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Slide 1 Tikki Tikki Tembo A Tale from China

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1 Slide 1 Tikki Tikki Tembo A Tale from China Why are names important? If you could have any name in the world, what name would you choose? Long ago, two brothers lived in a small village in China. When the first brother was born, his parents had so many favorite names that they couldn’t make up their minds. So they decided to use all of them. Thus, they named him Tikki Tikki Tembo Nosarembo Merry Berry Tip Top Silly Billy Flip Flop Bush Berry Bembo. When the second brother was born, his parents had only one favorite name left, so they named him Chen. Soon, the brothers were old enough to play outside. Every time they went outside, their mother would give them the same advice. “Do not go near the well, my little darlings,” she would say, “or someday you may fall in.”

2 Slide 2 Tikki Tikki Tembo A Tale from China (Cont.) One day, the brothers were outside flying their kite. Sure enough, Chen ran too close to the well. Down, down, down he fell. Splash! He hit the water. Tikki Tikki Tembo Nosarembo Merry Berry Tip Top Silly Billy Flip Flop Bush Berry Bembo did not hesitate. He ran to his mother and cried out, “Mother! Chen has fallen into the well!” “What!” cried his mother. “I cannot believe my ears. Tell me again!” “Mother! Chen has fallen into the well!” he repeated. “We must rescue him,” cried his mother. “Fetch the painter, and tell him to bring his ladder!” Tikki Tikki Tembo Nosarembo Merry Berry Tip Top Silly Billy Flip Flop Bush Berry Bembo did not hesitate. He ran to the village and found the painter. “Honorable Painter,” he said. “Chen has fallen into the well! Please bring your ladder to save him!” They ran to the well, and the painter put his ladder in. When it was secure, he climbed down. Then he climbed back up with Chen, and all was well.

3 Slide 3 Tikki Tikki Tembo A Tale from China (Cont.) A few days later, the brothers were outside playing ball. Tikki Tikki Tembo Nosarembo Merry Berry Tip Top Silly Billy Flip Flop Bush Berry Bembo ran to catch a ball. He jumped up high and fell right into the well. Down, down, down he went. Splash! He hit the water. Chen did not hesitate. He ran to his mother and cried out, “Mother! Tikki Tikki Tembo Nosarembo Merry Berry Tip Top Silly Billy Flip Flop Bush Berry Bembo has fallen into the well!” “What!” cried his mother. “I cannot believe my ears. Tell me again.” “Mother! Tikki Tikki Tembo Nosarembo … Merry … Flop … Bo …” But Chen was so distraught he started to panic and couldn’t say the name. “Child, do you not know your own brother’s name?” asked his mother. “Start again.” “Mother!” cried Chen. “Tikki Tikki Flip Top Bo Silly … “ “Who?” asked his mother. “Say it slowly.” So Chen took a deep breath and said, “Mother! Tikki Tikki Tembo Nosarembo Merry Berry Tip Top Silly Billy Flip Flop Bush Berry Bembo has fallen into the well!” “We must rescue him!” cried his mother. “Fetch the painter, and tell him to bring his ladder.”

4 Slide 4 Tikki Tikki Tembo A Tale from China (Cont.) Chen ran to the village and found the painter. “Honorable Painter,” he said, “Tikki Tikki …Merry …Berry …” But he couldn’t say his own brother’s name. “Chen, what are you trying to tell me?” asked the painter. “Honorable Painter,” cried Chen, “Tikki Tikki Bush Flop …” “Boy,” said the painter, “take a deep breath and say it slowly.” Chen took a deep breath.“Honorable Painter!” he cried. “Tikki Tikki Tembo Nosarembo Merry Berry Tip Top Silly Billy Flip Flop Bush Berry Bembo has fallen into the well! Please bring your ladder to save him.” They ran to the well, and the painter climbed down the ladder. Then he climbed back up carrying Tikki Tikki Tembo Nosarembo Merry Berry Tip Top Silly Billy Flip Flop Bush Berry Bembo. But all was not well. Because of his long name, the boy had been in the well much longer than his brother, Chen. He shivered with cold, and water came out of his nose. They put him to bed. By the time he felt well again, his parents had vowed to call him only by his first three names forever after. And he was known as Tikki Tikki Tembo for the rest of his days. Unit 4, Week 2 1. What advice do you get? What advice do you give? 2. What might make someone feel distraught? 3. What do dogs like to fetch? 4. Why do you think some people hesitate to try new foods? 5. What is the honorable thing to do if you find someone’s purse? 6. What might cause someone to be in a panic? 7. Why is it important for a ladder to be secure? 8. What makes you shiver? 9. How is a village different from a city? 10. Have you ever vowed to do something? What?

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