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Microsoft Word - Formatting Pages

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1 Microsoft Word - Formatting Pages
2.8 Microsoft Word Illustrations ILLUSTRATIONS Follow up with students on the previous homework assignments. In addition to completing the labs in Section 2.7 before coming to class, students should have watched the two videos for this section (2.8.1 and 2.8.2) and completed the Skills Lab (2.8.4).

2 Microsoft Word - Formatting Pages
Image Editing OPTIONS Original Color Saturation 200% Photocopy Artistic Style Gold Color Accent Contrast +20%; Compound Frame Picture Style Cropped & Resized “ATTENTION” SLIDE: IMAGE EDITING OPTIONS This is a colorized version of an 1873 engraving of Jane Austen. It is in the public domain. These are just a few of the possible results of the Microsoft Word image editing features.

3 Section Skill Overview
Microsoft Word - Formatting Pages Section Skill Overview Insert a picture from a file Insert a picture from the Internet Resize a picture or graphic Move and align an image Modify picture styles Insert a symbol Insert a shape Insert the current date into a document Delete a picture or graphic Modify text wrap settings SECTION SKILLS OVERVIEW If students have completed the Skills lab (2.8.4), use this slide to prompt them for questions on specific tasks. For students who have not completed the Skills lab, use this slide to introduce the tasks they will be learning in the section. IMPORTANT NOTE: In December of 2014, Microsoft announced that they would no longer support the Clip Art and image library. Online Pictures are now added through the Bing Image Search. For more information, see (Clip Art now powered by Bing Images).

4 Microsoft Word - Formatting Pages
KEY Terms Artistic Effects Crop Online Pictures Picture Effects Picture Styles SmartArt Text Wrapping KEY TERMS Introduce key terms for this section. Ask students if they have questions about particular terms. If students have not watched the videos in this section, you may choose to play a video to introduce features. Videos include: Text Wrap Options (2:28) Illustration Formatting (3:56)

5 Microsoft Word - Formatting Pages
KEY DEFINITIONS Artistic Effects: Pre-built transformations that can make an image look like a sketch, a painting, a photocopy, etc. Crop: A tool used to remove the outer section of an image in order to improve image framing or to highlight the subject of the image. Online Pictures: Pictures, images, and other graphical elements that can be inserted into documents from the Internet. Picture Effects: Provide visual formatting options that go beyond the few preset picture styles, giving greater control over borders, shadows, reflections, and glows. KEY DEFINITIONS Define key terms that students do not understand. Many terms are better explained using a brief demonstration rather than giving an abstract definition.

6 KEY DEFINITIONS (continued)
Microsoft Word - Formatting Pages KEY DEFINITIONS (continued) Picture Styles: Provide extensive visual formatting options that can be added to an image, including borders, shadows, and reflections. SmartArt: A collection of diagrams and images that can be added to Word documents or PowerPoint slides in order to enhance the visual appeal of the information being presented. Text Wrapping: A setting for illustrations and other objects that controls how text flows around, behind, or on top of the objects. KEY DEFINITIONS CONTINUED Provide more definitions for key terms.

7 Microsoft Word - Formatting Pages
Text Wrap Options In Line with Text Square Top and Bottom Tight OPTIONAL SLIDE: TEXT WRAP OPTIONS Review a few of the most commonly confused text wrap options.

8 Microsoft Word - Formatting Pages
In-class Practice Do Challenge Lab and aim for the best possible time. The lab can be attempted multiple times, with the task set changing each time. Let me know if you need help on a task. OPTIONAL SLIDE: PRACTICE Use this slide if you want students to spend time during class completing the labs. Possible ways of using the labs include: Complete the Skills lab in class as a group (everyone working together on the same task at the same time). Tasks are presented in the same order for everyone, allowing students to follow along with the teacher. Following the teacher demonstration, students can restart the lab to complete any tasks not passed off. Give students time to work on the Challenge lab during class. Provide enough time for students to improve their times by working through the lab multiple times. If desired, give students a target time to beat, or recognize the fastest times at the end of the practice session. Time permitting, students can work through the Applied lab(s) instead of doing them as homework.

9 Microsoft Word - Formatting Pages
Class Discussion How can you effectively use graphics in your more creative documents? Which text wrap settings are typically the most appropriate for images inserted into a document? How can picture styles enhance or detract from the quality of your documents? CLASS DISCUSSION Possible answers to the discussion questions include the following: Use of graphics: Don’t overuse images in your document; too many images can make your document cluttered and hard to read. Consider using one picture as the main focus. Use other, smaller images to support the main focus or to highlight details. Text Wrap Settings: Choose text wrap settings that go well with the images in your document; make sure that your document is readable and visually appealing. Unless the image is mostly transparent, do not use the Behind Text option. The most commonly used text wrap settings are Square and Tight. Picture Styles: Picture Styles provide extensive visual formatting options for images, including borders, shadows, and reflections. If too many Picture Styles are applied within the same document, the document will look unprofessional.

10 Microsoft Word - Formatting Pages
Class Activities Open a blank document and insert SmartArt graphics: Visually represent a sequential list of tasks Illustrate a job application process Use a hierarchy graphic to describe an organizational structure Insert a Pie Chart that displays the percentage of sections in the course you have completed. Open artExhibit.docx and experiment with different picture effects on the Picture Tools Format tab. CLASS ACTIVITIES Time permitting, assign students to participate in one or more of these classroom activities. Because the labs do not simulate SmartArt graphics, encourage students to become familiar with this feature. Encourage students to become familiar with the Chart feature. Encourage students to become familiar with picture effects that are not supported by the labs.

11 Microsoft Word - Formatting Pages
Summary Default In Line with Text option for inserted images Text Wrap options Inserting shapes, SmartArt, charts, symbols, and dates Word image editing tools Applying picture styles and effects OPTIONAL SLIDE: SUMMARY Use this slide to highlight some of the more important points covered during class. By default, pictures are inserted In Line with Text, which means text will not wrap around the image. Text Wrap options include Square, Tight, Through, Top and Bottom, Behind Text, and In Front of Text. In addition to pictures, Word allows you to insert shapes, SmartArt, charts, symbols, dates, and many other elements. Image editing tools allow you to crop, resize, make color corrections, and apply artistic effects and styles to images within a document. Apply picture styles and effects consistently and professionally.

12 Microsoft Word - Formatting Pages
Homework Assignments Complete the labs in this section: Challenge Lab – Insert Illustrations Applied Lab – Insert Images for a Poster Applied Lab – Insert Images for a Flyer Prepare for the next class: Video – Word Tables Video – Table Formatting Skills Lab – Create and Format Tables HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS

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