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How to help and support your child in Year 6 19/09/2018

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Presentation on theme: "How to help and support your child in Year 6 19/09/2018"— Presentation transcript:

1 How to help and support your child in Year 6 19/09/2018
Welcome How to help and support your child in Year 6 19/09/2018

2 The Purpose of this Meeting
Discuss the curriculum English Maths Assessment Homework Dates for your diary

3 The Year 6 Curriculum A Cross-curricular Approach
Autumn Tomorrow’s World A Child’s War Spring Frozen Kingdom I.D. Summer Hola Mexico! Gallery Rebels The curriculum is taught through the following topics: N.B. Maths is taught discretely (and other subjects where appropriate).

4 English Writing Checklist

5 Editing and Improving Children are taught how to edit and improve their own writing and that of their peers. This involves- Giving a positive comment. Ticking off the checklist. Identifying spelling, grammar and punctuation mistakes. Suggesting a next step – how to improve the next piece of writing.

6 Writing Targets Pupil targets stem from the checklist and the Interim framework. When the work is assessed, if something has not been achieved, it becomes the main target for the next piece of writing. In addition they will follow the next step targets suggested by the teacher, their peers or themselves. Writing Framework Spelling and joined legible handwriting now hold more weighting.

7 Working towards Write for a range of purposes.
Target 1 2 3 4 5 6 Write for a range of purposes. Use paragraphs to organise ideas. In narratives, describe settings. In narratives, describe characters In non-narrative writing, use simple devices to structure the writing and support the reader (e.g. headings, sub-headings, bullet points). Use capital letters, full stops, question marks, commas for lists and apostrophes for contraction mostly correctly. 7 Spell correctly most words from the year 3 / year 4 spelling list. 8 Spell correctly some words from the year 5 / year 6 spelling list. 9 Write legibly.

8 Working at Target 1 2 3 4 5 6 10 Write effectively for a range of purposes and audiences, selecting language that shows good awareness of the reader (e.g. the use of first person in a diary). 11 In narratives, describe settings. 12 In narratives, describe characters. 13 In narratives, describe atmosphere. 14 Integrate dialogue in narratives to convey character and advance the action. 15 Select vocabulary and grammatical structures that reflect what the writing requires, doing this mostly appropriately (e.g. contracted forms in dialogue). 16 Use a range of devices to build cohesion within and across paragraphs (e.g. conjunctions, adverbials of time). 17 Use verb tenses consistently and correctly throughout their writing. 18 Use the range of punctuation taught at KS2 mostly correctly. 19 Spell correctly most words from the year 5 / year 6 spelling list. 20 Use a dictionary to check the spelling of uncommon or more ambitious vocabulary. 21 Maintain legibility in joined handwriting when writing at speed.

9 Greater Depth Target 1 2 3 4 5 6 22 Write effectively for a range of purposes and audiences, selecting the appropriate form. 23 Independently, draw on what has been read as a model for own writing. 24 Distinguish between the language of speech and writing and choose the appropriate register. 25 Exercise an assured and conscious control over levels of formality, particularly through grammar and vocabulary 26 Use the range of punctuation taught at KS2 correctly (e.g. semi-colons, dashes, colons and hyphens). 27 Where necessary, use punctuation precisely to enhance meaning and avoid ambiguity.

10 Reading Guided reading session - daily before lunch.
Please continue to read with your child and talk about their reading. Help them with keeping up to date with reading homework please.

11 How you can help Useful Websites

12 Aims of the New Curriculum
MATHS Aims of the New Curriculum To ensure that all pupils: Become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, developing their conceptual understanding Reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry…developing arguments, justifying or proving using mathematical language Can solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of routine and non-routine problems.


14 Year 6 Programme of Study
Number Number and place value Operations +,-,x & ÷ Fractions (including decimals & percentages) Ratio and Proportion Algebra

15 Year 6 Programme of Study
Measurement Geometry Properties of shape Position and Direction Statistics

16 Changes New emphasis on the following: Larger numbers earlier
Tables to 12 x12 by the end of Year 4 Earlier introduction to formal written methods and to standard units of measurement.

17 Changes Focus on fractions Roman Numerals Algebra

18 Assessment Progress assessed as we tackle each area. Key assessments done every half term. Informal assessments at the end of a topic.

19 How you can help Times Tables Supervise homework
Build confidence by using maths in everyday scenarios e.g. Shopping, reading timetables, looking at graphs, pie charts etc. In newspapers and magazines

20 How you can help Useful Websites

21 How do we monitor your child’s learning and the progress they are making?
We assess the progress your child is making every half term. How? Tests, assessing classwork and using our own professional judgement.

22 We meet with the SLT every half term to talk about progress and the support which we can put in place if needed. The governors also review and discuss the data (anonymously).

23 Target Tracker. Year 6 pupils are working on Band 6 unless there are special requirements. This measures progress in steps. There are 6 steps (beginning, beginning plus, working at, working at plus, secure and secure plus.)

24 Assessment The SATs reflect the new national curriculum and are intended to be more rigorous. Children will be given scaled scores and be told whether they have reached the national average.

25 Assessment SATS (w/b 13.05.19) Maths (3 papers, no calculator)
Arithmetic - 36Q - 30 mins Reasoning - 20Q - 40 mins Reasoning – 20Q – 40 mins English -Reading- (3 pieces of text)- 1 hour- -Spelling, punctuation and grammar: Grammar and punctuation test- short answers, lasting 45 mins aural spelling test of 20 words, -15 mins -Writing – this is teacher assessed

26 HOMEWORK Homework will go out on Friday and is to be handed in on Wednesday. English. Alternate between Mathletics tasks and ‘paper’ homework. Topic work – 1 per week. Some are more time consuming than others. Select those that will fit in with your home life. Home Reading – Still very important, record every day including weekends. Year 5/6 spelling list is in the Home-School books. Please look at these at home (Year 3/4 list is important too).

27 General reminders Walkers – need to have completed a form / written us a letter. If your child is absent, you must ring in to the school office on each day of their absence. They must still be collected by an adult if they attend an after school club. Mobile phones – only permitted for walkers should you wish them to have one (please name them). They must be switched off upon arrival at school and handed in to the class teacher once in class. Please continue to talk with your child about safe and appropriate use of their mobile phone.

28 Dates Visit to Science Museum – 12th October
Aquila class assembly – 15th November – 9am SATs evening for parents – 31st January (TBC) Wales meeting – 13th February (TBC) Cygnus class assembly –28th Feb – 9am Wales – w/b 3rd June and 10th June

29 Questions

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