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Presentation of the Ombudsman Office of the Republic of Moldova Created by the 52/2014 on People’s Advocate Office Present law appoints two People’s Advocates.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation of the Ombudsman Office of the Republic of Moldova Created by the 52/2014 on People’s Advocate Office Present law appoints two People’s Advocates."— Presentation transcript:

1 Deinstitutionalization of children with mental health issues from residential care centers

2 Presentation of the Ombudsman Office of the Republic of Moldova Created by the 52/2014 on People’s Advocate Office Present law appoints two People’s Advocates 1 for general problems 2 for issues related to children rights protection

3 Institutionalization main issues :
Out of children are institutionalized Information is related to the period of time 1.Stigmatization of the children with mental health problems .  2. high number of institutionalization children even if not all of the had mental disabilities established 3. Low level of social integration 4. High level of corruption in the system

4 Deinstitutionalization period 2010 present:
State authorities was not ready to begin the process so they fail at the beginig; Main actors in deinstitutionalization process in the period of 2010 – 2013 were NGOs, that don’t have a unique platform of acting; Parents were forced to take their children back to homes even if they don’t have any conditions; Lack of legislation in the field of social and medical protection for children and their parents .

5 Deinstitutionalization period from 2013-present
In 2013 was presented first recommendations from Ombudsman Office to the Government; On the base of those recommendations was adopted first national strategy of deinstitutionalization Government has fortified the national politics in the field of social protection and medical care system Was adopted new politic document on national strategy on parental care system Were created more than 30 daily care centers where children and parent can come and have different activities and social or psychological support With the support of the Ombudsman for children’s rights protection was adopted national plan of educational inclusion for the children with mental health isues

6 New perspectives an issues
The importance to hear the voices of children with mental health issues Development of new services for other categories of mental diseases Establish a good level of the protection based on art of UN Convention

7 " Children are the most valuable resource of the world and its greatest hope for the future." John Fitzgerald Kennedy AVOCATUL POPORULUI (OMBUDSMANUL) Str. Sfatul Țării 16, MD2012 Chișinău, Republica Moldova Tel.: Fax:

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