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1 1. Turn to your LIST section. Please be ready to begin.
Bellringer 1. Turn to your LIST section. Please be ready to begin.


3 Colonial Advantages British Advantages Fighting on home ground Well-trained, well-supplied army and navy Good decisions by generals Wealth of resources Fighting for their rights and freedoms Strong central government French alliance: loans, navy, troops Colonial Disadvantages British Disadvantages Untrained soldiers; small army Fighting in unfamiliar, hostile territory Food and ammunition shortages Fighting far away from Britain and resources Weak and divided central government Troops indifferent; halfhearted support at home

4 Analyze the first battles of the American Revolution.
Lexington and Concord Analyze the first battles of the American Revolution.

5 Lexington and Concord What: First battles of the American Revolution
When: 1775 Where: Lexington, MA and Concord, MA

6 Lexington and Concord Significance: 1. Marks the beginning of the war and shows Britain this won’t be an easy victory 2. Led to the 2nd Continental Congress



9 I. Lexington and Concord
Background Paul Revere … and others…

10 “One if by land, two if by sea”






16 I. Lexington and Concord
C. Battle Events

17 North Bridge




21 Homework 1. Read Article – Two Views of Lexington and Concord.
2. Make a Venn diagram that compares and contrasts the two accounts. 3. You will need 4 points in each of the three areas. 4. Best wishes.

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