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Enikő Hüse-Nyerges CESCI

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1 Enikő Hüse-Nyerges CESCI
Danubian Tool-kit for improved territorial competitiveness of border areas Enikő Hüse-Nyerges CESCI

2 About CESCI Open association established in 2009, following a French model Think-tank of cross-border issues Geographical scope: Danube region Key activities: research strategic planning institution and project development mediation 01/12/2018

3 Challenges to be solved by the project
Many small countries, long borders (bordering effects: low level of economic performance and cooperation – with exceptions : good examples) Large number of the cities (the engines of economic performance) are situated in border regions with repressed functionality – with exceptions : good examples 01/12/2018

4 The role of borders within Danube region

5 Challenges to be solved by the project
Many small countries, long borders (bordering effects: low level of economic performance and cooperation – with exceptions : good examples) Large number of the cities (the engines of economic performance) are situated in border regions with repressed functionality Remarkable differences in economic performance country by country = weak economic cohesion within the macro-region 01/12/2018

6 Weak economic cohesion within Danube region

7 Challenges to be solved by the project
Many small countries, long borders (bordering effects: low level of economic performance and cooperation – with exceptions : good examples) Large number of the cities (the engines of economic performance) are situated in border regions with repressed functionality Remarkable differences in economic performance country by country = weak economic cohesion within the macro-region Reluctant SMEs in settling down abroad because of lack of knowledge 01/12/2018

8 Objectives of the project
To improve the attractiveness and competitiveness of cross-border areas and to strengthen the economic cohesion of the Danube Region through service innovation and application of the methods of contemporary human geography. Specific objectives: To improve the conditions for investors in peripheral border areas To improve the conditions for cross-border cooperation of entrepreneurs and diminish the separating effects of the borders To improve the conditions for service innovation and transnational share of knowledge 01/12/2018

9 Methodology of the project

10 Main activities of the project
Development of the methodology of integrated mapping of cross-border potential / capital Testing of the methodology in 4 border regions Mapping of the by-passing effects of borders on business (questionnaires for entrepreneurs) Compilation of best practices of joint management of territorial assets (desk research, on-line surveys, interviews) Developing ICT tool setting and advertising the territorial potential Testing of ICT tool in 3 to 4 PILOT regions Policy recommendations at macro-regional level on territorial competitiveness

11 Basic information Danube Transnational Programme: SO 1.1 Improve framework conditions for innovation Partnership: Transnationally balanced: 2 HU, 2 SRB, BiH, RO, BG, AT, SK, SI Actors of the quadraple helix: 4 science and research organizations, 3 NGOs, 3 business organizations, Who we are looking for?: partners from Croatia and Germany (public isntitutions mainly) 01/12/2018 Reflections on the establishment process of a network EGTC

12 Thank you for your kind attention!
Enikő Hüse-Nyerges CESCI Phone: Webpage:

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