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Sample Characteristics

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1 Sample Characteristics
title Justification Add text here Discussion Add text here And here Implications Name, M.A. Department University Name, M.A. Department University Name, M.A. Department University Introduction Conclusions Methodology Measurement Variable (Author et al., year) “Sample item” 0 = response choice to 4 = response choice Sample Characteristics 18-25 years old (M = 22.6) 51% were college students 52.3% women, 47.4% men, 0.3% other 48.3% lived with a parent On average, the participants had lived in their stepfather household for 12.3 years Ethnicity 74.6% Caucasian, 10.0% African American, 6.2% Latina/o, 5.3% Asian/Pacific Islander, 2.9% mixed, 1% Native American All the participants and the majority of their parents (89.3%) were U.S.-born Procedures Community data Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk) 10 to 15 minutes to complete the survey The study was advertised on Turker Nation Pre-screen questions: Do you have at least one stepparent? If yes… has your stepfamily ever been your primary place of residence as an adolescent or a young adult? What is your age? $1.50 per survey The survey was open to workers in the United States with high reputation on MTurk Type of Analysis Here Add text here Results Purpose Add purpose here

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