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David eaves citizen blogger activist.

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1 david eaves citizen blogger activist



4 30 milliseconds

5 30 milliseconds vs. 4 months

6 "The Net interprets censorship as damage and routes around it."

7 “Citizens interprets delay as damage and route around it."

8 Open and Accessible Data - the City of Vancouver will freely share with citizens, businesses and other jurisdictions the greatest amount of data possible while respecting privacy and security concerns; Open Standards - the City of Vancouver will move as quickly as possible to adopt prevailing open standards for data, documents, maps, and other formats of media; Open Source Software - the City of Vancouver, when replacing existing software or considering new applications, will place open source software on an equal footing with commercial systems during procurement cycles;

9 more confidence better feedback stronger economy

10 in short: digital is different

11 so what’s happened? <part a>







18 Traditional Community groups
Local Government Traditional Community groups Bing Thom Architects graffiti analysis 3-D model taxi city

19 what happens when we scale?

20 3.2


22 ICAN - $248M Choson Kallah - $120M United Way - $96.1

23 $3.2 B

24 so what’s happened? <part b>

25 census

26 understands the role of data and information
the public understands the role of data and information

27 disclosure matters (MP expenses)

28 3 pieces of advice

29 1. not everything is difficult

30 openness and the public interest
Balancing openness and the public interest 

31 balance?


33 House of Commons Structure for data Elections Canada

34 2. there is an opportunity for a broader tent

35 not just government not just reporters

36 hello! programmers/ developers ip policy bloggers CIOs technologists

37 3. Focus on small tweaks


39 4. Learn from others


41 Finally, remember

42 public data is not public until…

43 Three laws of open data:
1. If it can’t be spidered or indexed, it doesn’t exist 2. If it isn’t in open and machine readable formats, it can’t be used 3. If a legal framework doesn’t allow it to be repurposed, it doesn’t empower

44 This work is copyrighted using Creative Commons Attribution 2.5
David Eaves This work is copyrighted using Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 You may share and remix this work on the condition that you attribute the work to its original author.

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