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A Correlation Between The Therapeutic Nursing Approach and Quality Patient Outcomes: An Integrative Literature Review Isabel Galang, MS, DePaul University.

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Presentation on theme: "A Correlation Between The Therapeutic Nursing Approach and Quality Patient Outcomes: An Integrative Literature Review Isabel Galang, MS, DePaul University."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Correlation Between The Therapeutic Nursing Approach and Quality Patient Outcomes: An Integrative Literature Review Isabel Galang, MS, DePaul University Advisor: Dr. Elizabeth Hartman Background Purpose Results Nursing Implications Patient-centered care Therapeutic nursing approach strongly emphasized Individualized, holistic approach Respects and empowers patient decisions about their care Considered superior to task-centered care Task-centered care Focuses on anticipated work a nurse has throughout the day Therapeutic communication Used in patient-centered care to establish a therapeutic relationship To be effective, nurses and patients must both be actively engaging in communication Quality patient outcome examples Less anxiety, decreased pain and symptoms Rise in patient satisfaction, cooperation with staff, and compliance Identify barriers to the implementation of patient-centered care Identify effective strategies used in patient-centered care and research When utilized, patient-centered care observed to produce quality patient outcomes Decrease in pain, agitation, anxiety, and depression Increase in quality of life, patient compliance, medication adherence, patient satisfaction with care, and improvement in self-management of care Compared to task-centered care, more positive outcomes are seen A 2011 study reported an increase in patient satisfaction, in knowledge about and compliance with breastfeeding during and after hospitalization, and significantly lower postpartum disorders in hospitalized pregnant patients who received patient-centered care (Wan et al.) Barriers Commonly seen: staff shortages, lack of knowledge and education of patient-centered care, health beliefs of patients and clinicians, and time constraints Major barriers: ineffective and missed opportunities for communication Strategies Daily practice of patient-centered care Transformation into a patient-centered medical home Major strategy: training or educational program Findings stress importance of patient-centered care and how it affects patients and their outcomes Nurses should watch how they communicate with patients and their colleagues and change upon self-reflection if needed Nursing schools can teach students patient-centered care skills as part of fundamental nursing knowledge while at clinical Can make nurses aware of how their actions make a huge impact Methods Integrative Literature Review Articles searched for in CINAHL, ProQuest Nursing Alliance Health Source, and PubMed Keywords used: nursing, patient- OR person-centered care, task-oriented care, therapeutic communication, quality clinical outcomes, and barriers Twelve articles ultimately reviewed Conclusion Patient-centered care produces more quality patient outcomes than task centered care The use of patient centered care should be increased Nurses should consider: How their actions make an impact on patients and their families How not using patient-centered care could impact how role is perceived by patients Future studies Focus on other factors involved in patient-centered care such as socioeconomic status How patient-centered care can be implemented in settings universally and long-term More studies on task-centered care vs. patient-centered care Discussion Effective interpersonal therapeutic communication is needed to combat barriers Nursing behaviors such as introducing oneself, giving purpose for entering the room, sharing support, praising the client, and smiling = positive outcomes Nursing behaviors such as commanding, disapproving, ignoring = negative outcomes An training or educational program for staff including nurses could improve the use of patient-centered care One study saw a drop in behaviors such as commanding from 20.5% to 2.4% (Boscart, 2009). Staff training and implementation, time, and dedication are needed Problem Statement Task-centered care is sill prevalent Why? Dominance of biomedical model, inclination of healthcare systems to focus on task-centered care, and nurse’s inability to want or give patient-centered care Patients did not want to bother nurse or felt less important than nurse’s tasks Poor outcomes seen with task-centered care Increased anxiety, pain, and physical discomfort Misunderstandings about nurse’s role in patient care

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