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Types of Government Essential question:

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1 Types of Government Essential question:
What principles guide different types of government?

2 Systems of Government   political scientists have two different ways of classifying governments.   The first way is according to how democratic they are and the second is according to how power is divided between the larger society (country level) and the smaller parties (like cities and states).  There are three main systems of government each with it's own advantages and disadvantages and several types of government within those categories. 

3 1) Unitary System   A unitary system of government gives all key powers to the central government, which then distributes some limited powers to state and local level. List some advantages and disadvantages of this style

4 2) Confederate System  A confederal, or confederate system of government, is a loose union of independent and sovereign states. In this system states retain all powers and give limited abilities to the central government.  List some advantages and disadvantages of this style 

5 3) Federal System  A federal system of government divides the powers of government between the national and state or provincial government, with each level having sovereignty in some areas. For example in the US education is a right reserved to the state.  List some advantages and disadvantages of this style

6 Learning Check Write the following questions in your Cornell notes and your answers with your shoulder buddy: In which system of government does the central government have the most power? The least? What do federal, unitary, and confederate systems have in common?

7 Types of Government  •Authoritarian governments control all aspects of citizens’ economic, political, and social lives. They are sometimes called totalitarian states as well because the government has total control. •Monarchy is a form of government in which one person—a king, queen, or emperor—inherits the throne and heads the state. •A democracy is a system of government in which the people rule, either directly or through representatives.

8 We the People: Aung San Suu Kyi pg. 15
Read the "We the People: Making a Difference" story about Aung San Suu Kyi on pg. 15.  01 Then answer the questions about the story at the end of your notes. 02

9 Constitutional Government
A constitution is a plan that identifies the people’s ideals; establishes government structure, powers, and duties; and provides the supreme law. A constitutional government is limited because the constitution places restrictions on the powers of government actions of its officials. Governments do not always follow the laws of their constitutions and any type or system of government can have a Constitution. 

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