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Louisiana Migrant Education August, 2018

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1 Louisiana Migrant Education August, 2018
MSIX TRAINING Louisiana Migrant Education August, 2018

2 What is MSIX? Migrant Student Information Exchange (MSIX) is a web-based platform that links States’ migrant student record databases to facilitate the national exchange of migrant students’ educational and health information among the States. MSIX works in concert with states’ own existing migrant student information systems to fulfill its mission of helping to ensure the appropriate enrollment, placement, and accrual of credits for migrant children nationwide.

3 MSIX: Produces a single “consolidated record” for each migrant student that contains information from each State in which the student was ever enrolled Contains the minimum data elements necessary for the proper enrollment, grade and course placement, and accrual of credits for migrant student Links State migrant systems in a minimally invasive manner to collect, consolidate, and make critical education data available MSIX does this for the purposes of enrollment, placement, and credit accrual for migrant students.

4 Privacy Reminder MSIX contains real, sensitive student data that should not be shared with those who do not need it. MSIX contains the information needed to commit identity theft, so protecting Personally Identifiable Information (PII) is a critical aspect of MSIX. PII is generally considered information that, alone or in combination, is linked or linkable to a specific student that would allow a person, who does not have personal knowledge of the relevant circumstances, to identify the student with reasonable certainty. If there is a PII incident contact the MSIX Help Desk immediately. Please be aware of sensitive data and PII when sending screenshots within your department or troubleshooting with the Help Desk.

5 How MSIX Can Help Search for students to determine if they have been in the Migrant Education Program (MEP) See if a student has an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) flag so you can request the IEP from the previous school View a new student’s Course History to determine course and grade level placement View the Historical Record to review a student’s educational and migrant history Look for a Limited English Proficient (LEP) flag, which may be an indication that a language assessment should be administered Determine how many credits a student has accrued toward graduation Send notification about student’s arrival or departure Flagged students that are potential duplicates Allows states to improve accuracy of information




9 Reviewing your account information:

10 User role is important to check since that will determine what features you can use on MSIX
Also important to review the worklist frequency since new regulations come with specific deadlines that we need to follow


12 Dashboard

13 Student Search

14 Dashboard


16 MSIX STUDENT DATA Student Data Demographics Course History Assessments

17 Demographics Here we can confirm, review some of the demographic information that was collected through the most recent COE created on NY

18 Enrollments

19 Assessments

20 Course History

21 Printing the Consolidated Student Record
The Consolidated Student Record can be printed as a report allowing parents to have a hard copy of their student’s information.

22 MSIX View of Student Information
There are two ways to look at student information: 1. Historical View (previously showed) 2. Raw View


24 Great way to confirm info for a recruiter or an administrator
Great way to confirm info for a recruiter or an administrator. How can you use that data?


26 Finally…. MSIX allows METS staff to enter course history and assessment data that the student accumulated before becoming migrant. You will find such data here:

27 How MSIX Can Help Search for students to determine if they have been in the Migrant Education Program (MEP) Determine how many credits a student has accrued toward graduation Flagged students that are potential duplicates View a new student’s Course History to determine course and grade level placement Send notification about student’s arrival or departure Look for a Limited English Proficient (LEP) flag, which may be an indication that a language assessment should be administered Allows states to improve accuracy of information See if a student has an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) flag View the Historical Record to review a student’s educational and migrant history

28 Flagging a Student to be Merged
Simply click on the icon “Flag for Merge” This will add the student to a list for student to be merged NOTE: We normally select the most recent record as the new primary record


30 Move Notice


Do not include any personally identifiable information on the message to another MEP! If you wish to include the family phone number, ask permission from the family ahead of time If you do not have permission, you can provide your phone number instead so you can provide the MEP with additional information

33 Requesting a change on a record
Here is where you will request another MEP to change/confirm information about a student The more specific, the better There is a timeline of 4 days to respond and 30 days to resolve the request



36 Creating a list of your students:

37 MSIX Minimum Data Elements and User Responsibilities
Louisiana Migrant Education

38 Minimum Data Elements (MDEs)
MSIX does not replace state MEP data systems. States’ systems regularly transfer files to MSIX using a predefined format that groups the Minimum Data Elements (MDEs) to be transferred to MSIX for each migrant child in a relational format. MDEs are data fields that states must collect and maintain in their migrant student databases for each of their eligible migrant children in order to make those data available to other states via MSIX.

39 Applicable Minimum Data Elements (MDEs)
Currently, there are 76 MDEs that states need to collect and maintain The MDEs applicable to a child’s age and grade level All approved MDEs are not necessarily applicable to every migratory child Example: Secondary students will have more MDEs than an OSY since we need to enter information associated with credit accrual

40 Cont. States transmit all applicable MDEs from their state migrant-specific databases when: Information on newly identified migrant students is collected, and Updated information for previously identified migrant students is collected.

41 Using a Common Language
Cohesion of purpose and accuracy of implementation can be facilitated by ensuring that everyone involved with the state MEP migrant-specific database and MSIX share a common language. We cannot make assumptions about staff’s understanding of acronyms and key terms. To help with consistency please review: Minimum Data Elements – June 2016 Applicable MDEs by Grade

42 User Responsibilities- Data Administrator
Typically, the SEA will have an MSIX data administrator to coordinate and oversee the implementation of the statewide MSIX efforts. The MSIX data administrator works with the MEP state director and state data staff to: Establish policies and procedures, Define statewide roles and responsibilities, Coordinate the transfer of state migrant data to MSIX, Establish quality control processes and procedures, and Serve as the state MSIX liaison to the federal MEP MSIX.

43 User Responsibilities- Primary & Secondary
MSIX is intended to significantly help front-line educators who need access to current migrant student records to aid in enrollment, placement, and credit accrual. Front-line educators are typically: Guidance counselors, MEP data entry staff, Recruiters, School registrars, and/or Teachers.

44 Primary Vs Secondary Users
Primary and Secondary users can: Search for students Display and Print student records Send Student moves notification HOWEVER, Primary users have access to MSIX to initiate changes in student records within the system Secondary users may only view the records that MSIX maintains.

45 Data Security Reminder
MSIX is for official use only. All users should adhere to the Rules of Behavior established to maintain the security of the system and student data. MSIX is a U.S. Department of Education computer system and is subject to Department monitoring and auditing. Users do not have a right of privacy when using the MSIX system.

46 MSIX – Parents and Student Records
Under FERPA, parents and eligible students have the right to access student records. As part of the state’s Student Records Exchange Policies and Procedures Manual, each SEA should outline procedures for districts that address student or parent request for accessing student records, and/or disputes of students records. Here are some ways you can involve migrant parents in reviewing MSIX Data: Recruiters and school/migrant employer sites to provide parents brochures about MSIX Include information about MSIX in SEA and LOA PAC meetings Provide parents with their child’s MSIX ID number Provide parents or guardians with their child’s Consolidated Student Record upon school withdrawal

47 Expectations for MSIX Search for student’s information when new COE is completed/received Send notifications through MSIX when a child departs to a different state Send notifications through MSIX when a student moved to Louisiana from a different state When applicable, print the Consolidated Record Form in order to help staff determine services, credit accrual or help with school placement Flagged possible duplicate students Communicate with the MSIX Data Administrator about any data correction or issues between MSIX and MERIL2

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