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Introduction to the Pre-Clerkship Curriculum

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1 Introduction to the Pre-Clerkship Curriculum
Medical School Years 1-2 David J. Karras, MD, FACEP, FAAEM Professor and Associate Chair of Emergency Medicine Associate Dean for Pre-Clerkship Education

2 Is there a doctor in the house?
Am I a doctor? Is there a doctor in the house?

3 Pre-Clerkship Curriculum Overview
Year 1: Normal human structure, function, and development Year 2: Disease mechanisms, diagnosis, and treatment Throughout the pre-clerkship years Patient assessment and communication skills Introduction to diagnostic reasoning The physician’s role in society, medical ethics, societal impacts on health, healthcare systems, and professionalism Culminates in readiness to participate in the care of patients in hospital and outpatient settings – the Clerkship Years

4 First Year Curriculum Block Start Course Name 1 August
Fundamentals of Clinical Anatomy and Imaging 2 October Fundamentals of Medicine A: Biochemistry & Molecular Biology B: Fundamentals of Cellular Structure and Function 3 January Biological Systems I: Cardiovascular, Respiratory, and Renal Systems 4 February Biological Systems II: Gastrointestinal, Endocrine, Reproductive Systems; Bone and Skin 5 April Biological Systems III: Nervous System 6 May Biological Systems IV: Immunology and Inflammation All year Doctoring 1

5 Second Year Curriculum
Block Start Course Name 7 August Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 8 September Diseases of the Cardiovascular, Respiratory, and Renal Systems 9 November Diseases of the Gastrointestinal, Endocrine, and Reproductive Systems 10 January Diseases of the Nervous System 11 February Diseases of Hematology, Oncology, Immunologic Disorders, and Musculoskeletal Disorders All year Doctoring 2 March-May Board Study (Independent – 6 weeks)

6 Doctoring: Introduction to the Culture and Practice of Medicine
Spans Years 1-2 Introduction to clinical skills History-taking Physical examination Communication skills Clinical reasoning and diagnosis Reflections, group discussions Coordinated with the pre-clerkship block schedule and integrated wherever possible

7 Clinical Threads Critical issues affecting the practice of medicine, societal concerns, the role of physicians, and your development as a medical professional Social Determinates of Health, Medical Ethics, and Population Health Health Systems Science Patient-Centered Care and Communication Quality of Care and Patient Safety Inter-Professional Education Professionalism and Professional Identity Formation

8 Clinical Threads Span years 1-2 Concentrated in “Thread Focus” weeks
Introductory lectures during “Doctoring” Cases and discussions integrated into Block and Doctoring activities

9 Year 1: Block Dates (Inclusive)
Course Name Start End 1 Anatomy & Imaging Monday 8/13/18 Monday 10/1/18 2 Fund. Medicine Wednesday 10/3/18 Friday 12/21/18 3 Biological Systems I Thursday 1/3/19 Friday 2/15/19 4 Biological Systems II Monday 2/18/19 Friday 3/29/19 5 Biological Systems III Monday 4/8/19 Friday 5/10/19 6 Biological Systems IV Monday 5/13/19 Monday 6/10/19 Summer break Tuesday 6/11/19 Friday 8/9/19 Year 2 begins Monday 8/12/19

10 Year 1: Tentative Exam Dates
Block Course Exam 1 Exam 2 Exam 3/Final 1 Anatomy & Imaging Friday 8/31/18 Monday 10/1/18 2 Fund. Medicine Wednesday 10/24/18 Tuesday 11/20/18 Friday 12/21/18 3 Bio. Systems I Monday 1/28/19 Friday 2/15/19 4 Bio. Systems II Monday 3/11/19 Friday 3/29/19 5 Bio. Systems III Friday 5/10/19 6 Bio. Systems IV Monday 6/10/19 Doc Doctoring Friday 12/6/18* on-line exam Friday 5/23/19* on-line exam Exam dates may change: Always check the course syllabus!

11 Learning Approaches in the Pre-Clerkship Years
Lectures Live, all are captured on video and available later the same day Occasionally, only a prerecorded lecture is available (no live lecture) Small-group activities workshops and laboratories case-based discussions Clinical Reasoning Conferences clinically-focused, self-directed group problem-solving Simulation sessions Standardized patient sessions Clinical mentoring and clinical correlation with real patients Self-directed and independent learning

12 Grades in the Pre-Clerkship Years
Final grade in all courses is reported as Pass or Fail only Numerical final grade in each course is retained by Deans’ office utilized in determining class rank and awards identify and counsel students Points may be deducted from final course grade for excessive and unexcused absences or lateness, or for unprofessional behavior. Grade components are described in the syllabus of each course

13 Attendance Expectations
Participation and engagement in the learning environment are components of your professional responsibilities Attendance is required at all small-group activities workshops laboratories conferences simulation sessions Attendance is required at all Doctoring activities Attendance is encouraged, but not required, at lectures (other than Doctoring) class capture and PowerPoint slides are available for all lectures

14 Attendance Expectations
We understand that life happens outside of school Unexpected absences or lateness may be unavoidable Unanticipated problems may arise No excuse required (and no penalty) for 2 or fewer absences/lateness in required sessions, per block 4 or fewer absences/lateness in required sessions, per semester

15 Attendance Expectations
Excessive absences or lateness is considered >2 unexcused absences/lateness in one Block > 4 unexcused absences/lateness in one semester 2 points will be deducted from the final course grade for each excessive unexcused absence or lateness Excessive absences or lateness may be referred to Honor Board or Academic Standards and Promotions Excessive absences or lateness may be reflected in Medical Student Performance Evaluation (MSPE) Details of attendance polices are in each course syllabus

16 Pre-Clerkship Electives
Opportunities to enhance and enrich your education beyond the required curriculum Grow professionally Remind yourself why you went into medicine Gain insight into potential specialties Grow personally Reflect on your experiences Dig into the interpersonal and societal aspects of medicine

17 Pre-Clerkship Electives
Humanities self-reflection, mindfulness, healthy cooking narrative medicine, visual reflection history of medicine Clinical Experiences addiction medicine primary care medicine specialty-specific electives global medicine

18 Pre-Clerkship Electives
Optional participation and attendance are expected once registered Meeting times vary – check the elective description! all are in the afternoon most are on Fridays, will not conflict with scheduled activities Electives scheduled for Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday afternoons may conflict with your Doctoring College day do not sign up for a elective on your Doctoring College day! these electives will be held on other days in future semesters

19 Textbooks Mandatory and recommended references are included in the syllabus of each course Library has reserve copies of all required texts as well as on-line access with limited user licenses

20 Textbooks List price (before discount): $226
Discount price (30% off): 158

21 Any Questions?

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