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USE OF THE CONDOM 9% ♀ and 16% ♂ refer to a consistant usage with a steady partner. 11%♀ and 24% ♂ refer to a consistant usage with an occasional partner.

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Presentation on theme: "USE OF THE CONDOM 9% ♀ and 16% ♂ refer to a consistant usage with a steady partner. 11%♀ and 24% ♂ refer to a consistant usage with an occasional partner."— Presentation transcript:

1 USE OF THE CONDOM 9% ♀ and 16% ♂ refer to a consistant usage with a steady partner. 11%♀ and 24% ♂ refer to a consistant usage with an occasional partner. 32% of men having sex with other men say they use condoms. 45% of men having relations with sexual workers say they use the condom (Preven 2002: Encuesta domiciliaria de ETS y conducta sexual en hombres y mujeres de 18 a 29 años en 24 ciudades del país).

2 Prevention strategies in STDs and HIV with adolescence
To be effective, strategies need to integrate a large variety of actors such as individuals, family, and institutions. They should include: : educational intervention with school-based programs Programs to touch youth outside of school premises. Programs seeking to diminish access barriers to condoms By improving negociation capabilities in regards to its use By ensuring distribution and access to the population groups that are in need. Father/mother-adolescent communication A poor communication level is associated with undesired pregnancies, low usage of condoms, a low self-esteem, an incapacity to negociate with a partner and an ↑ in STDs and HIV.

3 Kallpa’s experiences

4 What is a healthy and pleasant sexual life?
Having access to up-to date and objective information Using prevention methods to avoid STDs, HIV and undesired pregnancies Having a voluntary and mutually consented first sexual relationship Having at one’s disposition minimum economic means Appropriating oneself of his or her body: pleasure Participating in youth oriented spaces Expressing one’s feelings, emotions and needs

5 What is youth protagonism?
It is a social process in which the youth and the adolescent plays the principal role in his development and that of his community to attain the full realization of his own rights. (Organización pro niños y niñas centroamericanas  PRONICE)

6 Adolescents and youth have a healthy sexual life and prevent HIV-AIDS
Youth protagonism Exercise of their rights Capabilities for life Capabilities for citizenship Conduction of emotions Assertive communication Conflict resolution Negociation for the use of the condon Decision making -Participation Administration Concertation Incidence and vigilance Creativity Proper use of condm Citizenship initiatives

7 What are citizenship initiatives?
They are spaces in which conditions help facilitate responses to the epidemic, to the reality of youth and of public policy touching upon HIV /AIDS. These initiatives take into account inter-institutional and inter-sectorial considerations at a local, regional and national level.

8 Ciudad Vida Sida (City life AIDS):
La Red Sur Vida, local network of multi-sectoral institutions works on inter-generational capabilities and youth protagonism using socio-cultural animation as methodology “The train of your life” is a campaign which allows youth to know their sexual and reproductive rights et express themselves in relation to the exercise of those rights

9 Discosida It is a tent that is set up as a discotheque where teenagers receive information on the prevention of STDs and HIV-AIDS,. They can practice putting on condoms and engage in role playing and negociation exercises

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