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Review What were three strategies for the function questions that we discussed last class? What are some strategies or things to keep in mind when trying.

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Presentation on theme: "Review What were three strategies for the function questions that we discussed last class? What are some strategies or things to keep in mind when trying."— Presentation transcript:

1 Review What were three strategies for the function questions that we discussed last class? What are some strategies or things to keep in mind when trying to find the right answer to tone/attitude questions? What steps should you take to tackle the paired passages?

2 Rhetorical Strategy and Organization Questions
What do they look like? This passage is written from the perspective of someone who is… Which choice best describes the structure of the first paragraph/this passage? The statement in line x signals a shift from…

3 Rhetorical Strategy and Organization Questions
Point of View is an important concept in answering Rhetorical Strategy and Organization questions Look at the example of first person POV on page 262, the example of third person POV on page 263 and the example of second person POV on page 263

4 Rhetorical Strategy and Organization Questions
Notice Pronouns If you encounter a question about where a change or shift occurs in the passage, notice the pronoun. Often first person is more personal or shows the writer to be personally involved and third person is more detached or neutral or shows the writer to be an interested observer . Most SAT passages are written in third person. Lets look at an example on page 264

5 Rhetorical Strategy and Organization Questions
Most science and social science passages will be written from the point-of-view of informed observers. Their tones are mostly neutral, but they often have a positive attitude towards their subjects. Fiction and historical passages writers may be directly involved or knowledgeable observers. Their tones may not be neutral. As an example look at the question on page 265

6 Rhetorical Strategy and Organization Questions
Some Point of View questions ask about the narrator’s perspective in terms of age (child vs adult) or time. Pay attention to verb tense with these kinds of questions. They can give you a clue about these questions. Take a look at the example question on page 267

7 Rhetorical Strategy and Organization Questions
Paragraph and Passage Organization Paragraph organization – skim for important transitions; then consider how they indicate that relationship (compare/contrast; sequence, etc.) Overall organization of a passage – focus on the end of the introduction and the beginning of each paragraph

8 Rhetorical Strategy and Organization Questions
Let’s look at examples on page 269

9 Rhetorical Strategy and Organization Questions
Counterarguments The following types of phrases are tipoffs that an author is introducing a counterargument: Some people/researchers have argued that… It might/could be argued that… A possible objection/concern is that… On the other hand, one could argue that … Of course, it is true that…

10 Rhetorical Strategy and Organization Questions
Sometimes counterarguments will be presented in indirect ways. Sometimes writers will make concessions, acknowledging that some of the objections to their argument are valid. They may also agree with part of the objection while disagreeing with other parts. Writers often provide rebuttals (responses)to counterarguments Look at the example of a counterargument and a rebuttal on page 273

11 Rhetorical Strategy and Organization Questions
Sometimes, writers flip back and forth between counterarguments and their own assertions or responses to those counterarguments – all in one paragraph. Let’s look at the example on page 274

12 Rhetorical Strategy and Organization Questions
Effect of Rhetorical Strategy questions Examples might include strategies like repetition or word choice (these are very similar to function questions) Let’s try a question on page 275

13 Rhetorical Strategy and Organization Questions
Practice RS and Organization questions on page 276

14 Infographics Infographic questions can be divided into three main types: 1) Questions that require the graph only 2) Questions that refer to both the graph and the passage but that can be answered using only one or the other 3) Questions that require both the graph and the passage.

15 Infographics Most readers will not be used to looking at information conveyed in a graph or another infographic form, but remember that these are just alternate ways of conveying information.

16 Infographics Some things to notice about graphs
1) What is the shape of the graph? Does it go up, down or both? 2) Are changes steady, or is there a big jump somewhere? If so, where? 3) Is there an outlier point with a value very different from that of the other points? 4) Are there items whose values don’t change at all? 5) What does the title of the graph tell you? Don’t ignore it!

17 Infographics Let’s look at the graph on page 313
And then try reading the graph and answering the question on page 315

18 Infographics Look at the example on page 317 and the question on page 318

19 Infographics Multiple Variables
Here are some questions to consider for multi-variable graphs 1) Do the lines move in a similar way, or do they move in different ways 2) Is one line consistently high and other consistently low? 3) Do both lines ever pass through the same point? 4) If a large increase/decrease occurs, does is occur in the same place for both lines, or does it occur in different places?

20 Infographics Take a look at the multi-variable graph on page 317

21 Infographics Backwards Graphs and Trick Anwers
Pay close attention to the titles of graphs Pay close attention to answers that are factually correct but that don’t answer the question Pay close attention to the units of measure in the graph vs the answer choices Look at the graph and question on page 319

22 Infographics Sometimes you will be presented, not with a graph, but another form of an infographic, like a table Let’s try the one on page 322

23 Infographics Some infographics seem like you need to read both the infographic and the passage, but you don’t actually See the example on page 325

24 Infographics Some infographics require information from both the graph and the passage. In this case, try to figure out a bit of information about the graph first See the example on page 329

25 Infographics Your turn. Work through the infographic questions starting on page 333.

26 Reviewing and Preparing for the exam on Monday
You will take a 65 minute SAT-style reading exam on Monday. You have been preparing for this exam every day during our class, but if you want more prep (which I recommend), please do any of the extra exercises I provided for you on my weblog. Answers will be posted outside my classroom door. You can also look over my power point slides, which are posted on my website and rethink any questions you missed on the diagnostic reading test.

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