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2 JOURNAL QUESTION: What is one insight that you have come to throughout this whole semester/year about: YOURSELF CLASSMATES THE WOLRD GOD What is one question that still remains for you in your journey through this world?

30.  Which of the following is NOT one of the reasons the Catholic Church sees for punishing criminals? Deterrence Revenge Retribution Rehabilitation

4 23.         What does the Catholic Church teach about capital punishment (the death penalty)?
That it is a fair punishment for someone who has taken another’s life. The Church has not taken a decisive stance towards it (i.e. it doesn’t feel strongly one way or the other about it). The existing system of Capital Punishment in our country is good and fair—not too many people are executed and only the really guilty criminals get the punishment. It teaches that Capital Punishment should be abolished in this country because it takes away human dignity.

5 Match the correct term below with the accurate description/definition of it.
Artificial Insemination In Vitro Fertilization Surrogate Motherhood G.I.F.T. ____ This process takes sperm from a man (either the husband or an anonymous donor) and mechanically introduced into a woman’s reproductive tract. ____ The sperm from a male and the eggs of a female (after the woman has taken fertility drugs) are taken and then joined in a Petri dish.  The embryo is then implanted into a woman’s womb. ____ A woman is impregnated artificially or “naturally” and then carries the child until he or she is born but the child is not legally her own. ____ Sperm from the man and an egg from the woman are placed within a syringe and injected into the woman’s Fallopian Tube in the hopes of their fertilization.

6 Which state in our country has executed the most people due to Capital Punishment?
California Virginia Oklahoma Texas

7 The person who first stated clearly the need for every person to have a “consistent ethic of life” was: Sr. Helen Prejean Pope John Paul II Joseph Cardinal Bernardin Bishop Allen Vigneron

Where Do You Stand on Capital Punishment? What, honestly, do you believe about this issue? What has been the most interesting or challenging or insightful thing you have learned about this issue throughout the course of this class? For full credit, you must include ALL of the following words/phrases in your answer: The Consistent Ethic of Life/Seamless Garment Cost Life in Prison Three reasons for punishment Dead Man Walking

9 Where Do You Stand on Euthanasia?
What, honestly, do you believe about this issue? What has been the most interesting or challenging or insightful thing you have learned about this issue throughout the course of this class? For full credit, you must include ALL of the following words/phrases in your answer: Passive Euthanasia Active Euthanasia Ordinary/Proportionate Means Extraordinary/Disproportionate Means Suffering

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