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Shark Fin Soup Zhuoying Zhao ENG 101.0790.

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Presentation on theme: "Shark Fin Soup Zhuoying Zhao ENG 101.0790."— Presentation transcript:

1 Shark Fin Soup Zhuoying Zhao ENG

2 Why and what makes people eat fish fin?

3 Is this expensive food (Shark Fin Soup) really good for our health ?
There was a saying in China, the shark fins are nutritious and are good for beauty too. Shark fins consumption may expose people to Neurotoxic.

4 Sharks are the number one killing machines? Of course NO!

5 Sharks are in danger now!
“President Xi Jinping issued instructions to all levels of the Chinese government, not to consume shark fins at official meetings in Feb ” (Quora).

6 No demand then no supply.
The shark fins at market in Guangzhou (WildAid report).

7 The impact of the fin trade (WildAid report).

8 Save the shark, save the world.
2. When the buying stops, the killing can too. (WildAid ad.). 3. Solutions: Chinese government has announced a policy in order to protect sharks. Famous people are willing to be the role model, in order to make the behavior of eating shark fin socially unacceptable. My idea, government should stop all Chinese restaurants selling the shark fin soup and cancelling this “cuisine”from menus.

9 No more slaughter, no more death.
When the buying stops, the killing can too. Please let the shark fin live.

10 Thank You !

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