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Community Link Workers

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1 Community Link Workers
Deborah Clark (Community Link Worker Team Leader – West Edinburgh)

2 Community Link Workers (CLWs)
Can support patients to identify and access community services, groups and activities that they may enjoy and that may benefit their health and wellbeing. CLW’s focus on patients social rather than medical needs.

3 Community Link Workers in SW
Medical Practice Organisation Julie Roxburgh Wester Hailes Medical Practice The Health Agency Deborah Clark Whinpark Medical Centre Health All Round Calum Barry Sighthill Green Medical Practice Sighthill Yellow Medical Practice Sighthill Red Medical Practice

4 Case Studies

5 What did support entail?
Bill Referral from his GP: Anxiety Depression Suicidal Ideations Isolation A 42 year old male A Community Link Worker supported Bill to link in with services, groups and activities. What did support entail? 7 one-to-one 45 minute support sessions. 1 accompanied visit to a local community health project. Through building trust over time, Bill disclosed that he liked to cross-dress but was struggling with these feelings and was having suicidal ideations. What mattered most to Bill was improving his mental health and building his social circle. What services, groups and activities was Bill supported to access? Health All Round Counselling Service LGBT Health and Wellbeing Edinburgh College Bill is now feeling more confident and accepting of himself as a crossdresser. He is having less suicidal ideations and has applied to begin a college course.

6 Bob Referral from his GP: Domestic abuse Anxiety Young child New to the area A 53 year old male A Community Link Worker supported Bob to link in with services, groups and activities. What did support entail? 4 one-to-one 60 minute support sessions. 3 accompanied visits to meet with local organisations. Bob had recently moved to Edinburgh with his son to escape domestic violence. He wished for assistance to find housing and welfare rights advice. He was also keen to find to find work. What mattered most to Bob was finding work and knowing his rights as a father. What services, groups and activities was James supported to access? CHAI- Advice service The Community One Stop Shop Gate 55- Employability Hub Dads Rock J Bob now feels less anxious and more integrated in his local community. He has started Gaelic lessons with his son, completed a sponsored half marathon and has started to look for work.

7 What did support entail?
Lisa Referral from her GP: Low Mood Social Isolation Chronic Pain A 29 year old female A Community Link Worker supported Lisa to link in with services, groups and activities. What did support entail? 3 one-to-one 45 minute support sessions. 2 Follow up 15 minute phone calls 1 Accompanied visit to the SMART Centre Lisa has a young family and was struggling with chronic pain due to rheumatoid arthritis. Her pain was causing her to have very low mood and was stopping her getting out the house. What mattered most to Lisa was managing her pain and getting out the house more. What services, groups and activities was Lisa supported to access? Westerhaven LTC Project- EFT and Massage SMART Centre SCORE Scotland Tasting Change Family Cooking Group Lisa is now feeling more positive and is managing her pain through support at Westerhaven. Through engaging with SCORE Scotland Lisa is getting out more and also attending activities with her family. Lisa now hopes to look at adult learning courses.

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