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Big Bang.

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1 Big Bang

2 Radio Noise Theory Hubble’s law suggests that any initial radiation would be extremely redshifted. If there was start to the universe then the radiation would have a blackbody spectrum. Experiment In 1964 Penzias and Wilson measured background radio noise. Cosmic microwave background The intensity was consistent with blackbody radiation at 3K.

3 Hot Radiation If the universe had a beginning there would be a start – Big Bang. An initial burst of light would be as hot as a star. Not as hot as a plasma About 3000 K

4 Stretching Light As the universe expands the wavelength of light stretches. Burst of light: 3000 K Peak radiation:1 micron Visible light Today the universe is 1000 times larger. Temperature: 3 K Peak radiation : 1 mm Microwaves 1 wavelength, small universe 1 wavelength, expanded universe

5 COBE In 1989 NASA launched the COBE satellite.
Measure far infrared spectrum Black body temperature K

6 Anisotropy COBE measured fluctuations in the CMB.
One part in 100,000 Eliminate Earth’s motion Remove Milky Way noise The CMB is anisotropic – different by direction.

7 WMAP The Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe was designed to measure the CMB. Launched in 2001 Ended 2010 WMAP measured five microwave frequency bands.

8 More Precise WMAP improved COBE’s measurements.
Blue K Red K The anisotropy points at the fraction of matter of different types. Ordinary matter 5% Cold dark matter 23% Dark energy 72%

9 Age of the Universe The Hubble constant is related to the age of the universe. H0 = (73.5 km/s)/Mpc; 1 Mpc = 3 x 1019 km 1/H0 = 4 x 1017 s = 13.7 billion years This is consistent with the most distant quasars. The Planck satellite is measuring the CMB with more precision.

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