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Presentation on theme: "1607."— Presentation transcript:

1 1607

2 1776

3 1787

4 1803


6 Articles of Confederation

7 Bill of Rights

8 Civic Virtue

9 Declaration of Independence

10 English Bill of Rights

11 Federalism

12 Federalist Papers

13 Federalists

14 Anti-Federalists

15 Founding Fathers

16 French and Indian War

17 Fundamental Orders of Connecticut

18 Industrial Revolution

19 Limited Government

20 Magna Carta

21 Manifest Destiny

22 Mayflower Compact

23 McCulloch v. Maryland

24 Marbury v. Madison

25 Monroe Doctrine

26 Northwest Ordinance

27 Philadelphia Convention of 1787

28 15th Amendment

29 13th Amendment

30 14th Amendment

31 Abolitionist Movement

32 Bessemer Steel Process

33 Checks and Balances

34 Civil Disobedience

35 Gettysburg Address

36 Gibbons v. Ogden

37 Individual Rights

38 Judicial Review

39 Mercantilism

40 Emancipation Proclamation

41 Nullification Crisis

42 Plantation System

43 Popular Sovereignty

44 Protective Tariff

45 Reform Movements

46 Representative Government

47 Republicanism

48 Separation of Powers

49 Unalienable Rights

50 Dred Scott v. Sandford

51 Free Enterprise System

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