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Volume 6, Issue 5, Pages 457-469 (November 2009)
Induced ER Chaperones Regulate a Receptor-like Kinase to Mediate Antiviral Innate Immune Response in Plants Jeffrey L. Caplan, Xiaohong Zhu, Padmavathi Mamillapalli, Rajendra Marathe, Radhamani Anandalakshmi, S.P. Dinesh-Kumar Cell Host & Microbe Volume 6, Issue 5, Pages (November 2009) DOI: /j.chom Copyright © 2009 Elsevier Inc. Terms and Conditions
Figure 1 Schematics of Strategy Used for Coordinated Induction of Defense Response and Proteomics Method Workflow (A) N. benthamiana plants with and without the N immune receptor were grown at room temperature (RT, ∼22°C–24°C) for 4 weeks (left panel). The plants were shifted to 32°C overnight, and TMV was inoculated on all of the leaves and allowed to replicate for 3 days at 32°C (middle panel). The plants were shifted back to RT and samples were collected at 0, 2, 8, and 16 hr posttemperature shift (left panel). (B) The DIGE (left) and the iTRAQ (right) workflow is shown. These workflows converged when samples were analyzed by mass spectrometry to identify differentially regulated proteins. Cell Host & Microbe 2009 6, DOI: ( /j.chom ) Copyright © 2009 Elsevier Inc. Terms and Conditions
Figure 2 Representative Illustration of Differentially Regulated Proteins from DIGE and iTRAQ Analyses (A) A cropped DIGE gel image. The first dimension is pH via isoelectric focusing, and the second dimension is molecular weight via SDS-PAGE. Green spots are downregulated, and orange/red spots are upregulated. Yellow spots exhibit no change in regulation. The circled numbered spots were identified by mass spectrometry (Table 1). (B–E) Three-dimensional volumetric models for DIGE spots were created and measured (circled white) with Decyder MS (B and C) and compared with centroided iTRAQ data displayed with Comet Viewer (D and E) from the time point T = 8 hr. (B) and (D) represent quantification of SGT1, and (C) and (E) represent the quantification of PR-Q. The right section of DIGE panels (B and C) and the peak at in ITRAQ panels (D and E) represent proteins or peptides from plants not undergoing a defense response. The left section of DIGE panels (B and C) and the peak at in ITRAQ panels (D and E) represent proteins or peptides from plants undergoing a defense response. Cell Host & Microbe 2009 6, DOI: ( /j.chom ) Copyright © 2009 Elsevier Inc. Terms and Conditions
Figure 3 Validation of Upregulated Chaperones during Defense Response
Western blot analyses were conducted with CRT, HSP90, or HSC70 antibodies using protein extracted from 0, 2, 8, and 16 hr treated plant tissue without N that did not undergo a defense response and plant tissue with N immune receptor that did undergo a defense response. Protein concentration was normalized using a Bradford assay, and Coomassie-stained RuBisCo was used as a loading control. The protein ladder was Magic Marker XP (M). Cell Host & Microbe 2009 6, DOI: ( /j.chom ) Copyright © 2009 Elsevier Inc. Terms and Conditions
Figure 4 ER Chaperone Function Is Required for N Immune Receptor-Mediated Resistance to TMV (A) N-containing N. benthamiana plants were infiltrated with Agrobacterium containing VIGS-vector control, VIGS-N, VIGS-NbERp57, VIGS-NbP5, VIGS-NbCRT3, and VIGS-NbCRT2. VIGS-silenced plants were infected with TMV-U1 approximately 10 days after the introduction of silencing constructs. Pictures were taken of the whole plant (top row) and the upper leaves (bottom row). HR-PCD spread with the movement of TMV, which was characterized by a collapse of tissue and yellowish-brown death. TMV did not move in the VIGS-vector control (column 1) and moved strongly in VIGS-N (column 2). Movement was observed in the VIGS-NbERp57-, VIGS-NbP5-, VIGS-NbCRT3-, and NbCRT2-silenced plants (columns 3–6). (B) TMV movement from inoculated leaves into upper uninoculated leaves was verified using semiquantitative RT-PCR of the TMV movement protein (MP) (top row). TMV-MP was detected in the VIGS-NbERp57, VIGS-NbP5, VIGS-NbCRT3, and VIGS-NbCRT2 (columns 3–6) plants, but less when compared to VIGS-N (column 2). No TMV-MP was detectable in the VIGS-vector control (column 1). Levels of EF1α were used as a quantity control (bottom row). (C) Western blot analyses were conducted with CRT antibodies using protein extracted from three biological replicates of VIGS-vector control (lanes 1–3)-, VIGS-NbCRT3 (lanes 4–6)-, and VIGS-NbCRT2 (lanes 7–9)-silenced plants. Calnexin (top band) is unaffected by the silencing. NbCRT2 (middle band) is greatly reduced in the VIGS-NbCRT2 plants. The NbCRT3 (bottom band) is undetectable in the VIGS-NbCRT3 plants. Cell Host & Microbe 2009 6, DOI: ( /j.chom ) Copyright © 2009 Elsevier Inc. Terms and Conditions
Figure 5 Plasma Membrane-Localized IRK Function Is Required for Defense Response, and Accumulation Is Dependent on CRT (A) The upregulation of NbIRK was verified by RT-PCR. There is a strong increase in NbIRK expression between 2 and 16 hr after the induction of defense (top panel). No RT (C) and an uninfected mock tissue (M) were used as controls. Levels of EF1α were used as a quantity control (bottom panel). (B) Confocal images of NbIRK-citrine (left column) or AtIRK-citrine (right column) coexpressed with RIN4-cerulean. NbIRK-citrine and AtIRK-citrine are colocalized with RIN4-cerulean around the border of the cell in the plasma membrane. Chloroplasts autofluoresce red. Scale bar represents 20 μm. (C) N-containing N. benthamiana plants were infiltrated with Agrobacterium containing VIGS-vector control or VIGS-IRK. VIGS-silenced plants were infected with TMV-U1 approximately 10 days after the introduction of silencing constructs. Pictures were taken of the whole plant (top row) and the upper leaves (bottom row). HR-PCD spread with the movement of TMV, which was characterized by a collapse of tissue and yellowish-brown death in the upper uninoculated leaves of VIGS-IRK (right column). TMV did not move in the VIGS-vector control (left column). (D) Movement of TMV was verified using semiquantitative RT-PCR of TMV-MP (top panels). TMV-MP was detected in the VIGS-IRK plants (right column), but not in the VIGS-vector control (left column). Levels of EF1α were used as a quantity control (bottom panels). (E) HR-PCD assay in VIGS-vector (left column) and VIGS-IRK (right column) silenced N-containing N. benthamiana plants. TMV-p50 was expressed via Agrobacterium transient expression. Two independent replicates show decreased HR in IRK-silenced plants compared to the VIGS-vector control. (F) IRK-citrine and RIN4-citrine were expressed in plants silenced with VIGS-vector control (lanes 1–3), VIGS-NbCRT3 (lanes 4–6), and VIGS-NbCRT2 (lanes 7–9). Protein was extracted from three independent biological replicates, and immunoblot analysis was performed with GFP antibodies. The relative quantity of IRK-citrine is strongly reduced in VIGS-NbCRT3 and partially reduced in VIGS-NbCRT2. Quantity of RIN4-citrine was not affected. Protein concentration was normalized using a Bradford assay, and Coomassie staining of the membrane was used as a loading control. Cell Host & Microbe 2009 6, DOI: ( /j.chom ) Copyright © 2009 Elsevier Inc. Terms and Conditions
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