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UNECE-Standard for Plums Стандарт ЕЭК ООН на сливы FFV-29 (2010)

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Presentation on theme: "UNECE-Standard for Plums Стандарт ЕЭК ООН на сливы FFV-29 (2010)"— Presentation transcript:

1 UNECE-Standard for Plums Стандарт ЕЭК ООН на сливы FFV-29 (2010)
UNECE Plums FFV-29 (2004) UNECE/OECD-Plums 2010 UNECE-Standard for Plums Стандарт ЕЭК ООН на сливы FFV-29 (2010) Dr. Ulrike Bickelmann / Др. Ульрике Бикельман Photo: The interpretation of the UNECE standard for plums is based on the edition 2010 of the standard ( and the OECE explanatory brochure on plums edition 2002 ( Pursuant to article 3 of Regulation (EU) No 543/2011 the general marketing standard must be applied for plums in the EU at all marketing stages (wholesale, retail, export, import). This EU standard is published in annex I part A part regulation 543/2011. However, where the holder is able to show they are in conformity with any applicable standards by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the product shall be considered as conforming to the general marketing standard. As the general marketing standard does not provide any provisions on classification, the application of the UNECE standard for plums FFV-29 is an interesting and necessary option for the traders.

2 Statistics Статистика Plums – 2007 Production Exports China
Serbia 680,566 t 30,552 t Romania 372,631 t USA 367,319 t 48,368 t Chile 300,000 t 105,055 t France 248,947 t 23,903 t Turkey 240,874 t Spain 191,100 t 82,221 t RUS 183,000 t Italy 178,293 t 38,712 t South Africa 43,742 t Argentina 128,000 18,621 t World – Total 9,616,771 t Imports to Germany: 39,535 t Notified to inspection: t Rejected: 5 % of inspected quantity 2 FAOSTAT

3 Definition of produce Определение продукта
UNECE/OECD-Plums 2010 Definition of produce Определение продукта Prunus domestica subsp. italica Green Gage Сорт «Ренклод» Prunus salicina “Japanese plum” Сорт «Японский» Photo: OECD-plums-6 Definition of produce: This standard applies to plums of varieties (cultivars) grown from Prunus domestica subsp. domestica, Prunus domestica subsp. insititia xxx to be supplied fresh to the consumer, plums for industrial processing being excluded. Interpretation: Varieties of plums are characterised by size of the fruit (small, medium, or large sized fruit, when fully developed),   shape of the fruit (round, elliptical, oval, triangular or oblong, more or less symmetrical and with a more or less marked seem),   flesh colour (bright or dark orange), skin colour (bright or dark orange, with or without pigmentation/blush). Prunus domestica subsp. syriaca Mirabelle Мирабель Prunus domestica subsp. domestica Quetsche Венгерка

4 Минимальные требования
UNECE/OECD-Plums 2010 Minimum requirements Минимальные требования Photos: OECD-plums-8, OECD-plums-9 Minimum requirement: intact Interpretation: Plums must not have any damage or injury spoiling the integrity of the produce. Mechanical damage, unhealed cracks and, injury of the stalk cavity are not allowed. Fruit with the defects shown on the photo are not allowed. Thus, they can be accepted within the 1 % tolerance of Class I or 10 % tolerance of Class II. In case the damage is serious and affecting edibility , the produce is allowed within the 1 % tolerance for decay of Class I and the 2 % tolerance of Class II. not intact – damaged/split fruit – not allowed не неповрежденный  – Поврежденные/треснувшие – не допускается

5 Минимальные требования
UNECE/OECD-Plums 2010 Minimum requirements Минимальные требования Photos: OECD-plums-10, OECD-plums-11 Minimum requirement: sound; produce affected by rotting or deterioration such as to make it unfit for consumption is excluded Interpretation: Plums must be free from disease or serious deterioration which appreciably affects their appearance, edibility or keeping quality. In particular, plums affected by rotting, even if the signs are very slight but liable to make the plums unfit for consumption upon arrival at their destination, are to be excluded. Plums showing marked bruising, even if the signs very slight or mould inside or outside the fruit are not allowed. Fruit showing these defects can be accepted within the 1 % (Class I) or 2 % (Class II) tolerance for decay. not sound – marked bruising – not allowed не доброкачественный – Сильные повреждения – не допускается

6 Минимальные требования
UNECE/OECD-Plums 2010 Minimum requirements Минимальные требования Photos: OECD-plums-12, OECD-plums-13 Minimum requirement: sound; produce affected by rotting or deterioration such as to make it unfit for consumption is excluded Interpretation: Plums must be free from disease or serious deterioration which appreciably affects their appearance, edibility or keeping quality. In particular, plums affected by rotting, even if the signs are very slight but liable to make the plums unfit for consumption upon arrival at their destination, are to be excluded. Plums showing marked bruising due to hail or traces of fermentation, even if the signs very slight or mould inside or outside the fruit are not allowed. Fruit showing these defects can be accepted within the 1 % (Class I) or 2 % (Class II) tolerance for decay. not sound – marked bruising due to hail / traces of fermentation – not allowed не доброкачественный – Сильное повреждение градом /следы ферментации – не допускается

7 Минимальные требования
UNECE/OECD-Plums 2010 Minimum requirements Минимальные требования Photos: OECD-plums-14, OECD-plums-16 Minimum requirement: sound; produce affected by rotting or deterioration such as to make it unfit for consumption is excluded Interpretation: Plums must be free from disease or serious deterioration which appreciably affects their appearance, edibility or keeping quality. In particular, plums affected by rotting, even if the signs are very slight but liable to make the plums unfit for consumption upon arrival at their destination, are to be excluded. Plums showing sharka, even if the signs very slight or mould inside or outside the fruit are not allowed. Fruit showing these defects can be accepted within the 1 % (Class I) or 2 % (Class II) tolerance for decay. not sound – sharka (plum pox virus) – not allowed не доброкачественный – Шарка (вирус оспы сливы) – не допускается

8 Минимальные требования
UNECE/OECD-Plums 2010 Minimum requirements Минимальные требования Photos: OECD-plums-15 Minimum requirement: sound; produce affected by rotting or deterioration such as to make it unfit for consumption is excluded Interpretation: Plums must be free from disease or serious deterioration which appreciably affects their appearance, edibility or keeping quality. In particular, plums affected by rotting, even if the signs are very slight but liable to make the plums unfit for consumption upon arrival at their destination, are to be excluded. Plums showing sharka, even if the signs very slight or mould inside or outside the fruit are not allowed. Fruit showing these defects can be accepted within the 1 % (Class I) or 2 % (Class II) tolerance for decay. not sound – sharka (plum pox virus) – not allowed не доброкачественный – Шарка (вирус оспы сливы) – не допускается

9 Минимальные требования
UNECE/OECD-Plums 2010 Minimum requirements Минимальные требования Photos: OECD-plums-17 Minimum requirement: sound; produce affected by rotting or deterioration such as to make it unfit for consumption is excluded Interpretation: Plums must be free from disease or serious deterioration which appreciably affects their appearance, edibility or keeping quality. In particular, plums affected by rotting, even if the signs are very slight but liable to make the plums unfit for consumption upon arrival at their destination, are to be excluded. Plums showing scab, even if the signs very slight or mould inside or outside the fruit are not allowed. Fruit showing these defects can be accepted within the 1 % (Class I) or 2 % (Class II) tolerance for decay. not sound – Scab (Venturia carpophila) – not allowed не доброкачественный – Парша (Venturia carpophila) – не допускается

10 Минимальные требования
UNECE/OECD-Plums 2010 Minimum requirements Минимальные требования Photo: OECD-plums-19 Minimum requirement: sound; produce affected by rotting or deterioration such as to make it unfit for consumption is excluded Interpretation: Plums must be free from disease or serious deterioration which appreciably affects their appearance, edibility or keeping quality. In particular, plums affected by rotting, even if the signs are very slight but liable to make the plums unfit for consumption upon arrival at their destination, are to be excluded. Plums showing traces of internal browning, even if the signs very slight or mould inside or outside the fruit are not allowed. Fruit showing these defects can be accepted within the 1 % (Class I) or 2 % (Class II) tolerance for decay. not sound – traces of internal browning – not allowed не доброкачественный – Следы внутреннего побурения – не допускается

11 Минимальные требования
UNECE/OECD-Plums 2010 Minimum requirements Минимальные требования Photos: OECD-plums-20, OECD-plums-21 Minimum requirement: sound; produce affected by rotting or deterioration such as to make it unfit for consumption is excluded Interpretation: Plums must be free from disease or serious deterioration which appreciably affects their appearance, edibility or keeping quality. In particular, plums affected by rotting, even if the signs are very slight but liable to make the plums unfit for consumption upon arrival at their destination, are to be excluded. Plums showing dry and mealy fruit flesh, even if the signs very slight or mould inside or outside the fruit are not allowed. Fruit showing these defects can be accepted within the 1 % (Class I) or 2 % (Class II) tolerance for decay. not sound – dry and mealy fruit flesh / scald – not allowed не доброкачественный – Сухая мучнистая мякоть / Ожог – не допускается

12 Минимальные требования
UNECE/OECD-Plums 2010 Minimum requirements Минимальные требования Photos: OECD-plums-18, OECD-plums-22 Minimum requirement: sound; produce affected by rotting or deterioration such as to make it unfit for consumption is excluded Interpretation: Plums must be free from disease or serious deterioration which appreciably affects their appearance, edibility or keeping quality. In particular, plums affected by rotting, even if the signs are very slight but liable to make the plums unfit for consumption upon arrival at their destination, are to be excluded. Plums showing monilia or traces of rotting, even if the signs very slight or mould inside or outside the fruit are not allowed. Fruit showing these defects can be accepted within the 1 % (Class I) or 2 % (Class II) tolerance for decay. not sound – monilia / traces of rot – not allowed не доброкачественный – Moнилиоз/следы гнили – не допускается

13 Минимальные требования
UNECE/OECD-Plums 2010 Minimum requirements Минимальные требования Photos: OECD-plums-23, OECD-plums-24 Minimum requirement: sound; produce affected by rotting or deterioration such as to make it unfit for consumption is excluded Interpretation: Plums must be free from disease or serious deterioration which appreciably affects their appearance, edibility or keeping quality. In particular, plums affected by rotting, even if the signs are very slight but liable to make the plums unfit for consumption upon arrival at their destination, are to be excluded. Plums showing gummosis, even if the signs very slight or mould inside or outside the fruit are not allowed. Fruit showing these defects can be accepted within the 1 % (Class I) or 2 % (Class II) tolerance for decay. not sound – gummosis – not allowed не доброкачественный – Гоммоз (камедетечение) – не допускается

14 not sound – cavity with internal browning – not allowed
UNECE/OECD-Plums 2010 Minimum requirements Минимальные требования Photos: OECD-plums-25 Minimum requirement: sound; produce affected by rotting or deterioration such as to make it unfit for consumption is excluded Interpretation: Plums must be free from disease or serious deterioration which appreciably affects their appearance, edibility or keeping quality. In particular, plums affected by rotting, even if the signs are very slight but liable to make the plums unfit for consumption upon arrival at their destination, are to be excluded. Plums showing cavities with internal browning, even if the signs very slight or mould inside or outside the fruit are not allowed. Fruit showing these defects can be accepted within the 1 % (Class I) or 2 % (Class II) tolerance for decay. not sound – cavity with internal browning – not allowed не доброкачественный – Полости с внутренним потемнением – не допускается

15 Минимальные требования
UNECE/OECD-Plums 2010 Minimum requirements Минимальные требования Photos: OECD-plums-26, OECD-plums-27 Minimum requirement: sound; produce affected by rotting or deterioration such as to make it unfit for consumption is excluded Interpretation: Plums must be free from disease or serious deterioration which appreciably affects their appearance, edibility or keeping quality. In particular, plums affected by rotting, even if the signs are very slight but liable to make the plums unfit for consumption upon arrival at their destination, are to be excluded. Plums showing chilling injury, even if the signs very slight or mould inside or outside the fruit are not allowed. Fruit showing these defects can be accepted within the 1 % (Class I) or 2 % (Class II) tolerance for decay. not sound – chilling injury – not allowed не доброкачественный – Повреждение холодом – не допускается

16 Минимальные требования
UNECE/OECD-Plums 2010 Minimum requirements Минимальные требования Photos: OECD-plums-28, OECD-plums-29 Minimum requirement: clean, practically free of any visible foreign matter Interpretation: Plums must be practically free of visible soil, dust, residue or other foreign matter. Fruit showing very slight dust that can be regarded as “practically free of visible foreign matter” can be accepted in all classes. Fruit showing visible dust or soiling are allowed within the 1 % tolerance of Class I and 10 % tolerance or Class II only. Fruit showing visible residue of pesticides or bird droppings are affected in edibility. Thus, they are allowed only within the 1 % and 2 % tolerance for decay in Classes I and II. not clean – bird droppings / treatment residue – not allowed не чистый – Птичий помет / остатки химикатов – не допускается

17 Минимальные требования
UNECE/OECD-Plums 2010 Minimum requirements Минимальные требования Photos: OECD-plums-30 Minimum requirement: practically free from pests. Interpretation: The presence of pests can detract from the commercial presentation and acceptance of the plums. Therefore, the acceptable limit would be the odd insect, mite or other pest in the package or sample; any colonies would lead to the rejection of the produce. Plums affected with colonies of pests (as on the photo) can be accepted within the 1 % (Class I) or 2 % (Class II) tolerance for decay. not practically free from pests – San-José-scales (Aspidiotus perniciousus) – not allowed не практически без насекомых-вредителей – щитовка калифорнийская (Aspidiotus perniciousus) – не допускается

18 Минимальные требования
UNECE/OECD-Plums 2010 Minimum requirements Минимальные требования Photos: OECD-plums-31, OECD-plums-32 Minimum requirement: free from damage caused by pests affecting the flesh Interpretation: Pest damage affecting the flesh makes the produce unfit for consumption. Plums showing pest damage (as damage caused by larvae) affecting the skin only are scorred against the skin defects allowed in the relevant class. Plums showing pest damage affecting the flesh can be accepted within the 1 % (Class I) or 2 % (Class II) tolerance for decay. not free from damage caused by pests affecting the flesh – damage by larvae – not allowed не без затрагивающих мякоть повреждений, вызванных насекомыми-вредителями – Повреждение личинками – не допускается

19 Variety / Сорт: Tuleu Gras
UNECE/OECD-Plums 2010 Maturity requirements Минимальные требования к зрелости sufficiently developed and satisfactory ripeness – Left: not fully developed, unripe fruit – not allowed / right: fully developed, ripe fruit достаточное развитие и удовлетворительная зрелость – Слева: недостаточно развитый, неспелый – не допускается Справа: достаточно развитый, спелый Variety / Сорт: Tuleu Gras Photos: OECD-plums-36, OECD-plums-37 Maturity requirements: The plums must be sufficiently developed and display a satisfactory ripeness. Interpretation: Shape, size and surface colour according to the variety give information about the maturity level. Plums are climactric fruit, but if they are harvested before their physiologic maturity, they will not ripen further once picked. Immature fruit show a green tint in the flesh and the flesh is of gummy, dry texture. These fruit shrivel instead of developing the taste typical for the variety and a soft and juicy flesh. All fruit of the photo are of the same variety but of different stage of development and ripeness. Left: sufficiently developed and unripe – Not allowed (but allowed within the 1 % (Class I) or 2 % (Class II) tolerance for decay. Right: well developed and ripe

20 Variety / Сорт : Goccia d’Oro
UNECE/OECD-Plums 2010 Maturity requirements Минимальные требования к зрелости Photos: OECD-plums-38, OECD-plums-39 Maturity requirements: The plums must be sufficiently developed and display a satisfactory ripeness. Interpretation: The requirement of “satisfactory ripeness” excludes overripe fruit. Overripe fruit with a taste of fermentation or off-flavour are not allowed and can be accepted within the 1 % (Class I) or 2 % (Class II) tolerance for decay. sufficiently developed and not satisfactory ripeness – overripe fruit – not allowed достаточное развитие и нe удовлетворительная зрелость – Переспелый плод – нe допускается Variety / Сорт : Goccia d’Oro

21 Class Extra Высший сорт
UNECE/OECD-Plums 2010 Class Extra Высший сорт Photos: OECD-plums-40, OECD-plums-41 “Extra” Class Plums in this class must be of superior quality. They must be characteristic of the variety. They must be Practically covered by their bloom, according to variety Of firm flesh. They must be free from defects, with the exception of very slight superficial defects, provided these do not affect the general appearance of the produce, the quality, the keeping quality and presentation in the package. Interpretation: The fruit on the photo is limit of Extra Class as they are typical of the variety and practically covered by their bloom, according to variety. The fruit show very slight superficial defect only. Fruit showing more severe skin defects and/or less bloom than the limit shown on the photo can be allowed within the 5 % tolerance if the fruit is of Class I and 0.5 % tolerance if the fruit is of Class II quality. typical shape and colouring, practically covered by its bloom – limit allowed Характерные форма и окраска, практически покрытые налетом – допустимый предел

22 a slight defect in shape – typical shape / limit allowed
UNECE/OECD-Plums 2010 Class I Первый сорт Photos: OECD-plums-43 Class I: Plums in this class must be of good quality. They must be characteristic of the variety. The following slight defects, however, may be allowed, provided these do not affect the general appearance of the produce, the quality, the keeping quality and presentation in the package: a slight defect in shape Interpretation: Fruit showing more severe shape defects than the limit shown on the photo can be allowed within the 10 % tolerance if the defect is of Class II quality and 1 % tolerance of the defect is more severe. a slight defect in shape – typical shape / limit allowed незначительный дефект формы – характерная форма / допустимый предел variety / сорт: Cacanska najbolja

23 UNECE/OECD-Plums 2010 Class I Первый сорт Photos: OECD-plums-44 Class I: Plums in this class must be of good quality. They must be characteristic of the variety. The following slight defects, however, may be allowed, provided these do not affect the general appearance of the produce, the quality, the keeping quality and presentation in the package: a slight defect in development Interpretation: Fruit showing more severe defects in development (i.e. cavities plus broken stone) than the limit shown on the photo can be allowed within the 10 % tolerance if the defect is of Class II quality and 1 % tolerance of the defect is more severe. In case the fruit flesh of the cavity area would be discoloured, this can be allowed within the 1 % (Class I) or 2 % (Class II) tolerance for decay. a slight defect in development – cavity at the stem end of the stone – limit allowed незначительный дефект развития – Полость над косточкой – допустимый предел

24 variety / Сорт : Golden Gage
UNECE/OECD-Plums 2010 Class I Первый сорт Photos: OECD-plums-45, OECD-plums-46 Class I: Plums in this class must be of good quality. They must be characteristic of the variety. The following slight defects, however, may be allowed, provided these do not affect the general appearance of the produce, the quality, the keeping quality and presentation in the package: slight skin defects of elongated shape must no exceed in length 1/3 of the maximum diameter of the fruit. In particular, healed cracks may be allowed for “Golden Gage” varieties. Interpretation: Fruit showing more severe skin defects or healed cracks than the limit shown on the photo can be allowed within the 10 % tolerance if the defect is of Class II quality and 1 % tolerance of the defect is more severe. slight skin defects – due to rubbing / concentric healed cracks - limit allowed незначительные дефекты кожицы - Дефект от потертости/зарубцевавшиеся трещинки - допустимый предел variety / Сорт : Golden Gage

25 slight skin defects – due to rubbing / russeting - limit allowed
UNECE/OECD-Plums 2010 Class I Первый сорт Photos: OECD-plums-47, OECD-plums-48 The following slight defects, however, may be allowed, provided these do not affect the general appearance of the produce, the quality, the keeping quality and presentation in the package: other slight skin defects of which the total area affected must not exceed 1/16 of the whole surface. Interpretation: Fruit showing more severe skin defects than the limit shown on the photo can be allowed within the 10 % tolerance if the defect is of Class II quality and 1 % tolerance of the defect is more severe. slight skin defects – due to rubbing / russeting - limit allowed незначительные дефекты кожицы – Дефект от потертости/зарубцевавшиеся трещинки – допустимый предел

26 defects in shape – typical shape / limit allowed
UNECE/OECD-Plums 2010 Class II Второй сорт Photos: OECD-plums-49 Class II: This class includes plums that do not qualify for inclusion in the higher classes but satisfy the minimum requirements specified above. The following defects may be allowed provided, the plums retain their essential characteristics as regards the quality, the keeping quality and presentation:   defects in shape Interpretation: Fruit showing more severe shape defects than the limit shown on the photo can be allowed within the 10 % tolerance of Class II and 1 % tolerance of Class I. defects in shape – typical shape / limit allowed дефекты формы – характерная форма / допустимый предел (variety сорт : Hauszwetsche)

27 Class II Второй сорт severe defect in shape – not allowed
UNECE/OECD-Plums 2010 Class II Второй сорт Photos: OECD-plums-33, OECD-plums-34 Class II: This class includes plums that do not qualify for inclusion in the higher classes but satisfy the minimum requirements specified above. The following defects may be allowed provided, the plums retain their essential characteristics as regards the quality, the keeping quality and presentation:   defects in shape Interpretation: Fruit showing serious shape defects as shown on the photo can be allowed within the 10 % tolerance of Class II and 1 % tolerance of Class I, provided the edibility is not affected. If the edibility is affected due to these malformations, this can be allowed within the 1 % (Class I) or 2 % (Class II) tolerance for decay. severe defect in shape – not allowed Серьезные дефекты формы – не допускается 27

28 дефект развития – Полость и сломанная косточка – допустимый предел
UNECE/OECD-Plums 2010 Class II Второй сорт Photos: OECD-plums-50 Class II: This class includes plums that do not qualify for inclusion in the higher classes but satisfy the minimum requirements specified above. The following defects may be allowed provided, the plums retain their essential characteristics as regards the quality, the keeping quality and presentation:   defects in development Interpretation: Fruit showing more severe defects in development (i.e. discoloured flesh) can be allowed within the 1 % (Class I) or 2 % (Class II) tolerance for decay. defects in development – cavity at the stem end and broken stone – limit allowed дефект развития – Полость и сломанная косточка – допустимый предел

29 skin defects – due to rubbing / russeting – limit allowed
UNECE/OECD-Plums 2010 Class II Второй сорт Photos: OECD-plums-51, OECD-plums-52 Class II: This class includes plums that do not qualify for inclusion in the higher classes but satisfy the minimum requirements specified above. The following defects may be allowed provided, the plums retain their essential characteristics as regards the quality, the keeping quality and presentation:   skin defects of which the total area affected must not exceed 1/4 of the whole surface. Interpretation: Fruit showing more severe skin defects than the limit shown on the photo can be allowed within the 10 % tolerance only. skin defects – due to rubbing / russeting – limit allowed дефекты кожицы – Дефект от потертости/зарубцевавшиеся трещинки – допустимый предел

30 UNECE/OECD-Plums 2010 Class II Второй сорт Photos: OECD-plums-53, OECD-plums-54 Class II: This class includes plums that do not qualify for inclusion in the higher classes but satisfy the minimum requirements specified above. The following defects may be allowed provided, the plums retain their essential characteristics as regards the quality, the keeping quality and presentation:   skin defects of which the total area affected must not exceed 1/4 of the whole surface. Interpretation: Fruit showing more severe skin defects or healed cracks than the limit shown on the photo can be allowed within the 10 % tolerance only. skin defects – healed cracks / concentric healed cracks – limit allowed дефекты кожицы – Зарубцевавшиеся трещины – допустимый предел variety / Сорт: Golden Gage

31 Classes Extra & I Высший & Первый сорт
UNECE / OECD Apricots (2010) UNECE/OECD-Plums 2010 Sizing Калибровка Size determined by maximum diameter of the equatorial section Калибровка - по диаметру максимального поперечного сечения Minimum size Минимальный размер Classes Extra & I Высший & Первый сорт Class II Второй сорт Large fruited varieties Крупноплодные разновидности 35 mm 30 mm Other varieties Прочие разновидности 28 mm 25 mm Mirabelles & Damsons Мирабель и слива домашняя 20 mm 17 mm Maximum size range in Class Extra Максим. разница в размерах Высший сорт 10 mm Photo: Interpretation: The minimums size must be respected in Classes Extra, I and II. The uniformity in size is mandatory for Class Extra only. Fruit of Classes I and II may be sized. In that case the maximum size range may be defined by the packer/trader. Size tolerances (all classes, if sized): A total tolerance of 10 per cent, by number or weight, of plums not satisfying the requirements as regards sizing is allowed. This tolerance may not be extended to include produce 3 mm below the minimum size. Для всех категорий качества (в случае калибровки): в общей сложности допускается наличие 10% по количеству или весу абрикосов, не отвечающих требованиям калибровки. Данный допуск не распространяется на фрукты, размеры которых на 3 мм меньше минимально допустимого. 31 31 31

32 Tolerances Допуски 32 UNECE / OECD Apricots (2010) 02.12.2018 32 32
UNECE/OECD-Plums 2010 Tolerances Допуски Extra Class: A total tolerance of 5 %, by number or weight, of plums not satisfying the requirements of the class but meeting those of Class I is allowed. Within this tolerance not more than 0.5 % in total may consist of produce satisfying the requirements of Class II quality. Высший сорт: В общей сложности допускается наличие 5% по количеству или весу абрикосов, не соответствующих требованиям этого сорта, но отвечающих требованиям первого сорта. В пределах этого допуска не более 0,5% общего количества может составлять продукция, отвечающая требованиям качества второго сорта. Class I: A total tolerance of 10 %, by number or weight, of plums not satisfying the requirements of the class but meeting those of Class II is allowed. Within this tolerance not more than 1 % in total may consist of produce satisfying neither the requirements of Class II quality nor the minimum requirements or of produce affected by decay. Within this tolerance of 10 %, not more than 2 % in total may consist of split and/or worm eaten fruit. Первый сорт: В общей сложности допускается наличие 10% по количеству или весу абрикосов, не соответствующих требованиям этого сорта, но отвечающих требованиям второго сорта. В пределах этого допуска не более 1% общего количества может составлять продукция, которая не удовлетворяет ни требованиям качества второго сорта, ни минимальным требованиям, или продукция, подверженная деградации. С учетом соблюдения этого допуска, допускается наличие не более 2% треснувших или червивых слив. Class II: A total tolerance of 10 %, by number or weight, of plums satisfying neither the requirements of the class nor the minimum requirements is allowed. Within this tolerance not more than 2 % in total may consist of produce affected by decay. Within this tolerance of 10 %, not more than 4 % in total may consist of split and/or worm eaten fruit. Второй сорт: В общей сложности допускается наличие 10% по количеству или весу абрикосов, не удовлетворяющих ни требованиям этого сорта, ни минимальным требованиям. В пределах этого допуска не более 2% общего количества может составлять продукция, подверженная деградации. С учетом соблюдения этого допуска, допускается наличие не более 4% треснувших или червивых слив. Interpretation: Tolerances are provided to allow for deviation in handling due to natural deterioration of fresh produce over time. Conformity with tolerances should be determined using at least the operating rules for the conformity checks as set out in Annex II of the COUNCIL DECISION REVISING THE OECD “SCHEME” FOR THE APPLICATION OF INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS FOR FRUIT AND VEGETABLE [C(2006)95] ( Decision on conformity of the lot is taken depending on the percentage of non-conforming produce in the bulk sample. 32 32 32

33 sales package Фасовочная единица для продажи
UNECE/OECD-Plums 2010 Presentation Товарный вид package, in bulk Упаковка навалом package, single layer Упаковка в один слой Photos: OECD-plums-56, OECD-plums-57, OECD-plums-59 Presentation – Uniformity: The contents of each package must be uniform and contain only plums of the same origin, variety, quality and size (if sized), and for the “Extra” Class, the contents must also be uniform in colour. The visible part of the contents of the package must be representative of the entire contents. Interpretation: Presentation should not be misleading, i. e. concealing in the lower layers of the package produce inferior in quality and size to that displayed and marked. Packages must be of a quality, strength and characteristic to protect the produce during transport and handling. A visible lack of cleanliness in several packages could result in the goods being rejected. Presentation-Packaging: The apricots must be packed in such a way as to protect the produce properly. Interpretation: Plums may be presented in packages or sales packages of one or more layers or in bulk in the package provided the produce is properly protected. sales package Фасовочная единица для продажи

34 Marking Маркировка example of marking printed on the package
UNECE/OECD-Plums 2010 Marking Маркировка Packer and/or dispatcher (physical address) Variety Country of origin (full name) Class Size (if sized) Упаковщик и/или отправитель (физический адрес) Наименование разновидности Страна происхождения (полное название) Сорт Калибр (в случае калибровки) Photos: OECD-plums-60b Marking: Each package must bear the following particulars, in letters grouped on the same side, legibly and indelibly marked, and visible from the outside: Packer/dispatcher, “plums” if not visible from the outside, name of the variety, country of origin, class, size (if sized, mandatory of Extra and I), control mark (optional). Interpretation: In the case of packed produce, all particulars must be grouped on the same side of the package, either on a label attached to or printed on the package, with water-insoluble ink. These marking provisions do not apply to sales packages presented in packages. For marking of sales packages national provisions apply. In the case of re-used packages, all previous labels must be carefully removed and/or previous indications deleted. Packer: For inspection purposes, the “packer” is the person or firm responsible for the packaging of the produce (this does not mean the staff that actually carry out the work, who are responsible only to their employer). The code mark is not a trademark but an official control system enabling the person or firm responsible for packaging to be readily identified. The dispatcher (shipper or exporter) may assume sole responsibility, in which case identification of the "packer" as defined above is optional. Produce: The „name of the produce“ (if not visible from the outside) may be replaced by a photo or a drawing of the produce. Variety: The registered trademark for the variety may only be used by the licensee in addition to the variety name or the synonym thereof. Care should be taken to respect the rights of the relevant licenser. Origin: Marking must include the country of origin, i.e. the country in which the plums were grown (e.g. “Produce of Germany” or “Produce of xxx”). Optionally, district of origin in national, regional or local terms (e.g. “”Badische Zwetschen”) may also be shown. Class: Stating the class is compulsory. example of marking printed on the package Пример маркировки, напечатанной на коробке

35 UNECE (2010) / OECD (1993) Mangoes
UNECE/OECD-Plums 2010 Marking Маркировка Photos: OECDgrapes48 Marking: Official control mark (optional) Interpretation: Inspection services may decide to issue a control mark and to stamp or label the packages. This may be used to mark boxes: taken for inspection which might be helpful in case of rejections, conflicts or re-inspection approved for export. example of official control mark (optional) Официальная пометка о контроле (факультативно) 35 35

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