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Business Managers & the integrity agenda

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1 WORDS THAT WORK Association of Business Managers in Victorian State Schools 19 March 2018

2 Business Managers & the integrity agenda
Operation Ord & Dunham hearings Integrity Reform Program 100+ public commitments 37 projects External reporting & scrutiny Integrity Strategy Business managers contribute to strengthening three lines of defence against integrity risk Version: September 2016

3 Role of the Integrity Liaison Officer (ILO)
Support you, your principals and staff to manage ethical issues, and make good decisions Do the leg work for you to apply DET policy to school-based situations, particularly Conflicts of Interest, other employment, sponsorship, gifts, benefits and hospitality Support referrals and help you find out where to go Drive a culture of integrity and respect through education and awareness activities with teams and networks Provide your feedback to the Region and Centre to contribute to reform Manage the Region’s Integrity Leadership Group Version: September 2016

4 Business Managers in Integrity Leadership Groups
Fiona Rankin Nancy Sandilands Karen Baker Angela Campbell Gina Hasapis Vicki Ramsdale Robyn Jackson Yvonne Edwards Deanna Edwards Finoula Murray Kristina Elvey Jan Prior Joy Geoghegan Sandra Monaghan Judy Webb Jennifer Hunter Abby Makin Andrew Bennett Version: September 2016

5 What is ‘Words that Work’?
A targeted resource to support Business Managers Based on sound research - ‘Giving Voice to Values’ Helps Business Managers to ‘Act’ upon their values and voice ethical concerns Acknowledges potential ethical concerns faced by Business Managers, and the reasons why some may have difficulty in raising them Provides guidance in reframing thinking to make raising concerns easier

6 Why was ‘Words that Work’ developed?
Business Managers have a critical role in leading an ethical culture in schools Specific challenges faced by Business Managers were raised in an Integrity Leadership Group meeting in February 2017 New Business Managers, or Business Managers new to a school Newly appointed Principals Business Managers have a unique role in the school, and require targeted support The DET model for raising concerns encourages local resolution where appropriate

7 What impacts Business Manager confidence in raising concerns?
The experience of the BM, and how new they are to schools The location and size of the school The leadership style of the Principal and other school staff The maturity of systems and processes at the school The relationship of the Leadership team with the BM – ie is the BM part of the school leadership team. Other cultural and environmental factors.

8 ‘Words that Work’ resource is not
an exhaustive list prescriptive ‘the only solution’ a ‘static’ document

9 How was ‘Words that Work’ developed and by who?
Project launched through ABMVSS and SWVR/SEVR Integrity Leadership Groups Survey of BMs Identify themes Identify alternative ways of thinking and ‘Words that Work’ Stakeholder feedback Develop a framework for developing ‘Words that Work’

10 Recruitment Finance/Resources Procurement Respect Information
Themes identified Recruitment Finance/Resources Procurement Respect Information Employment

11 Words that Work example
Ethical problem Finding that a school staff member is related to, or has an association with a supplier Reasons for not saying anything We know firsthand the product or service we’re going to get They’re more likely to do a good job because of the relationship This would not influence any decisions I make Alternative ways of thinking Even though it may not influence decisions, there may be a perception of bias and favouritism towards the supplier, as well as an expectation of future work Words that Work “We have to make sure that other suppliers feel that our procurement decisions are fair and unbiased and there is no perception of favouritism”

12 What’s in the ‘Words that Work’ resource?
Summary and Overview Example of identified problems, common excuses for not reporting them, alternative ways of thinking and ‘Words that Work’ Create your own ‘Words that Work’ Sources of information and support The Words that Work booklet has several components. As you would expect, the first page is an overview of the tool – what it is, and how it might be used. The body of the resource is a table, organised in line with the identified themes, which gives examples of typical problems, common excuses for not reporting them, alternative ways of thinking and suggested ‘”Words that Work”. The last two pages have additional information, which we will look at now.

13 A framework for ‘Words that Work’
Acknowledge the difficulty and offer to assist Identify the risks or negative impacts Appeal to a higher value or common purpose Offer a solution Refer to policy

14 Structure what you would say to them
Your own example Situation You notice the school’s stamp supply has been rapidly depleting recently. You come across a staff member taking several stamps – they say ‘I’m just borrowing some to get my last Christmas Cards out while there is still time’. Structure what you would say to them Acknowledge the difficulty and offer to assist Identify the risks or negative impacts Appeal to a higher value or common purpose Offer a solution Refer to policy or guidelines.

15 Other Approaches Say you are seeking information or clarification about policy or procedure HRWeb or People Services ( ) (including Recruitment in schools) Merit Protection Boards – Gifts, Benefits and Hospitality Policy Schools Financial Manual – Schools Financial Liaison Officer Privacy Policy, Privacy team COI toolkit and guidelines (HR Web) Schools Procurement Policy and Procedure Your region’s Integrity Liaison Officer Serious issues such as major conflicts of interest, fraud or corruption must be reported Employee Conduct Branch – for misconduct ph Speak up Service – ( ) Independent broad-based anti-corruption commission Victoria Police Victorian Ombudsman

16 More information and support
ABMVSS website Intranet – Integrity Resources page (Support and Services) Your region’s Integrity Liaison Officer


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