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French Currency.

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Presentation on theme: "French Currency."— Presentation transcript:

1 French Currency

2 In France, the Franc and Centime used to be the currency used.

3 In 1999, countries in the European Union began to use the Euro as currency.

4 The euro was created because a single currency offers many advantages and benefits over the previous situation where each Member State had its own currency.

5 For example, when traveling from country to country, it was necessary to exchange currency.

6 The euro means closer co-operation among Member States of the European Union for a stable currency and economy to benefit all.

7 The Euro symbol

8 Euro Coins and Banknotes

9 Euro Banknotes are Bills

10 Coins can be Euros or Cents

11 The Exchange Rate varies from day to day.
Today 1 US Dollar equals  Euro

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