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Writer’s Workshop - Groupings

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1 Writer’s Workshop - Groupings
AP European History Writer’s Workshop - Groupings

2 The Basic Core-Scoring Guide
You must meet ALL six basic core criteria in order to score above a 6 on your DBQ.

3 The Basic Core-Scoring Guide
First 6 points: Thesis Use majority of docs Understand the docs Support thesis w/ docs POV Groupings

4 The Expanded Core-Scoring Guide
Earn an additional 3 points (up to 9 total) with expanded core. These are more holistic and subjective to the reader.

5 Grouping Documents for the DBQ
The DBQ requires students to group the documents in three different ways (must use at least 2 docs to be a group). When responding to a DBQ, your groupings need to be relevant and valid. You many not merely discuss authors whose last names all begin with Q and receive credit for a valid grouping.

6 Documents can be grouped by their:
Type (e.g., letter, book, diary, political platform, government document, statistics, newspaper account, business records, etc.) Period in which the documents were written Point of view (e.g., you may also make a group of two or more documents whose points of view disagree with each other; the idea is to show that you can combine and juxtapose the ideas)

7 Documents can also be grouped by their authors’:
Gender Education, occupation, or social or economic class Nationality Religion Location (e.g., rural, urban, Paris, etc.) Ideology

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