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2018 GOLF CLASSIC “Celebrating 15 Years!!!”

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Presentation on theme: "2018 GOLF CLASSIC “Celebrating 15 Years!!!”"— Presentation transcript:

1 2018 GOLF CLASSIC “Celebrating 15 Years!!!” Saving one dog will not change the world, but surely for that one dog the world will change forever… Canine Rescue of Central PA, Inc. c/o Jeanna Erb Friday, June 1st Sportsman’s Golf Course Harrisburg, PA Registration – 11:30am/Shotgun Start – 1:00pm Harrisburg, PA 3019 N. 2nd Street

2 Sponsorship/Registration
Contact Info: Player 1: ____________________________ Address: ____________________________ State/Zip: ___________________________ ______________________________ Phone: ______________________________ Additional Players: Player 2: ____________________________ Player 3: ____________________________ Player 4: ____________________________ TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED: ____________ Business Name: ________________________ Contact: ______________________________ Address: ______________________________ ________________________________ Phone: _______________________________ Deadline: May 25th for Entry Form & Fee Canine Rescue of Central PA, Inc. is a 501(c)(3), organization dedicated to providing homes and assistance for dogs in helpless situations for 15 years! Events such as our Golf Classic help provide the means to continue our mission. The Golf Classic will be a shotgun start at 1pm with registration & driving range open at 11:30am. The tournament will include a full afternoon of events including Longest Drive, Closest to the Pin, Raffles, Great Prizes, and a delicious banquet meal at the end of play! The cost to golf is $65 per person which includes green fees & cart, range balls, snacks, beverages, and steak dinner!!! Please consider being a part of our Golf Classic and help celebrate our 15th Anniversary as a golfer or sponsor. With your support we will continue striving toward our mission of saving more dogs for years to come! Sincerely, Canine Rescue Golf Committee YES! I support the valuable work done by Canine Rescue to help dogs in hopeless situations. Sign me up for the following: Platinum Sponsor - $1,000 * Four Player Registrations * Display of Corporate Banner * Shotgun Recognition * Banquet Recognition * 1 Hole Sign Beverage Sponsor - $500 * 2 Beverage Cart Signs * Shotgun & Banquet Recognition Hole Sponsor - $100 * Name/Logo on 1 Hole Sign Play in Classic - $65/Player Banquet Dinner Only - $25/Person Donate the following awards, prizes, gifts: (please describe items and state value below) The official registration and financial information of Canine Rescue of Central PA, Inc., may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll free, within Pennsylvania, Registration does not imply endorsement. Please make check payable to: Canine Rescue of Central PA, Inc. c/o Jeanna Erb 3019 N. 2nd Street Harrisburg, PA Questions: Visit us on the web:

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