils who have shown an extra exciting level of potential! This group works hard to get even better at clubs and Special events through the Collegiate.

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