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Judaism שמע ישראל!.

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Presentation on theme: "Judaism שמע ישראל!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Judaism שמע ישראל!

2 Tenants of the Faith Monotheistic Believe in YHWH, the God of Abraham
Holy book: Torah (first five books of the Old Testament: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy (“Second Law”) + Tanakh (most of OT) Talmud (rabbinical interpretations)

3 Tenants of the Faith “Righteous” “Torah” Ethical (Ten Commandments)
Zoroastrianism Satan, “eschatology” (belief in end of world), resurrection, last judgment Revealed religion

4 Traditions of the Faith
Founder: Abraham, c BC, in Mesopotamia Sabbath (“Shabbat”): sundown-sundown, Friday-Saturday Place of worship: Synagogue, Temple Spiritual Leader: Rabbi (“rebbe”)

5 Religious Practices Kosher (“fit for ritual use” or Kashrut): (pork, dog, shellfish, any animal not killed to be eaten forbidden) as opposed to Trayf (“torn”) Kosher (permitted) Trayf (forbidden) Ritually slaughtered beef, sheep, goats and deer with no flaws or diseases Pork, camel, rabbit, rodents, reptiles, and any animal that died of natural causes Chicken, turkey, quail, geese Eagle, hawk, vulture Salmon, tuna, carp, herring, cod Crab, lobster, octopus, clam, swordfish, sturgeon Meat eaten separately from dairy Meat with dairy (e.g., cheeseburger, burger with milkshake, chicken cordon bleu, wiener schnitzel, etc.) Wine or grape juice made under Jewish supervision Any other wine and grape juice Soft cheese and kosher hard cheese Most hard cheese

6 Early Traditions Abraham Hagar Sarah Isaac Ishmael Jacob Esau
12 Arabian Tribes 12 Tribes of Israel

7 Abraham Isaiah Major Prophets Jeremiah Ezekial Daniel

8 Torah “Pentateuch” Means “instruction”
Oral Torah given to Moses on Mount Sinai Written compiled during the Babylonian period Written in Hebrew

9 Jewish Traditions

10 1. Shema: The Basic Creed "Hear, O Israel: the LORD our God, the LORD is one"." Considered a “mitvah” or commanded by God

11 2. Tefillin: Ritual Prayer
Phylacteries ( "to guard, protect") are a set of small black leather boxes containing scrolls of parchment inscribed with verses from the Torah “And you shall bind them as a sign upon your arm, and they shall be as totafot between your eyes.” —Deuteronomy 6:8

12 3. Tzedakah: Charity Mitvah 10% of income Brings atonement Charity box

13 4. Mezuzah Scripture from the Torah in a decorative case
On the right, upper third of the doorway Kissed when entering “Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.” Deuteronomy 6:9

14 5. Menorah & Ark of the Covenant
7-branched candelabra found in original Temple Built to hold Ten Commandments

15 Jewish Sects Orthodox Only sect until 300 yrs. Ago
Law comes from G-d and can’t be changed Conservative Accept law is binding but feel it can be changed Reform Make choices about which traditions to follow

16 Jewish Origins Ashkenazi Sephardic Moorish Spain
Central & Eastern Europe Yiddish culture Sephardic Moorish Spain

17 Diaspora

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