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Oregon’s Support for Improvement Planning

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1 Oregon’s Support for Improvement Planning
Carla Wade, Shanda Brown & Jan McCoy Oregon Department of Education Office of Instruction, Standards, Assessment and Accountability Indistar Summit 2014

2 Sharing Overview and History School Improvement Research and Resources
Your Feedback

3 History

4 Authority for including schools and districts
State law calls school and district-level Continuous Improvement Plan (ORS ) Only district plans submitted to SEA ESEA Flexibility waiver calls for a tool that supports self-assessment, planning, and monitoring for Priority and Focus Schools

5 Advisory Provided input on alignment of Indistar indicators to state and federal planning requirements for Title IA, IIA, & III Developed new draft indicators to meet planning requirements Providing guidance on review process

6 Additional Input Committee of Practitioners
Regional Network Coordinators Coaches

7 Regional Training Over 1,200 trained

8 Improvement Planning Indistar is our system for self-evaluation, building a plan and monitoring the plan Indicators serve as organizing schema Plan is the content

9 Indicators to Meet Planning Needs/Requirements
Indicators created for Priority and Focus Schools Indicator list narrowed from 212 to 185 then to 34 Indicators created for district planning Experience and our Advisory Committee held us to 37 indicators Let them take a look at the indicators we’re using without any of the supportive documentation.

10 School Improvement: How Oregon is Using Indistar to Support Priority and Focus Schools

11 Indistar Tool Reports Uploaded documents Comprehensive Report
Task Report Summary Report Uploaded documents budgets

12 Approval and Quarterly Feedback
Approval of Comprehensive Achievement Plan (CAP) May of 2013 May of 2014 Quarterly Feedback for CAP November 2013 February 2014

13 Fully Implemented or Included in Plan (F or P)
Approval of CAP District: School: # Fully Implemented or Included in Plan (F or P) Score Comment Comment Number(s) DSC 1.1 DSC 1.2 DSC 1.3 DSC 1.4 DSC 1.5 DSC 1.6 EE 2.1 EE 2.2 EE 2.3

14 Quarterly Feedback

15 Process 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 Scored individual Indicators
Schools revise Individual indicator quarterly feedback Holistic Comprehensive Achievement Plan (CAP) Rubric for school’s ability to achieve success

16 Purposes Communication tool Feedback between school and state
Opportunity to review, update and revise at any time Upload documents-all documents in one place Common tool for SEA data collection Sustainability tool after school improvement

17 Supportive Documentation
Indistar’s Wise Ways® Valuable and initially well-received but not written to our new indicators Needed a descriptor for each indicator Can’t call them Wise Ways®–note the little ® Needed a name that reflected the work

18 Oregon’s Resources and Research

19 Development of R&Rs Attempted several iterations
Decided educators had 3 questions Why is this important to our students? What does this look like when well done? Where can we get more information?

20 Answered the Three Questions
Brief, research-based introduction to the expected return on the indicator Brief, research-supported description of the district/school role in implementing the indicator Two types of web searches with several terms each Google search Google Scholar search

21 Why Search Terms? Search terms show target best results
If printed, terms are easier to type than URLs monitoring school improvement vs. Guides educators into Google Scholar to stimulate use Google does all the work of keeping the resources up-to-date!

22 Indicator DTAL3.8

23 Distribution Linked from indicator in Indistar®
All included in a single PDF that is navigable Links to search terms are hot in the PDF Took advantage of PDF navigation settings

24 Feedback At your tables, please discuss one of the two R & R’s
Does the explanation of why this important ring true? Does the “when well Implemented” hit the target? Are they missing something? Do you think this research supports sustainable practice? Overall impressions, comments, questions or general points of concern? Whole group report out

25 Questions

26 Thank you! Carla Wade: Jan McCoy: Shanda Brown:

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