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NetSuite CRM+ Puts the "Customer" in CRM

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Presentation on theme: "NetSuite CRM+ Puts the "Customer" in CRM"— Presentation transcript:

1 NetSuite CRM+ Puts the "Customer" in CRM

2 NetSuite Company Overview
What We Do: Provide integrated, web-based business applications to growing and mid-sized businesses Include solutions for Accounting/ERP, CRM, and eCommerce Over 5,400 customers – the largest base of integrated, on-demand customers Profile: Founded in 1998 by Larry Ellison & Evan Goldberg 600+ employees Publicly traded on NYSE: “N” HQ in San Mateo, CA with 9 offices worldwide Products: Awesome products: every major award

3 The Top Benefits of NetSuite CRM+

4 Benefit #1: Get a true 360° view of the customer

5 Traditional CRM Focused on Prospects not Customers
Suspect Lead Repurchase + + + + Prospect Service Delivery + + The definition of a customer is someone who has bought something from you. Amazingly, traditional CRM applications can’t tell you what customers have bought. + + Qualify Order + Quote Meet No orders, no transactions, no post-sale activities!

6 Problem with Today’s CRM: NO “C”
Nothing called “Customer” in most so-called CRM applications

7 NetSuite CRM+: 360° View of Customer Complete Customer Lifecycle Management
Suspect Lead Repurchase + + + + Prospect Service Delivery + + + + Qualify Order + Quote Meet

8 NetSuite CRM+ Provides the Missing Link
Order Management defines true CRM Shows what each customer has bought Full transaction visibility enables: Forecast accuracy Real marketing ROI Upsell/cross-sell activities & campaigns Incentive compensation management automation NetSuite CRM+ is the only on-demand CRM system with built-in order management NetSuite CRM+ puts the “Customer” in “Customer Relationship Management”

9 Dashboards Provide Real-Time Visibility Across the Business
Customers! Sales-specific KPIs Quotes & Orders! Industry’s Best Forecasting The Sales Management portlet on the Forecast Dashboard provides a single, hierarchical view of the sales organization that can be expanded to show details down to individual reps or can be rolled up for summary views of each sales team, by manager. So you know exactly how the sales team is performing, at every level. Actual Sales

10 Benefit #2: Sell better, forecast better

11 NetSuite CRM+ Provides Easy, Complete Sales Force Automation
NetSuite Has Been Rated Highest in Core SFA Capabilities Versus Other Hosted CRM Systems* Sales Management Forecasting Functional Breadth Dashboards Opportunity Management Lead Assignment Quota Management Quote Generation Quote-To-Order Features Discount Management Customer & Partner Portals Off Line Client User Interface Look and Feel Pricing and Product Document Management Search Capabilities Deployment Options NetSuite has all the capabilities you need to efficiently manage the sales process. *Source: Leading Independent Analyst Firm

12 The Industry’s Best Sales Forecasting
Easy to manage the sales forecast in real time For the entire business, by sales team, by rep, by department, by location, by class, by product, etc. Provides answers to the common questions that sales organizations struggle with Actuals vs. plan? Forecast vs. plan? Confidence level of forecast? Key open deals we need to focus attention on? Performance by team, line of business, rep? More reliable, accurate forecasts Includes true “actual” sales to date Traditional CRM systems don’t have real transactions, and can’t distinguish between pipeline and actuals Unlike most CRM systems, NetSuite CRM+ includes real “actuals”, so your forecasts are much more reliable

13 “My mom could pick NetSuite up in about three or four minutes.”
Great Ease of Use “My mom could pick NetSuite up in about three or four minutes.” - CEO, Sunset Companies

14 Benefit #3: Extend selling to online channels

15 Extend CRM to the Web and to Partners The Web Is Now a Critical Channel
CRM Ì Customer Self Service Portal Sales: View project status, outstanding quotes, order/contract status, pertinent documents Customer Service: Enter trouble tickets, see support/service history, search knowledge base CRM Ì Website Tracking & Analytics Online catalog for products & services, with dynamic pricing Online marketing tools & tracking Lead capture, referral tracking, promotional URLs, search engine optimization CRM Ì Partner Management Self-service website portals Lead sharing, routing, & territory management Joint sales process: update opportunities, forecasting visibility “Front line” customer service

16 Benefit #4: Improve marketing effectiveness

17 See the Results & ROI of All Marketing Vehicles Because NetSuite sees all transactions
Natural Search Paid Search Track Leads, Customers, Revenue by: Program Type Campaign Keyword Industry Company Size Country Etc. Online Ad

18 Example: Results by Paid Search Keyword – Down to the Penny

19 Benefit #5: Save money & hassles

20 Manage It Yourself Style
On-Demand: Manage Your Business, Not Your Software Manage It Yourself Style HARDWARE License Maintain Patch Replace DESKTOP OS SERVER OS DATABASE Tune Upgrade APPLICATION Back-up Migrate On-Demand HARDWARE DESKTOP OS SERVER OS DATABASE APPLICATION Subscribe

21 Why On Demand Is In-Demand
Dramatically lower cost of doing business Predictable cost – well-defined TCO Ends IT hassles Faster development cycles and innovation Instant, anytime, anywhere access

22 Benefit #6: Future Option: Can use NetSuite to manage your back office too, for unprecedented integration

23 One, Integrated System to Manage Your Entire Business

24 Proven Customer Success
Revs > $2.0 BB “America’s Team” NYSE: PGI Revs > $500 MM Revs > $1.6 BB

25 What Customers Say “NetSuite is the 360 degree view of our business we needed. The others we looked at, including and Siebel, didn't do that.” Managing Director, Qube Networks Ltd. "Because of our move to NetSuite…our ability to forecast has improved at least 70 percent." VP Sales Operations, ViewSonic "…NetSuite makes perfect sense. It lets you really understand your customers and their buying habits.” Marketing Manager, Oakland Athletics “My mom could pick NetSuite up in about three or four minutes.” CEO, Sunset Companies

26 Live Demonstration

27 Summary Benefits of NetSuite CRM+
Get a true 360° view of the customer Sell better, forecast better Extend selling to online channels Improve marketing effectiveness Save money and hassles Future option: Can use NetSuite to manage your back office too, for unprecedented integration

28 NetSuite CRM+ Puts the “C” in CRM
Manage the entire sales process with one system No true CRM without the customer Orders define the customer & purchase history Customer channel of choice today is the Web The new standard for CRM solutions encompasses the customer, their orders and the Web NetSuite CRM+ is the ONLY solution available today to offer this Suspect Lead Repurchase + + + + Prospect Service Delivery + + + + Qualify Order + Quote Meet

29 Questions?

30 © Copyright NetSuite Inc., All Rights Reserved.


32 Customer Lifecycle Management
Website Hosting Search Engine Optimization Website Analytics Online Catalog Lead Dashboard Intranet Sales & Marketing Tools Mass Suspect Lead Repurchase + + Upsell/ Cross-sell + + Prospect Advanced Forecasting Service Delivery Customer Portal Project Tracking Time & Expense + + Product Catalog Service Catalog Integrated Order Mgmt Bookings Dashboard Incentive Management + + Qualify Order + Group Calendaring Resource Availability Quote Meet Integrated Quotes/Proposals Document Management Document Publishing

33 Customers Quotes & Orders Sales-specific KPIs Actual Sales Forecasting
The Sales Management portlet on the Forecast Dashboard provides a single, hierarchical view of the sales organization that can be expanded to show details down to individual reps or can be rolled up for summary views of each sales team, by manager. So you know exactly how the sales team is performing, at every level. Actual Sales Forecasting


35 Forecasting Dashboard: At-a-glance
KPI’s Highlight Key Metrics At-a-glance KPI Meter Sales Management Portlet With Expand/Collapse Pipeline & Forecast Funnel

36 Sales Management Portlet
The Sales Management portlet on the Forecast Dashboard provides a single, hierarchical view of the sales organization that can be expanded to show details down to individual reps or can be rolled up for summary views of each sales team, by manager. So you know exactly how the sales team is performing, at every level.

37 Sales Management Portlet
The Sales Management portlet on the Forecast Dashboard provides a single, hierarchical view of the sales organization that can be expanded to show details down to individual reps or can be rolled up for summary views of each sales team, by manager. So you know exactly how the sales team is performing, at every level.

38 Sales Management Portlet
The Sales Management portlet on the Forecast Dashboard provides a single, hierarchical view of the sales organization that can be expanded to show details down to individual reps or can be rolled up for summary views of each sales team, by manager. So you know exactly how the sales team is performing, at every level.

39 Calculated Forecast Most Likely Upside Worst Case Stage Status
Calculated Forecast Forecasting tools in NetSuite CRM+ display all opportunities, quotes, and orders, including such key information as the projected amount, probability of close and weighted amount for each of these transactions. The Forecast Editor allows sales representatives to view their forecasts on a monthly basis, and make adjustments if needed, based on the changing nature of their deals. With Advanced Forecasting sales reps have the ability to enter their forecast as a range. Opportunities, quotes and estimates include a forecast category enabling users to categorize the transaction appropriately as low, commit, or upside. You can even title these categories according to your business conventions, changing low to commit and commit to forecast for instance. When an opportunity or quote is placed in a forecast category, the corresponding amounts are calculated into the forecast, providing sales managers with the sales reps' most accurate forecast for that deal.

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