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Agricultural Market in Poland production and trade

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1 Agricultural Market in Poland production and trade
Paweł Zambrzycki Agricultural Market Agency Food Promotion Office

2 What is the Agency? Established in 1990
transformation: centralised socialistic policy --> free agricultural market rules One of the two EU Paying Agencies in Poland Stabilising of agricultural market Implementing approx. 50 different schemes of the CAP intervention buying, payments for private storage, export refunds, import and export allowances, production quotas, support of consumption, promotion of products Approx beneficiaries (clients) Staff of approx employees 16 branches (in voivodships) and central office

3 Polish Agriculture

4 Farms in Poland Total area of Poland: 31,2 mln ha
Population: 38,1 mln, 39% in rural areas Agricultural lands: 16,1 mln ha (No 5 in the EU) No of farms (total) 2,6 mln No of farms (> 1 ha of agricultural lands) 1,8 mln Average area of farm 9,0 ha source: Central Statistical Office GUS (2009)

5 Agricultural lands Area of agricultural lands in private farms - 14,5 mln ha 5 source: Central Statistical Office GUS (2009)

6 Structure of sown area Total sown area: 11 615 000 ha
source: Central Statistical Office GUS (2009)

7 Agricultural Production
Plant production 44% Animal production 56% source: Central Statistical Office GUS (2009)

8 Cereal yields of main producers of the EU (mln tons)
source: Eurostat

9 Production of animals for slaughter (k tons in post-slaughter warm weight)
source: Central Statistical Office GUS (2009)

10 Production in Poland vs. the EU
PORK 3rd producer (1,61 mln tons) following DE, ES, FR, followed by IT BEEF Among top 10 producers ( tons) comparable with NL POULTRY 5th producer (1,27 mln tons) followed by IT

11 Production of milk (in k tons)
source: Central Statistical Office GUS (2009)

12 Production of fruit and vegetables
World production of fresh fruit: approx. 500 mln tons (EU-27: approx. 40 mln tons) Production of fruit in Poland: approx. 3-3,5 mln tons (among top producers in the EU) 1st producer of apples in the EU, 2nd in the World (following the USA, followed by IT, FR) Among top producers of strawberries in the World, 2nd in the EU

13 Production of fruit and vegetables
Among World top producers of deep-frozen fruit & vegetables (0,8-0,9 mln tons) 1st in the EU and among top World producers of raspberries (75-82 k tons), black- and redcurrants ( k tons) and cherries ( k tons) Among top World producers of mushrooms (220 k tons) and processed products (60% exported)

14 Price ratio Poland vs. the EU (PL% vs. EU average = 100%)
source: EUROSTAT (2009)

15 Food Industry in Poland

16 Structure of food industry in Poland
source: Central Statistical Office GUS (2009)

17 International trade of agricultural products (in bn EUR)
* forseen source: IERiGŻ

18 Structure of export of agricultural products
Source: IERiGŻ (2009)

19 Main destinations of export of Polish agricultural products
Source: FAMMU/FAPA (2009)

20 Production vs. export of main products
** Export of meat including live animals and products calculated as meat Source: Central Statistical Office GUS (2009)

21 Advantages of Polish agri-food sector
High production potentials based on rich natural resources and uncontaminated environment 4th in sown area, 6th in grasslands in the EU Developed and constantly improved quality of production of live animals and meat Pork: increase of E-class from 35% in 2006 to 46% in 2009; implemented national food quality system (Pork Quality System, PQS) Beef: implemented national food quality system (Quality Meat Program, QMP) Poultry: implemented national food quality system (Quality Assurance Food Program, QAFP)

22 Advantages of Polish agri-food sector
Developed and constantly improved quality of production of milk on farms, modern production facilities, assurance of high and durable quality High expertise of staff in sector assuring pro-consumer approach: development of probiotics, low-fat products, enriched products (Omega-3, Omega-6 etc.)

23 Advantages of Polish agri-food sector
Competitive prices Quickly expanding market of organic, regional and traditional products: 23 products registered as PDO, PGI and TSG Community denominations

24 Thank you for your attention
Paweł Zambrzycki Agricultural Market Agency Food Promotion Office Warsaw, POLAND ph

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